Well, I ordered a full slab of ribs and something happened that very, very rarely occurs: I couldn't eat the entire order. And ya wanna know why? 'Cuz that slab was huge!! Probably the biggest portion of ribs that I've had in quite a long time. Next time I may have to get a half-order. But they were delicious! The meat was tender and true to their word, comes clean off the bone. The sauce was exquisitely spicy. I'll definitely be enjoying the leftovers tonight for dinner. The place also had great service.
Lisa says that a Texas Roadhouse is supposed to be coming to Burlington sometime soon, in which case I'll be getting to eat there more often. But in the meantime, if there's one fairly close by to you, check out Texas Roadhouse. And if you're really lucky maybe you can sit in the "Willie Nelson Corner" just like we did last night :-)
There is one in Danville that Kelly and I eat at quite often. We do need to get together soon.