Speaking of gifts, a package arrived in yesterday's mail. It was from "Weird" Ed and his lovely bride Olivia and their kid Tristan. Inside was a lovely angel Christmas ornament for Lisa, and they sent me this:Star Wars Trivial Pursuit DVD Game! It's such a beautiful thing that I still haven't taken the shrink-wrap off the box (which is a nifty decorative tin). It was terrific enough to make a blog post about. The tragedy of the thing is that Lisa and I agree that we can't play this game together 'cuz I would be nigh-invulnerable and the obvious runaway winner. Maybe I'll get together a lil' group of fellow Star Wars uber-geeks (like Darth Larry) and we can have a real cutthroat game of this. That might even be something worth videotaping and sticking on YouTube. Anyway, what a great first gift for this holiday season!
I'm one of those that insists on the live tree, but I agree with you about the lights. They did feel like more of a hassle this year than usual. I didn't pick as good a tree as usual either.
If you're a huge Star Wars fan, you need some Star Wars ornaments. Hallmark makes them, and I've been collecting for several years before I even had a house and my own tree. Check out the pictures at: http://umberhaven.blogspot.com/2006/12/merry-christmas.html
Hope you had a great Christmas!!!
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