It was on September 25th, 1987 that Rob Reiner's movie The Princess Bride was released.
It was more than 14 years later before I saw it for the first time! I drove out to my sister's place in Sylva (about an hour west of Asheville) on New Years Eve in 2001 to hook up with her and Lisa so we could ring in 2002 together. Well that night while waiting for midnight Anita popped The Princess Bride in her DVD player.
To this day I still can't believe that I went so long without seeing this awesome movie! It's the kind of demented humor that I've always gone for. I don't even have an absolute favorite scene, they're all so good! But for some reason the part where Prince Humperdinck cranks up the torture machine full-blast has always made me giggle in a very wrong way. And then later on when Fezzik is doing the "Dread Pirate Roberts" thing: that always cracks me up. I loved that one so much that a month or so later I turned it into a "Star Wars Captioning" at TheForce.net (I couldn't help it, Andre the Giant looked too much like the Emperor in that scene :-).
Lisa's parents gave me the DVD of The Princess Bride as a gift this past Christmas. I may watch it again today just to celebrate.
Great movie. Have fun storming the castle!
Ha ha ... you just made me feel old :-)
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