Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Just a friendly reminder that today, October 9th 2007, is the day that Transformers: The Score, the CD of Steve Jablonsky's beautiful orchestral soundtrack from the movie Transformers, goes on sale.

I had hoped to have photos of it on the sales rack, but the Wal-Mart here in Reidsville doesn't have it yet (they can be slow in putting new music and DVDs out anyway). But some reports have come in from Georgia, New Jersey, Wisconsin and Texas that the CD has been spotted at various Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target and Fye stores. So, it's out there. And it's also on sale via iTunes as a digital download. I'm still hoping that everyone will buy the physical CD though 'cuz it's a wonderful thing to hold and behold.

I won't be completely satisfied until I see it with my own two eyes and purchase a couple and see them ring up on the register. But if folks are able to get it now, then I'm a happy man :-)

THANK YOU, all of you, who have worked over the past few months by signing the petition and getting the word out that this score album was not only desired, but that we wanted a lot of care and attention to be given it. Here's my review of the soundtrack from a few days ago and just as I did then, I can attest that this CD is everything we hoped it would be.

Thank you also, to the good folks at Warner Bros. Records, who published this score and went all-out in its production. You guys did a great job. And I very much hope that you will pay attention to the sales figures for this CD and determine that it warrants that 2-disc set we have heard might be coming.

Thanks to Michael Bay and his crew for making such a kick-butt movie for this music to accompany!

Most of all, a most heartfelt thank you to Steve Jablonsky, and to his fellow musicians, for giving us this remarkable score. More than anyone else, I sincerely believe that you captured and presented the spirit and essence of the Transformers, in a way that hasn't been done in the entire 23-year history of the franchise. The score for the Transformers movie, more than you might realize, really did bring about a much-needed evolution for these characters: it helped to define and even re-define them, and grow into their own at long last. And even on its own it is an amazingly beautiful, epic and at times haunting score.

I can't wait to see what you have in store for Transformers 2.

Anyway, today is finally the day, and y'all should be able to buy Transformers: The Score most anywhere. What are you waiting for?! Go get it!! Do it now now now!!!


  1. I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and I've been searching ALL DAY for the CD. I've checked FutureShop, Chapters, HMV, MusicWorld, Zellers AND Wal-Mart and they don't have it!!! Like, it's not sold out. They just never got it. In fact, they don't know what I'm even talking about.

    This is the saddest day ever.


  2. Some other people in Canada are saying that they can't find it anywhere either.

    I hope our friends in The Great White North aren't going to have wait inordinately long for this :-(

  3. I don't understand the point of a of having a release date and getting fans all excited and then not having the thing show up in stores. I went to 4 stores on my lunch break and none of them have it, no sold out but, never got it. I went to Circuit City, Wal-Mart, Target and FYE and I have called a Barnes & Noble and nobody has it. Best Buy's websites say that no stores in the Orlando area have it either.

    If a 2cd release is dependent on how this one sells then, they need to get it into stores so we can buy it. I refuse to settle for the low bit rate crap that iTunes calls music. I just hate it when a release date is advertise and then the items never shows up on that date. No wander people don't buy CDs anymore, you can't find them if you wanted too. Sorry for the rant but, I'm a little po'd right now.

  4. Hi from Minnesota.

    I've been to three stores today and no one has it, not Wal-Mart, not Best Buy and not Target. There isn't even a sign on the shelves for it.

    I wanted to own the cover art, but I have to listen to it now!! Downloading from iTunes as we speak.
