I'm looking over a few things at this insanely late hour ('cuz I've been a night-owl since college) and happened to notice that right now AMC is showing Escape From New York: so very dated by today's standards, but still gotta love Kurt Russell's character Snake Plissken. And the haunting theme music. I know it's just wishful thinking but John Carpenter should consider remaking this someday: set it a vague number of years after today's New York City (i.e. no World Trade Center) so that it holds up to age better. Most of the actors from the original would prolly not be interested but Isaac Hayes looks WAY buff: I bet he could still kick major butt as The Duke of New York, A-Number One!
But anyway, I haven't really had time to address it as much as I'd wished, but the way this blog looks... could use some improvement. So on and off for the next few days or weeks I'll be messin' around with the template and style sheets and whatnot. Gonna try to give it at least a passing semblance to a real publication instead of looking like the Black Hole of Calcutta. Hey I need to do something on my own now that I got a bunch of website certifications right? So forgiveness please if you see this blog appearing a bit wonky or under the weather, 'cuz it probably just means that I'm tinkering with it on this end.
I got Escape from NY on DVD.
Is AMC still editing the movies they show as well as interrupting movies for commercial breaks?
There were quite a few things missing from the version of Escape From New York they were running last night: they never show the "head on the pike" when Snake and crew enter Broadway when its on television, f'rinstance. And some of the stuff later on when the Duke is torturing the President, the fight between Snake and the second-rate Ivan Koloff impersonator is less grisly. And they do run commercials now. I have a tape of The Omega Man - in letterbox no less - that I made off of AMC while in college years ago, no cuts or commercials at all (also have a CD of the soundtrack: when the Apocalypse comes that's what I'll be listening to on my car stereo while driving around for supplies). Still a neat channel to check out though: they've started showing Marathon Man a lot lately ("Is it safe?") and at least once a month or so you're sure to catch Army of Darkness...
"Hail to the king, baby."
AMC went downhill long ago as far as I am concerned. When I first got cable, they were showing an eclectic mix of good old movies. Without the commercial interruptions.
I liked AMC back then. I liked the movies they showed. I liked how they presented each movie. I liked their "American Pop" on Saturday nights. I liked the fact that they didnt run any commercials. At least during the movies. I've got no use for them now.
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