Lisa also got me the Nintendo DS, along with Nintendogs and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (and a nice carry case for it all). She also got me the DVDs of Batman Begins, National Treasure and Apollo 13, and had a pack of Kit-Kats in my stocking. I got her some Xbox and Gamecube games (Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3 with the dance mat, Donkey Konga 2, Pac-Man World 3 and Karaoke Revolution Party) and a Gameboy Advance SP, the kind with the brighter screen. Later that morning we also got The Polar Express DVD, the boxed sets of Lost Season 1 and The Simpsons Season 6, some CDs and a complete set of regular-sized Revenge of the Sith PEZ dispensers. Think our entire family got some wild and wacky stuff. A good haul to be sure... but more than that it was all the good times and laughter we got to have together at Christmas this year that made it so terrific.
Anyway, I just couldn't let this holiday season pass by without making note of that which I can show you in a picture. Some things ya can't do that with, but that's okay. Just know that we all had a great time this year, and I'm hoping and praying that this next year will see us able to do it all over again for Christmas 2006 :-)
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