And yet there were some who thought that what I did with
my first commercial was outrageous. Check this guy out...

A volunteer with the We The People Foundation
dressed up like "V" - complete with plastic daggers - from the movie V for Vendetta and attempted to deliver petitions of grievance to the White House, the Justice Department and a few other places around Washington, D.C. It's pretty scary how this guy was confronted by the law enforcement types: in so many ways, they're shown in the video of the incident acting
exactly like the jack-booted thugs in both the
V for Vendetta graphic novel and movie. The issue of the petition has to do with whether the income tax is actually legal or not... and there's substantial evidence indicating that it wasn't even legally ratified like an amendment to the Constitution is supposed to be. Anyway, this appearance by "V" is being considered a "dry run" for November 14th, when supposedly a
hundred "V"s will descend on Washington, much like what all those people did in one of the final scenes of the movie (which wasn't in the book by the way).
I think stuff like this is great! This is the same kind of thing that drove me to make my first commercial something of a "stunt": if it gets people thinking and in a good way, then there's no shame in doing it. Go read the Bible sometime: the prophet Jeremiah spent his entire life doing stuff like this to get people's attention to what God was trying to tell them. I think Jeremiah would heartily approve of using "V" like this, if it's addressing a real wrong. If you want to be part of We The People's mass "V" protest here's a page with info including where to find a complete "V" costume. This is all supposed to go down tomorrow: can't wait to see what happens.
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