Sunday, May 06, 2007

Lisa has a review of SPIDER-MAN 3, too!

My lovely "spousal overunit" Lisa chimes in with her thoughts about Spider-Man 3 over on her own blog. Here's something she said that I think especially needs to be said of the movie...
This movie provided what America has need for a long time, a lesson in humility and forgiveness. Revenge, power, and arrogance can and will destroy. Spider-Man cannot serve the people if he is self-absorbed; neither can the leader of a country. America has become so materialistic and self absorbed, that we have failed to be a great people anymore. We have become so selfish, that we have lost focus of the rising struggles within and around us. We must learn to put our neighbors before ourselves, before we can find happiness and success. Even Spider-Man had to learn this the hard way. He had to forgive himself and his enemies to be a free and happy man.
Hit the above link for more.

1 comment:

  1. "Revenge, power, and arrogance can and will destroy"

    But lots of fun. ;-)
