Sunday, May 06, 2007

Spirituality and certainty

My friend Jenna Olwin is part of a collaborative blog called Silhouette: mostly a group of Washington state armchair Christian theologians who put out some pretty deep stuff. Well she's got a new piece called "Spirituality and Certainty". Here's an excerpt:

America, as we all know, has experienced quite a revival in spirituality since atheism wore out of fashion. When Muslim terrorists brought down the Twin Towers and part of the Pentagon in 2001, we reminded each other that not all of Islam deserved censure because of the actions of radicals. Personal website hosts such as Myspace and Blogger automatically post your astrological sign on your profile. Some form of transcendental or New Age meditation was taught my class, at least, when I was in grade school, and megachurches advertise their ‘friendly, welcoming atmosphere’ on television.

The problem with the driving force behind these concepts (regardless of the merit or danger of any particular notion) is that it’s empty; a sheer senseless void that has American culture wandering in its colorless waste. In all the positive energy, the acceptance of all belief systems as equally valuable, the encouragement for each to find his or her own way, the pagan meditation and holistic ideas of therapy and healing, there is hardly a word of actual sterling truth—and truth, of all things, has the ability to provide sanity and healing.

Thought-provoking material, to say the least. Bang on the link above for more amazing insight from Jenna's pretty lil' head.


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