"War. War never changes."
It was on this day in 2008, exactly fifteen years ago, that the long-awaited Fallout 3 was released. And computerized role-playing gaming was never the same again.
This was the first Fallout game that I ever played. I bought it a few months after it was released. At that point in my life I was needing something to distract my mind from itself, after a lot of recent events had rocked my world. I bought Fallout 3 on something of a lark, having heard how much it sucked the player into it.
I am very glad that it did.
At the time I blogged about my journey through the Capitol Wasteland: the grim setting of the game. Fallout 3 became not so much a game as an experience. Something that put you in situations that you share as tales you tell your friends. To this day I have to giggle whenever I think of going into the Lee Mansion and finding that shrine to Abraham Lincoln down in the basement. Fallout 3 is rife with little details like that.
I've played other Fallout games since. Though I haven't finished Fallout: New Vegas (one of these years I will) and Fallout 4 was certainly worth waiting to get a proper rig to play it on. I sincerely tried to get into Fallout 76 but ultimately it just didn't have the same allure. And I did eventually play and enjoy the first and second game in the series, which are definitely products of their time and not the 3-D worlds of the third game onward.
Fallout 3 though.. that's the one that I'm going to take with me the rest of my life. It and I have a very rare connection between a game and its player. And I'm always going to appreciate that.
Think I'll have the Fallout 3 soundtrack album playing for the rest of the afternoon as I work on some things...