Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tonight's LOST: Will "Greatest Hits" be Charlie's swan song?

Last week's episode of Lost is still freaking me out. The part where Ben takes Locke to Jacob's cabin might be the hands-down creepiest scene from a television show I've ever watched. No kidding: when Locke heard that voice I jumped from the shock. Then the whole cabin went nuts. And then there was that final scene where Ben showed Locke what happened to the DHARMA Initiative... again, creepy.

There are two episodes left for Lost this season, and of all the episodes so far these are the two that I know the least about. Tonight's is titled "Greatest Hits" and all I know is that it's centered on Charlie. And that for quite awhile now it's been rumored that Charlie is going to die soon. Will it be tonight? I hope not: Charlie has been one of the most fun characters to watch. He deserves to get back home and have his music career take off and become the man that Claire needs and the father that Aaron deserves to have.

But this is Lost, and the best things aren't guaranteed to happen to the characters we like most. Any one of them is ripe for killing-off.

Then next week is the 2-hour season finale, "Through the Looking Glass". And I am hearing that details about this episode have become very widespread in the past few days. I don't know what those are and don't want to know until the episode ends next Wednesday night. Just wanted to give plenty of warning to anyone else so they'll know that the spoilers are being disseminated out there, so if you want to go into the season finale as pure as possible, there are some places on the 'net you might not wanna visit for the next week or so.


  1. A brilliant bit of writing in tonight's episode, wouldn't you agree? Kept me guessing!

  2. My wife had to stay up the whole time to watch it, instead of waiting 'til tomorrow to see it from the DVR. Definitely didn't see that end coming.

    This is gonna be a long, torturous wait until next week's finale!
