Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Live blogging about tonight's LOST

10:17 PM EST: In this first act we have learned two things. One is that some people die on this island. The other is that some people don't stay dead on this island.

10:26 PM EST: Jin knows kung-fu. So far, good episode.

10:40 PM EST: Well, now we know where all that stuff went to when the ladies visited The Staff, right?

10:51 PM EST: This last act epitomizes everything that makes Lost the best show on television right now, and perhaps one of the best ever. So much mixture of joy and grief in just the last two minutes of it... wow.

It was enough to make me momentarily forget about the "five times" thing: holy crap!!

11:01 PM EST: The whole episode, especially the last five minutes, is best summed up by the very last thing said in the episode, by Hurley:



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