Other than the fact that it looks like the whiteface is painted on instead of his skin being bleached white, I really like this look for Heath Ledger as the Joker. So far, it's looking good for next summer's The Dark Knight.
Oh and I might be able to post a link to a Quicktime teaser for the movie soon too ... if I can find the right link.
EDIT 12:36 a.m. 07-28-2007: The teaser is up at whysoserious.com, the link that started this twisted scavenger hunt. Thanks to Phillip Arthur for spotting it!
I have a link posted on my blog for the teaser, Chris! Check it out and tell me what you think!
Looking forward to this movie. I think Heath will do a good job and think Maggie will be much better than Katie. Just the music gets me geared up. I love the soundtrack to Batman Begins.
The soundtrack for Batman Begins is one of the all-time best movie scores ever. I love every track on it but I *really* love Molossus: the music from the Batmobile chase scene. Every time that one comes up on the MP3 player while in the car I always wind up going about 10 miles extra over the speed limit :-P
Ledger is going to "get" the Joker, in the way that the Joker has never been rightly done before. His voice in the teaser is enough to make me a believer.
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