Thursday, July 12, 2007

This is why we opposed the school uniforms

As was reported here a few days ago, the Rockingham County Board of Education voted to rescind its vote in April to implement mandatory school uniforms at Reidsville Middle and Reidsville High schools beginning this coming year. Members of P.O.T.S.M.O.D. (People Opposed To Standard Mode Of Dress) fought hard and with heart to get the board to overturn its decision ever since the April vote that initially required it.

I got something in my e-mail and I'm gonna post it here, because I think this is one of the bigger reasons why school uniforms in Rockingham County is a bad idea. This is from Nashville, Tennessee, from an organization called Safe Haven Family Shelter...

Safe Haven and Metro Nashville Public School Children Need Our Help

We need school uniform clothing donations to help our kids!
As many of you know, Metro Nashville Public Schools have implemented a school uniform dress code. All of our children will be in need of school uniform clothing. Safe Haven understands the plight of families that cannot afford brand new uniform clothing. Therefore, we be allowing Metro Davidson County families to purchase uniform clothing from our thrift store, Family Thrift, for as little as .99 up to a maximum price of $3.99 for new and gently used clothing.

"I would much rather have families save one or two hundred dollars on clothing and be able to use it for food or rent," stated Safe Haven Executive Director Bruce Newport. "Our mission at Safe Haven is to provide programs for homeless families and to prevent homelessness."

All proceeds from the thrift store will be used to help continue to serve homeless families and provide community outreach programs. The Family Thrift store is located in the Priest Lake Plaza shopping center, at the intersection of Bell Road and Murfreesboro Road, and is open to the public.

Per the Metro Nashville Public Schools website, the following are acceptable uniforms:

Given how this is already a difficulty for families to cope with in a major metropolitan area, I can't begin to imagine how much more grief it would be to have imposed a similar policy here in rural Rockingham County.


  1. oh please. the long term savings of not buying fashionable clothing every season as opposed to one or two uniforms a year are far more than the cost of one or two uniforms.

  2. Not true! I am a mom to three kids and school uniforms mean more to spend on clothing not less. No ones child wheres their uniform after-school or on weekends so now I am forced to buy twice as much. We don't buy all name brand and it is still breaking the bank in our household. If uniforms were not required my daughter would be wearing the same clothes she has worn all summer to school next week.
