The Blade Runner 5-Disc Ultimate Collector's Edition. Comes out on December 18th. Suggested retail price of $78.92. It will include director Ridley Scott's 2007 "final cut" of Blade Runner, plus the 1982 original theatrical version and the 1992 "director's cut". Plus another DVD packed with bonus material. That's stuff that's coming with the 4-disc set but this set also includes the ultra rare "workprint" version of Blade Runner ...
This rare version of the film is considered by some to be the most radically different of all the Blade Runner cuts. It includes an altered opening scene, no Deckard narration until the final scenes, no "unicorn" sequence, no Deckard/Rachel "happy ending," altered lines between Batty (Rutger Hauer) and his creator Tyrell (Joe Turkell), alternate music and much more.The set comes in an individually numbered stylized briefcase like the one Deckard carries in the movie. Also packed in with the DVDs are a lenticular motion film clip from the original feature, miniature origami unicorn figurine, miniature replica spinner car, collector's photographs as well as a signed personal letter from Sir Ridley Scott.
Find loads more info about the Blade Runner DVD releases at The Digital Bits.
I'm putting this on my Christmas wish list pronto!
I've been hearing about this DVD set for a couple of years now, and I was beginning to believe it would never come together. Nice!
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