Friday, May 18, 2007

My commercial got mentioned on National Public Radio!

Y'know, the school board election was in November and it's now been more than 7 months since my first campaign commercial - the "lightsaber" one - first aired. And I only ran that one for about a week and a half before replacing it with the next in the series. But months later, and I'm still getting e-mails and phone calls out the wazoo about it.

I totally missed the opportunity to talk with them on the air about it, but it looks like National Public Radio did a segment about funny political ads and mine was discussed.

So let's see, the current tally is that my commercial has been reported on by: The New York Times, the News & Record in Greensboro, the News and Observer in Raleigh, The Charlotte Observer, quite a few television stations including some on cable, and now National Public Radio.

Not too bad :-)


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