Friday, December 08, 2006

Before it goes down the Memory Hole (Ron Price again ZZZZzzz...)

He just can't stop doing this to himself...

Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's time yet again for another examination in that wonderful case study of solipsism, Ron Price: admitted thief and future member of the Rockingham County Board of Education who believes that it's okay to break the law because "I was elected".

This will probably get zapped into oblivion before too long, like when he admitted to the crime on his blog then "scrubbed" it out. So because I've wound up playing a small part in this sordid drama and for that reason I'm led to make an accurate chronicle of all this, I'm going to document what Ron Price has put on his blog this time, before it does a Keyser Soze and "just like that... it's gone."

Here's the link to his latest post. But before we look at that, take a gander at what he's put in the header of his blog...

The swearing-in of new members isn't until 7 p.m. this coming Monday night... but Ron Price is already telling people that he's a school board member! Which maybe that's a nitpick. But for at least 24 hours now Price has been claiming something that legally isn't his at all, at least not yet. He should be calling himself a "school board member-elect" if anything.

And why does he capitalize it to be "AT LARGE MEMBER"? In my experience, people only holler like that if (a) the building's on fire (b) someone got shot (c) has a pathological need for attention. I wasn't the only one who took notice of that, either.

Anyway, here's his latest... thing:

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Look for the complete and factual account of the sign incident on this web page in the near future.

posted by Ron Price | 7:30 AM

WHY isn't he giving us the "complete and factual account" right now?! Is this so hard to do? The man has had an entire month to tell us what "really" happened. Why hasn't he done so already? This seemed so obvious that I may or may not have done the right thing in doing this, but I was compelled to post a comment on Price's post. There are four of them as of this writing. I'm going to copy and paste them exactly as they appear:


Eric H. Smith said...

It's about time. I hope it is not only complete and factual but you share with the voters why you did it and why it was right.

9:21 PM

Christopher said...

It's not that hard to tell the truth about something. It's the simplest thing in the world actually.

If there's a "true and factual account" of what happened that night, why haven't you shared it with us yet?

Could it be that you can't share "the truth" with us until it passes muster with your attorney?

By the way Ron, you aren't an "AT-LARGE MEMBER" of the school board yet. There's more than 84 hours still before you get sworn in. So it's a complete innacuracy to tell people that you are on the board now.

12:01 AM

Drew said...

You campaign as a Christian and a conservative but you are really a thief who doesn't give a damn about doing what's right by the people of this county. You are just another crook and swindler. And you use too much hair coloring too. You are a joke now and you will be a joke when you join the board. But that doesn't matter to a bastard without conscience like you I bet.

12:38 PM

Penny Owens said...

Oh for Pete's sake, just spare us all...You admitted it on your blog, you admitted it personally to me on November 9th... as well as other people at various times...You cannot explain it away, you cannot justify it, you cannot change the facts and the witnesses accounts of what they SAW YOU DOING, and you cannot be an effective School Board Member. You cannot hold the students and employees of the Rockingham County School System accountable and expect responsibility and integrity from them when you lack these qualities yourself.

3:47 PM

Ouch! Come one Drew, don't hold back: tell us how you really feel!

As I said, the swearing-in of new members is during the December meeting of the Rockingham County Board of Education: at 7 p.m. this coming Monday night. I plan on being there plenty early because I want to see the four candidates who did not break the law get sworn in and show them that they have my complete support: I believe that Dr. Austin, Lori McKinney, Steve Smith and Reida Drum are going to serve us well.

But I'd be lying if I said that I also wouldn't be there to chronicle what might happen regarding the Price fiasco. There's little doubt that at least one deputy sheriff will be on scene for the express purpose of keeping the situation under control. Word on the street is that Political Soup host and former candidate Richard Moore is planning to attend every forthcoming meeting with a "Brad Miller for Congress" sign kept where Price can always see it. Although I will not be referencing this situation in any manner during the school board meetings (this is only going to matter during open session if/when the state board refers the matter to them if Price is found guilty in court... well supposed to anyway) my digital camera will be armed and ready for whatever happens.

"Ain't we lucky we got 'em... GOOD TIMES!"


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