And so will begin the Star Wars Legacy era: a period set more than one hundred years after the events of the Star Wars movies.
Here's the ad they're about to start running...

Look, the Sith are dead. Bringing them back means that Anakin's self-sacrifice meant nothing. He died so that the Sith could be wiped out once and for all. And to restore balance to the Force by taking them out of the equation. It took millennia for the Force to get that off-kilter to begin with... and now a mere century later it's all back out of whack? You mean there's another Empire that asserts itself? Geez louise, a new Republic that can't hold itself together THAT long deserves to be toppled, if you ask me.
But wait, it gets worse...

I'm going to buy this issue. I'm going to probably buy the next few issues, just out of curiosity about where this is going. But I got a real bad feeling about this one. Re-hashing the Sith and the Empire seems too much like sheer desperation on Dark Horse's part. They should have projected this series five hundred, or even a thousand years after Return of the Jedi, and played around with that, just like they're doing with Knights of the Old Republic set four millennia before the movies. If I were running the show, I would make it five hundred years post-Jedi, give it enough time for a whole fresh threat to arise, and make one of the characters be Artoo-Detoo. Why him? He'd be the link to the classic era of the movies. As a droid he's virtually immortal anyway, barring accidents. It would be kinda through his "eyes" that we'd see how all of the history had unfolded. Artoo needs to be a part of Star Wars Legacy, if this is going to hold any legitimacy in my book. And Dark Horse needs to do something really, really clever to justify bringing the Sith and Empire back. I hope they can make this work... but seeing that picture of Cade Skywalker makes me almost cringe to wonder what's going to happen with my favorite saga.
What the EXPLETIVE DELETED kind of name is "Cade", anyway?!
Even though I like much of John Ostrander's earlier work, I too have a bad feeling about this and will be avoiding it. I DO look forward to reading your inevitable rant about it, though...
The Super Star Destroyer that you sent me the link to is INSANE, and you can definitely come over and oggle my Star Destroyer when I get it!
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