I've seen it pop up in a few places during the past couple of hours but Daily Kos (I'm gonna have to check this blog out more often: just discovered it a few days ago and this guy runs a good site) has good dirt on Edwards and Cheney meeting in January of 2003. Earlier tonight Cheney said that until this evening's debate he had never met Edwards before...
...which boggles my mind, 'cuz Cheney did pretty well in holding his own tonight (I took a break tonight, and just watched the repeat a little while ago). He certainly did better than Bush last week. I couldn't really tell where one candidate was better than the other though, though Cheney seemed more seething than the collected Edwards.
Still, why wouldn't Cheney remember meeting Edwards at least as recently as January 2003? And then the answer hit me...
Dick Cheney is a Time Lord from Gallifrey! Of course!
Explains a lot, doesn't it? Cheney obviously arrived sometime recently, met Edwards tonight and came to understand how big a mess the United States has become involved with in Iraq. He must have stolen Doctor Who's TARDIS (no wonder the poor guy's been on hiatus for the past 15 years) and gone back to the 1990s and taken over Halliburton so that he could later exploit all the money that the war had coming in. Y'see, the Cheney we saw tonight was the Cheney before he became Vice-President!
And those heart attacks? Why should he worry: Time Lords have two hearts after all.
Now, what would Cheney's "title" be as a Time Lord? I mean, on "Doctor Who" we saw the Doctor, the Master, the Raini, the Valeyard, the War Chieftain... how about "the Scowler"? Seriously Mr. Vice-President, you came across WAY too bulldogish tonight. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and you need attract all the flies you can get right now.
But if one needs any more proof that Cheney is a Time Lord, I offer up this photo evidence that proves Cheney is not only a Time Lord, but an evil one also, like the Master! Why else would he ally himself with the creator of the Daleks...

(Makes ya wonder if the Bush-bots are really hideous green blobs, doesn't it?)
Hey, Star Wars guy...
BTW: Daily Kos is a left wing blog. Yeah, on the surface it is a good site, and a very popular one with the left wing crowd. But partisan left wing opinions on a good site is still partisan left wing opinions.
Regarding the photo... that's just WRONG, man.
If you get a chance to, stop by Star Wars Celebration 3 when Indianapolis hosts it at the end of this coming April: you wouldn't *buh-leeeve* some of the modifications made to stormtrooper armor (one guy 2 years ago had an American flag-motif airbrushed onto his suit, looked VERY cool).
I'm independent, no party affiliation. Have come to the point where I don't really see things in terms of "left-wing versus right-wing" anymore. They're both only after more power, and that bores me. If Americans want to REALLY be free they'll come to reject that false perspective and adopt one that looks at things this way: "strong government versus strong individual". That said, I'm starting to keep tabs on quite a number of blogs: Daily Kos, Powerline, and everything in between. There's things about them all that I find agreeable and disagreeable with: no one side has the market cornered on the truth. I'm just trying to piece the truth together from whatever shards of it that they possess.
Granted neither the left or right wing blogs have a monopoly on truth, and I respect going to different blogs to get all opinions in order to better draw out what us real. But it's been my experience that the left wing blogs have a smaller grip on reality and truth than the right wing blogs.
what us real: that should read "what IS real"
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