Friday, January 07, 2005

Cultivating marijuana on the cheap? Take a tip: DON'T click here!

You just know the site admins will be scanning the IP logs for whoever buys a bunch of grow lights (probably the most common item up for sale) from Property Room Police Auctions Online. Run by an outfit called Property Bureau, it's a pretty clever idea: giving police auctions (a longstanding procedure for disposing of seized property and stolen goods that could not be returned to the rightful owners) a wider "customer base" than their reach normally allows by selling larcened and licentious loot on the Internet (they should have named it "pdBay" :-P). Going by the info posted on the site, it looks like helping police and sheriff departments clean out their property rooms this way plays an adjunct role to Property Bureau's other purpose: being an online database of the goods with the items' serial numbers and any other pertinent information, thus letting owners of stolen property easily search and potentially recover it. Yeah, it's all real clever... but somehow I don't think titling an auction as "Look Here NintendoDS - HOT ITEM!" is going to really differentiate it from other auctions by very much ;-) Anyways, I just found the site a little while ago and it's loads of fun looking at the kinds of gadgets that today's crooks are both stealing and using. Check it out!


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