Friday, July 06, 2007

Hoping we'll get a real TRANSFORMERS score CD soon

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TRANSFROMERS score by Steve Jablonsky CD online petition!

There was so much good to say about Transformers that I forgot to mention something very important: the awesome, epic orchestral score composed by Steve Jablonsky. If you haven't seen the movie yet (and you really should if you want to experience your jaw hitting the theater floor) it might surprise you that the original "Transformers" theme song isn't used anytime during the movie, unless it came during the tail end of the credits that we didn't happen to catch. Here again, even in its music, Transformers has grown up with this movie.

I am dying to have a soundtrack CD of Jablonsky's score! But right now the only album from the movie is Transformers: The Movie Album, which has a collection of songs in the movie by artists like Linkin Park and Smashmouth. Which is not a slam against those guys, but what I really want is the glorious orchestral score from this movie. Here's hoping and praying that a CD of it gets released sometime soon!


  1. Alas, there was neither hide nor hair of the original theme song during the credits.

    Oh, and my review is up now! Enjoy!

  2. I would love to get a copy of the score as well. I'm really surprised that it isn't available, and I've read nothing of it becoming available anytime soon. I'm not sure what Steve Jablonsky did to not merit an Original Score album, but somebody with Dreamworks music seemingly wasn't impressed.

  3. Such was the case with Armageddon as well. It's really frustrating because there isn't a single song I want on that "official" OST. (Both TF and Armageddon)

  4. I know! I from sweden im also looking for the Score to transformers 2007. I got armageddons score a few years after the movie was released. I have about 150 score tracks that was in the armageddon moive. Really cool. However, I hope transformers score is released soon. Alot of cool music in it.

  5. I agree with all of you 100% The score was fanominal. Particualy the Autobots arrival and Bumblebee's capture. I've seen the movie about five times now, and everytime i hear that music i get a lump in my throat. Truely amazeing, I can't wait.

  6. Ya i was so glad to hear that a score soundtrack was in the works. I hope it doesnt take to long to come out. I dnt know y they didnt release it with the movie because this soundtrack release was so dissapointing

  7. I too loved the score.

    In fact, found this site looking for it! Too bad its not out. However, Jablowsky is a close colaborator of Zimmer who scored Batman Begins. I actually thought that the Transformer score had the same feel. So in the meantime, pick up the Batman Begins Score for some epic moving tracks!

  8. by the way,

    you can hear some of the score at


  9. I've seen the movie 4 times myself and I absolutely love it. I too wish to have the true score of the movie. The soundtrack they released is okay, but the score would be awesome. I love the parts when the Autobots arrive and when the military men are fighting Scorponuk. Here's hoping.

  10. reports that a movie score album is in the works.

  11. i agree the score in this movie is off the chain
    i really hope they come out with the score soundtrack

  12. I love original score to movies and Transformers caught my ear as soon as the movie got 20 minutes in. Im hoping they release an original score soundtrack, if they don't, it would be a crime.

  13. Yup, I absolutely LOVED the score and I'm dying for it to come out! I've seen the movie twice, and I would absolutely go again just to listen to the score! I can't understand why it's not out yet... here's hoping it comes soon!
    Ooh and thanks soulsledge for the heads up on the site :D

  14. i saw it 3 times and the last two where just to listen to the score. i am a very big movie score kind of guy and i have to say it was the best on e out of any that i have heard in any movie. It set the mood and struck the emotional attachment to what was going on during the movie better than any score iv heard. i would put it up there with brave heart and Gettysburg. i definitely will be buying it when it come out on

  15. I hope the reason they are taking so long releasing it, is that they are perfecting it. Although, it was soooo wicked in the movie, its good enough!!!The autobots arrival scene gave me chills...

  16. même les français en rêve! je vous supplie de sortir cet album, ces musiques sont géniales et méritent d'être écouter par tous...imaginez une voiture toutes vitres ouvertes qui en passant vous envoie dans les oreilles une musique aussi bonne que lorsque scotché dans votre siège au cinéma, vous avez vu et entendu les autobots arriver sur terre...tout simplement magnifique! merci

  17. to the last guy:
    "english dude.....english"

    hehehe absolutely phenomenal film from start to finish, perfect balance of comedy, action and light-hearted romance and an amazing score to top it off

    can't wait for it to come out.

  18. First, the movie WAS pretty good, even though it had a few logic holes in it (but none were serious enough to really hurt the movie).

    Like Gladiator (which was an ok story, but had even larger logic holes), this movie had an INCREDIBLE soundtrack - which helped to make the movie that much better.

    I am SO looking forward to the score CD. Hopefully, we'll hear a release date soon!

  19. you have those moments when time stops.i had it yesterday. i even forgot i was sitting in the theatre. that score told evrything.and is in my case 50 percent reason wy the movie was a succes. it was larger than life. about the score coming out. wel... it scares me that they will putt a few songs in it and not the whole thing. "here guys you got what you wanted now leave us alone" like that armageddon prologue to begin with. just a suite. that i didnt heare in the movie .

  20. To happs... Not all people in this world speaks english, you know? If he doesn't speak english, he can't express his opinion?

    Anyway, the score is incredible... i hope to have it soon.

  21. To happs...
    I just want to listen the best of OST in the world .Not only it's really good ,but also "Transformers" is my dream ....and dream of all teenagers or kids.....

  22. i want it too....please......

  23. i want it too....please>"<

  24. I want Real-Transformer-Score....

    I really want it, Please....


  25. Transformers score is awesome.
    I love it!!

  26. I think that transformers` music album is necessary to be published.The music is tremendous.I like it.

  27. i read that there's no score gonna be released they won't do it. aybe we should ask mr. townsend of varese if he would make a deal for the rights of the music. you never know.

  28. i love Transformer and music!
    transformer score must be a good album. I think every funs want to listen this good music.

  29. 好音樂襯托好電影,原聲帶沒有配樂合集真的太過可惜,喜愛的人不計其數,希望能夠滿足全世界的變形金剛迷!謝謝!

  30. 之前發行的OST個人覺得完全沒有收藏價值,希望可以早日發行配樂,以滿足所有影迷的期待。

  31. 強烈建議可以發行配樂,以滿足大眾的期待。拜託....

  32. I want Real-Transformer-Score....

    I really want it, Please....

  33. DOES... anyone knwo what the music is called during the battle in Quatar? When (sorry I don't know what this Decepticon is called) like a scorpian starts to attack..?
    Anyone? Know?

  34. A Reply to the person from Sweden who posted on July 8th;

    Did you say you have 150 !! cues from Armageddon ?? I guess you mean about 50 cues ...however, if you do have 150, then I have to get in contact with you ;)

  35. 我要變型金剛真正的配樂版本!!

  36. 超想聽配樂啦~

  37. 我也喜歡transformers配樂

  38. Any news on the Score? Is it comming out?
