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Saturday, July 14, 2007

RACE TO THE DEATHLY HALLOWS is finished! All 6 Harry Potter books read in less than 3 weeks!

A few minute ago, just 27-some hours since I finished re-reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I arrived at the last page of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the penultimate installment of the entire saga (and once again, I find that the last 5 chapters of that book fly by fast!).

It was on the night of June 25th that I started re-reading ALL of the Harry Potter books in what was then just less than a month before the release of the seventh and final novel in the series: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It gets published everywhere at 12:01 a.m. next Saturday. Our copy is already pre-ordered and waiting for us.

And now, on July 14th, I'm ready for it. I think re-reading all the subsequent books made going through Half-Blood Prince much more enjoyable and worthwhile in preparation for the final novel.

And you know what? I'm just as undecided as the first time I read this book two years ago about which side Severus Snape is really on. I've tried figuring him out so much that I've had to give up out of frustration. However this turns out for him, it's going to pack a wallop of a surprise for me.

So, here it is. This war that has spanned two generations is about to enter the final stretch. After six books covering just as many years, we've arrived at the endgame. The authoress has said that all the pieces have been put on the board. After a decade of debate and speculation, one week remains to wonder about how this is going to finally play out.

The only prediction that I'm brave enough to make: at 12:01 a.m. on July 31st, Number 4 Privet Drive in Little Whinging is going to become one helluva smoking crater.

In the meantime, I'm happy for re-reading all six of the previous novels in way less than a month!

(So Jenna and Darth Larry, where are you guys at now? :-)