Thursday, January 06, 2005

UPDATED: Blog now viewable with IE! Was: Technical difficulties, please stand by (or make the switch to Mozilla!)

UPDATE 01:27 AM EST 01-07-2004: Worked from 4-something yesterday afternoon 'til a little after midnight. The problem apparently lay in some things that weren't XHTML 1.0 Strict. Most of the work was just turning upper-cased tags (an old habit) into lower-case for XHTML and cleaning up probably two minor gaffes in the code. However it happened, this blog is now perfectly readable in Microsoft Internet Explorer so ummmm... enjoy! :-)

Original Post:
If you're visiting this blog from a Mozilla or Firefox browser, you probably don't notice anything. If you're using Internet Explorer, you will be straining your eyes to read some impossibly large fonts right now.

I finally started overhauling the look of this blog and something, somewhere, in the CSS went a little funny in the head. I'm still very much old-school HTMLer (can type it out in Notepad much faster than if I were to use Dreamweaver or some other web editor) and CSS is something I haven't been working with for very long. But it looks like it might be a messy conflict involving IE and Movable Type (which my blog doesn't have... don't think so anyway) and how the template should be coded to accommodate it.

So right now "Weird" Ed and I are going over the template to try and find what's wrong. We should have it fixed before too late this evening. In the meantime if you still want to enjoy the site and have been using IE, now's as good a time as any to Mozilla or Firefox. They're faster, more reliable and have the benefit of being open-source so you can go through it and make sure the browser ain't doing something it should be doing.

And if you are using a Mozilla or some other browser, hope you enjoy the new look of the place :-) Tried to make it mirror my personality a bit. Got a few more things to add in but the CSS problem comes first.


  1. I agree, Fox is better.  I have given up trying to accomodate IE
    Have you tried the foxforcast extension? really neato.

    p.s. love the celeb pics!

  2. Firefox has been installed on my computer for about a month now and I've barely touched the thing (then again my wife got me Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Extended Edition the week it was release and it's still sitting in shrinkrap :-\) You just gave me incentive enough to play around with it some more... thanks!! :-)

    Love your blog also :-)
