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Friday, September 02, 2005

George W. Bush is officially worse than useless now

I'm "watching" him on teevee right now (which actually means that I've got my back to the screen so I'm only listening to what happens, without the visuals distracting me). No leadership qualities coming out of the President of the United States at all. He's congratulating a lot of other politicians, saying a lot of broken phrases, is stumbling for words. I heard that just before flying out he did a White House appearance and said there's be "millions of tons" of food flown in (does he even know what he's saying?). He's in the Gulf coast area right now, will be taking a flying tour of Alabama and Mississippi and apparently will do another high flyover of New Orleans later today. In other words he's not seeing what's going on firsthand.

A year ago he was much faster in helping out Florida after it got wracked by its hurricanes. Not only that but he actually got on the ground and was shown handing out ice to people after they got hit by Hurricane Ivan.

But I guess when it's not an election year it doesn't matter, right? No way around it: last year's response was political posturing. This year, we're seeing the real George W. Bush. We are seeing a man who has avoided real responsibility all his life, has either handed the task over to "someone else" or botched it completely and found somebody to put the blame on. He's gotten by on family status and political connections. And now there's something that he finally can't spin away or cast blame on: this time the buck really does stop at George W. Bush's desk. And without anyone to bail him out, we are seeing how ineffective and incompetent he is as President... just as he's been ineffective and incompetent all his life.

I know I said I'd lay off so much hurricane commenting earlier but this has to be said for all time, for sake of anybody who might ever find this: George W. Bush is now the worst President that the United States has ever had. Everyone is seeing it now. Even people who don't usually follow politics are seeing how foolish this man really is. Twenty years from now anyone who admits that they supported Bush is going to be spat upon and ridiculed... bank on it.

EDIT: This seems to be as good a time as any to post this graphic that someone sent me yesterday. In true Nero fashion, as New Orleans was drowning our President was strumming a guitar and eating cake...


Anonymous said...

"In true Nero fashion, as New Orleans was drowning our President was strumming a guitar and eating cake..."

And if he wasnt strumming that guitar, would New Orleans stop drowning?

That pic was taken backstage of a VJ day ceremony. The guitar was a gift from some country singer who was at this ceremony too. It doesnt matter that it took place while New Orleans was "drwoning". If that wasn't the case, you'd be complaining that he was strumming the guitar while (fill in blank here).

Chris Knight said...

"That pic was taken backstage of a VJ day ceremony."

Japan surrendered 60 years ago. New Orleans was being destroyed almost 6 days ago. Seems like that would have taken priority over a party.

Anonymous said...

It was a ceremony for which he had been scheduled for months in advance to pay his respects to Veterans of WW2. Just because he kept his word that he would show up for this ceremony doesnt mean that he didnt give priority to New Orleans over this.

You know, everyone seems to know better about how Bush should be spending his time. Where and when he should and shouldn't be. He's only one person. Can't be everyplace at once and has alot on his plate as it is. It's so easy to carp about what the President should do. It's not so easy to actually be President and have to do it.

Chris Knight said...

"It was a ceremony for which he had been scheduled for months in advance to pay his respects to Veterans of WW2. Just because he kept his word that he would show up for this ceremony doesnt mean that he didnt give priority to New Orleans over this."

He can't even pay his respects to those who fought and died in his own war. Why should we believe he wants to do the same to those who served in a war sixty years ago?

Anonymous said...

You are a BITTER little man. Chris

Chris Knight said...

Hmmmm, no I don't think so. I'm a pretty happy guy actually. I just know that I'm on the right side of history, is all.

At least I can meet those who disagree with me head-on. Neither you or Bush can even do that.

Why don't you post your real name, come out of hiding? Whoever you are, you're showing yourself to be a pretty poor example of Bush supporter.

Anonymous said...

He can't even pay his respects to those who fought and died in his own war. Why should we believe he wants to do the same to those who served in a war sixty years ago?


Chris Knight said...

I feel the need to clarify something that really can't be emphasized enough:

I do not hate George W. Bush.

I do hate the things he is doing to this country.

F'rinstance, he is committing treason by letting untold millions of illegal immigrants flood across the border from Mexico. Illegal immigrants and God only knows who else: it's a would-be terrorist's dream come true.

He lied us into a war with Iraq. The reasons for this war have never been consistent. If he wanted to take out Saddam because he was "a bad man", fine, market it like that. See how the American people would feel up to going in on that rationale. The entire impetus - no matter what else has come out since then - for the invasion was the weapons of mass destruction. And there really were none. And now the reason for our war is that we have to stay there to honor the memory of those who've died there...?!?

Bush is the President most far-removed from the American people that there has ever been. This alone is why I don't consider him to be a real President: he's just filling a position, without the sense of honor that comes with that position. You cannot be a servant of the people unless you are willing to meet with the people... no matter how their opinion of things differs from your own.

Bush has employed - and continues to employ - some of the most wicked agents of personal destruction that modern politics has ever known. I say again: why should a good Christian choose to associate with Karl Rove? Witnessing to him would be one thing. Encouraging him to continue hurting people without reason is quite another. Seems there's a thing or two in the Bible about that.

Bush, I hate to say, believes he really is above the American people. God never set up a sovereign or a king over us. He didn't anoint Bush to be the first such either. This kind of attitude isn't going to win him any favorable spot in the history books. He will, at best, be considered a bully on par with Lyndon Johnson.

Bush has gone fully in the face of everything that Ronald Reagan believed about the role of government. Reagan believed in smaller government. Under Bush it has ballooned beyond belief. The Department of Homeland Security is a disgrace to everything that traditional "conservatives" have stood for.

Bush pushed the PATRIOT Act into being. 'Nuff said.

Bush supported CAFTA. Also, 'nuff said.

So many other reasons for not trusting the man. For holding him in outright contempt, even.

Do I believe that George W. Bush is beyond redemption? No.

Do I believe he could still change some things for the better? Yes.

Defending and upholding the Constitution of the United States would be one place to start. So would making himself a real man of the people, instead of some far-away politician literally scared of his constituents.

Admitting that mistakes were made. And he has made some. Nobody's perfect. I would trust the man who DOES admit mistakes far more than I could trust a man who does not.

Funny: for not falling into line behind him as a rabid supporter, and for pointing out his faults, I am called "a bitter little man". If I were to throw my hands up in adoration of the man and not question anything, I would be called "a good American citizen" by the same mindset.

Funny still: in the past 72 hours I've defended Bush against some accusations he's faced about the hurricane (the issues regarding aid are one thing, arguing that he caused it is quote another), paid homage to the memory of William Rehnquist, condemned Democratic Underground for some vicious things posted on that site, suggested drilling the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge, blasted New Orleans officials ("Democrats" mind ya) for not following their own hurricane emergency plan... I've been a lot harsher on the "Democrats" in the past several days than I have been on the "Republicans" by a vast margin.

It ain't easy being an unaffiliated individual, I tells ya...