customers served (give or take a few hundred thousand) since September 2004!
Comments and opinions expressed on THE KNIGHT SHIFT are those of Christopher Knight and not necessarily those of subjects discussed in this blog, of advertisers appearing on it or of any reasonable human being. Any correspondence/irate letters/lawsuit threats/Nigerian e-mail scams can be sent to
Okay, there was a 9th comment here last night, and it wasn't a very a nice one. Now, it's gone. So, if you're still checking your blog and moderating comments, could you please give us a hint why you're gone, just enough to alleviate people's (Jennifer, me, Eric, Crystal, Aftershock, Ben) concerns? Thanks.
Anonymous: Chris is a loser? If it weren't for Chris then Ron Price would have gotten away with everything. Price is still on the school board but his name is mud here because Chris wouldn't back down. It was too late by the time most votes were cast when people heard that Price had admitted to stealing. There was no reason to suspect Jon Mason either. Even if he did not win a seat Chris made the school board surrender on the school uniforms. That saved most families here lots of money that they don't have.
I don't know where you live but in Rockingham County Chris is thought very highly of and as one of our real leaders.
The commercials that Chris made have been shown in Hollywood and on national television and received great praise. Have you made anything like that?
About his Christianity, if you read this blog then you know Chris takes his faith very seriously. So it doesn't matter to me if he was kicked out of a church if that even happened. I know it won't matter to Chris either. If he wants to start a church well that's his right isn't it? Who made you judge of what is real Christianity and what isn't?
Perhaps Chris is finally taking a rest as he said he would awhile back. His "hiatus" didnt last very long, at least not long enough for a true rest in my book. So, Chris, if you are taking a rest and waiting on God, then good for you. We look forward to your return.
I think that's what's happened too. Look what the man's been through that he's shared here and God alone knows what else happens in his life. I'm sure there's more that Chris goes through that he doesn't write about on his blog than what he does. He needs a rest. And Chris, like the last person said if you're waiting on God (good way to put it anonymous) then wait for Him and come back when you're ready. As for that nasty anonymous person higher up, shame on you!
I agree. To that nasty anonymous person further up. Shame on you!!! From what I know of Chris, he is a wonderful, caring, courageous guy. Chris, I hope you are okay. I hope you return to us soon. I miss reading your posts. I look forward to them every day. Crystal
I think Chris will be back soon. There is much too much going on that he would want to talk about I bet. The new Lost season, Ron Paul. Don't worry he'll be returned this week I would bet.
Hey Chris, Have you seen or heard about Knight Rider coming back? They are having a tv movie next week and they might turn it into a series if it does well. Here is the website if you want the info. I hope you are well. Crystal
If you think that Chris Knight is a Christian you are a fool. Any person who says that George W. Bush is not a real Christian is not a real Christian themself. Chris does not believe James Dobson is a good Christian man too. Chris has said that both are evil. I think that YOU Chris are the evil one here and that God is going to judge you for how you slander these two good men! You are not Christian and you are no American.
Is Chris coming back? I now wonder if he is and you know why. He fights all the time against bad things and bad people and that has to hurt and take a toll over time. We know about Ron Price and VIACOM and the uniforms. Chris has tried to warn people for years about politicians and false Christians. Then look at how people still vote for McAine and Huckerbee. Remember when there were a lot of people wanting Chris to run for Congress? Why didn't he? I think the poor guy is finally fed up and tired with how things are going and is telling us that he doesn't want to waste his time with it anymore. The last few posts he made sure came across that he's frustrated. Can you blame him? It's a shame though because I think he should run for office again and if people were smart they would vote for him. And to 'Anonymous' ever since coming to this blog I've thought that Chris is anointed by God. No one can write what he does unless he was inspired. If someone is warning about Bush and Dobson then I think that does mean they are wise because its the fools who still believe Bush and Dobson are serving Christ. I hope Chris does come back soon because there is no telling how many people he witnesses for Christ with his writing.
People don't be upset. I know where Chris is. Have you seen the pictures of his wife Lisa that he sometimes posts here? She is cute as a button! Now look at what this week is. That's right, Valentine's Day week. Chris is off with Lisa right now I imagine, having fun and getting treated right if you know what I mean ;)
For all of you that are concerned, yes Chris is OK! You might say he is taking some time, to really seek God's path in his life, as he breaks from blogging. He has been through a lot this past year, fighting a good fight and is very tired. Even more so, Chris does struggle with a lot more in which he doesn't share in his blog, some things many people will never have to go through. So I just genuinely ask for your prayers for our family and know that Chris will have the passion to return.
Chris, you've got a lot of faithful readers out here obviously. In ways you don't know God is using your writing and your drive. I admire how you ran for school board and then how you took the high road in dealing with Viacom. Take whatever time you need and come back stronger, buddy. Later Scott
Our gracious warrior needs time to heal, to redirect and to re-prioritize things. When one runs out of the fresh, the unique, the things of the spirit, the worst thing one can do is continue to pontificate. THAT leads to mediocrity. We only have to look to those who have wounded our warrior to see the tragedy that mediocrity brings.
No. If Ron "the con" had done something to Chris, we would know about it. Chris would have broken his hiatus and told us about that. Especially if Ron-con filed a lawsuit against him. And he would have done another Photoshop image mangling of Ron Price too probably. Hey Chris if you read this, I loved your Ron Price jackolantern!
I've known Chris a long time and he's not been kicked out of any church. If he left any it could have not been for anything but very good reason. I do not know who this other Chris and Brent are but I know Chad and he is a STRONG Christian and if he has has no disapproval to Chris being the leader of a new church then no one else should too.
The last time three words caused such consternation, I think it was "Elvis is dead."
Lisa told me the other day that a lot of people had been posting comments on this thing and that she'd weighed in already. I took a look for myself a short while ago and decided, okay, maybe just this once I should break in and talk about what's going on.
As some of you did surmise, I'm taking a break from blogging. A real one this time. It hasn't been as hard a thing as it sounds, because I really had come to a point where I was completely tapped-out. It wasn't planned either. Last Wednesday I just felt overwhelmingly compelled to say "Goodbye for now" and walk away until I was good and ready to return.
There's lots of things going on in my life that I need to focus on, and I could use some downtime to relax a bit. It's been two years since the last real sabbatical from blogging, when I gave it up for Lent in 2006. I came back from that refreshed and uplifted, and afterward a lot of neat things happened. I don't know if I could have done those things if I hadn't had done the Lent thing that year. And no, this current hiatus isn't for Lent either (although it did start on Ash Wednesday).
So for now I'm not blogging. And it's time that I am using for other things. Seeking out God and what He would have me do with my life is first and foremost of those. I won't deny it either: I'm also learning how to be a better husband for Lisa. She really is the sweetest, most wonderful and cutest girl that a guy could have hoped for. There's not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for putting her in my life, because I went so long wanting someone to share my life with. And then He sent her and I will absolutely confess that I do not deserve a girl as sweet as she is. It's only by the grace of God that I've been so blessed. Unfortunately I could stand to be much more humbled and overwhelmed by the gift of this marriage that He has given me.
I'll go ahead and say this too: I need time to figure out some things so far as having a family goes. No, we do not have a new arrival pending (that we know of anyway). But we are definitely hoping and praying that God would bless us with that too someday in the near future. I see a lot of my friends now having children... and it makes me want to have one of our own that much more. Just as God didn't let me "get the girl" until He knew that I was ready, I like to think that He's making me ready to be a father also. I need to take advantage of that time as much as I can. Because I really, really want to be a father. More than anyone will ever know.
This break has yielded some rewards already. Even now I'm feeling refreshed enough to tackle one project that's been on the back-burner for awhile. I'm finally moving forward with our next film project. And it's not my place to steal another's thunder but I'll tease y'all with this: a few days ago an offer was made, and I've accepted. I will soon be returning to the political arena, albeit not in the capacity of candidate. It'll be awhile before I'm ready to run for office again. In the meantime though I'm going to be doing what I can to help people that I do believe would serve us well in public office, as well as something that will hopefully encourage others to run for office themselves. In the meantime, I'm very much excited about getting to work in this kind of capacity.
As for the nastier comments that some anonymous shlubs have been leaving here: I've never been "kicked out" of any church. There have been a few that I stopped attending on my own volition, for various reasons, but there is not one of them that I've ever doubted their sincerity or their desire to worship Christ for His sake. I still think highly of them, and I would like to think that they don't bear me anything ill either.
And we are not out to "start our own church" as some have put it. There's just a few of us who are now coming together to worship God and seek Him out more deeply than we've been able to in "regular" churches. Just so, I'm not out to be a "pastor" either. I believe that the office of pastor is one that has been abused all too often over the centuries, to the point that it's very hard to know who really is a pastor that God has called and who isn't. There are some good people that I know personally who I've no doubt have been called by God to serve in that capacity. They're the ones with the real servant's heart... but it takes something more than that to be a pastor as described in the New Testament and as illustrated by Paul and the other apostles. Those people have that "something extra" and I don't. And that's okay.
So if someone takes issues with how we are worshiping Christ in our own homes, it's not something that I'm going to worry about. We still see through the glass darkly during our time on this Earth. And however we may disagree with each other on how we are to seek Christ, I still trust Him enough to know that He's above this sort of temporal squabbling and that He'll fix things in the end.
Ron Price hasn't done anything to me. Not yet anyway. As someone suggested, if he did do anything, y'all would be the first to know because I would not hesitate to post the news about it on this blog. I don't think he will do anything anymore though. As another person here has noted, Price's name is thoroughly kaput in Rockingham County, but I sure as heck don't take credit for that. He wounded himself, first by stealing the signs and then by hitting the Moores with his ridiculous lawsuit (that he later chickened-out and gave up on). Word on the street is that Price has mentioned running for county commissioner... but I like to think that he knows that he wouldn't get anywhere with it. The man is a paper tiger. He can't do anything other than rant and rave against those who are "bad for the community". And unless he does something else that would cause people a lot of grief, like the Standard Mode Of Dress issue, then I really don't care to bother myself with worrying about him anymore. I will be keeping an eye on him though...
To "MM" who posted earlier today: Yes I can.
I think this season of Lost is shaping up to be its best yet. Last week's episode was full-tilt whacko and I love the new characters, especially Daniel Faraday (played by Jeremy Davies, who I've always thought was a wonderfully quirky actor). For some reason though I'm really digging Frank Lapidus (Jeff Fahey's character) most of all. Every moment he's on screen, Frank dominates the scene. I'm glad that there'll be five more episodes of Lost now that the writers' strike is over with, in addition to the eight that were already in the can. That'll put Season 4 at 13 episodes: 3 shy of the intended 16 for this season. But the producers have said that the "missing" episodes will get rolled into the final two seasons. And 13 episodes is still on par with a regular season of The Sopranos, or Doctor Who, so I'm not really worried.
The long, long, long awaited trailer for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull went online today. Go here to watch it in Quicktime. I've had some worries about this movie over the past several months, but after watching this trailer a few times, it has definitely raised my hope in this project. I think we're finally going to have another kick-butt Indiana Jones movie come May.
And that's pretty much all I know to say for now. I'm not dead or dying or fled the country. As Lisa said a few days ago I'm just taking time off to "suss out" some things. Hopefully sooner than later, I'll be able to come back here and start blogging in earnest again.
Oh yeah, and Happy Valentines Day :-)
Take care and God bless, Chris
p.s.: Lisa and I have become seriously addicted to Rock Band for the Xbox 360! She's gotten good at drums and I'm just now starting to shred on guitar pretty well at Medium skill level. If anyone else plays, we'd sure love to jam with a singer and bass player sometime :-)
You're going to make a wonderful father Chris! I'm the mother of three beautiful boys and they mean everything to me. I understand why you would want that so much. We will be keeping you and Lisa in our prayers and hopefully the Good Lord will answer those for you soon!
Chris this is Eric from Biltmore Baptist in Asheville. Very long time cuzin! We still need to go fishing some time. I found your website tonight and it looks good. Saw you on The Soup a few months ago too! Got to go but I'll send you an email so you can write me. God bless man. Eric
Remember Chris, ones like those who are jealous and try to destroy others, this is all they will ever know. Have no anger toward him for he is already dead. You have let yourself die and so have the real life. But you know that already. Have a blessed day!
Had to delete the previous two comments. Folks, it's one thing to comment about this person's sad choice of how he has chosen to spend his time, in hopes that he might learn from that. But it's another to make rude remarks about him and mention him by name. This person did do some pretty nasty things toward me and I did make numerous posts about that here a few years ago, including documented proof that he was using his boss's office to do his own dirty work. Eventually I took them down, 'cuz I realized that there were more important things to life than playing a silly game of "tit for tat" especially when that other person... doesn't figure into what I'm doing with my life at all. He never mattered one bit. And I was just bringing myself down to his level by stooping to his mentality. There are much better things to do.
I'm sticking with that policy. And even though some of you seem to have issues with him too, I'd rather that y'all keep 'em off of this blog if they tend to be of the nastier sort. Please defer to the better angels of your nature before posting.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Just wanted to say, without making too big a deal about it, that for whatever reason and I don't know *how* it happened, but less than halfway through tonight's Lost I correctly guessed what we found out about the baby in the final seconds of the show.
Dear Chris, I am a member of the United States Army serving in Iraq. I check out your blog often and enjoy your pop culture updates and commentary on current events. Keep your chin up brother man and I can't wait for you to return.
"If you're out there wondering... what your life is going to be like, and you're looking at $4 a gallon, that's uncertain," Bush responded to a question posed at a White House news conference. "And when you couple that with the idea that... taxes may be going up in a couple years, that's double uncertainty."
Everything okay?
ReplyDeleteDitto that question. Fairly cryptic post. Usually, when you take a hiatus, you give more elaborate warning. Hope nothing's wrong.
ReplyDeleteDon't go man we need you.
ReplyDeleteHey Chris. What's up? Are you okay.
Eric H. Smith is right. You're one of the good ones Chris. Don't go away now!
ReplyDeleteDid you see LOST tonight? I want to know what you thought about it :)
ReplyDeleteIs everything alright, Chris? Call me if you need anything!
ReplyDeleteYour abrupt departure has bothered me more than anything else that's happening now. Write something and let us know that you're okay.
ReplyDeleteOkay, there was a 9th comment here last night, and it wasn't a very a nice one. Now, it's gone. So, if you're still checking your blog and moderating comments, could you please give us a hint why you're gone, just enough to alleviate people's (Jennifer, me, Eric, Crystal, Aftershock, Ben) concerns? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: Chris is a loser? If it weren't for Chris then Ron Price would have gotten away with everything. Price is still on the school board but his name is mud here because Chris wouldn't back down. It was too late by the time most votes were cast when people heard that Price had admitted to stealing. There was no reason to suspect Jon Mason either. Even if he did not win a seat Chris made the school board surrender on the school uniforms. That saved most families here lots of money that they don't have.
ReplyDeleteI don't know where you live but in Rockingham County Chris is thought very highly of and as one of our real leaders.
The commercials that Chris made have been shown in Hollywood and on national television and received great praise. Have you made anything like that?
About his Christianity, if you read this blog then you know Chris takes his faith very seriously. So it doesn't matter to me if he was kicked out of a church if that even happened. I know it won't matter to Chris either. If he wants to start a church well that's his right isn't it? Who made you judge of what is real Christianity and what isn't?
You sound like someone who has an ax to grind.
Long-time lurker, first time poster. Hope things are okay with you and that you did not get on the really *bad* side of the Board.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Chris is finally taking a rest as he said he would awhile back. His "hiatus" didnt last very long, at least not long enough for a true rest in my book. So, Chris, if you are taking a rest and waiting on God, then good for you. We look forward to your return.
ReplyDeleteI think that's what's happened too. Look what the man's been through that he's shared here and God alone knows what else happens in his life. I'm sure there's more that Chris goes through that he doesn't write about on his blog than what he does. He needs a rest. And Chris, like the last person said if you're waiting on God (good way to put it anonymous) then wait for Him and come back when you're ready. As for that nasty anonymous person higher up, shame on you!
I agree. To that nasty anonymous person further up. Shame on you!!! From what I know of Chris, he is a wonderful, caring, courageous guy. Chris, I hope you are okay. I hope you return to us soon. I miss reading your posts. I look forward to them every day.
I think Chris will be back soon. There is much too much going on that he would want to talk about I bet. The new Lost season, Ron Paul. Don't worry he'll be returned this week I would bet.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Chris is off shooting his movie?
ReplyDeleteHey Chris,
ReplyDeleteHave you seen or heard about Knight Rider coming back? They are having a tv movie next week and they might turn it into a series if it does well. Here is the website if you want the info.
I hope you are well.
Go away and stay away. Nobody needs you.
ReplyDeleteIf you think that Chris Knight is a Christian you are a fool. Any person who says that George W. Bush is not a real Christian is not a real Christian themself. Chris does not believe James Dobson is a good Christian man too. Chris has said that both are evil. I think that YOU Chris are the evil one here and that God is going to judge you for how you slander these two good men! You are not Christian and you are no American.
ReplyDeleteNasty anonymous person why don't YOU go away and stay away! We don't need to hear from you! We DO want to hear from CHRIS.
ReplyDeleteIs Chris coming back? I now wonder if he is and you know why. He fights all the time against bad things and bad people and that has to hurt and take a toll over time. We know about Ron Price and VIACOM and the uniforms. Chris has tried to warn people for years about politicians and false Christians. Then look at how people still vote for McAine and Huckerbee. Remember when there were a lot of people wanting Chris to run for Congress? Why didn't he? I think the poor guy is finally fed up and tired with how things are going and is telling us that he doesn't want to waste his time with it anymore. The last few posts he made sure came across that he's frustrated. Can you blame him? It's a shame though because I think he should run for office again and if people were smart they would vote for him. And to 'Anonymous' ever since coming to this blog I've thought that Chris is anointed by God. No one can write what he does unless he was inspired. If someone is warning about Bush and Dobson then I think that does mean they are wise because its the fools who still believe Bush and Dobson are serving Christ. I hope Chris does come back soon because there is no telling how many people he witnesses for Christ with his writing.
ReplyDeleteRoy Scheider died yesterday at 75 from cancer. He was Sheriff Brody in the movie Jaws.
ReplyDeletePeople don't be upset. I know where Chris is. Have you seen the pictures of his wife Lisa that he sometimes posts here? She is cute as a button! Now look at what this week is. That's right, Valentine's Day week. Chris is off with Lisa right now I imagine, having fun and getting treated right if you know what I mean ;)
ReplyDeleteRon Price strikes again.......
ReplyDeleteFor all of you that are concerned, yes Chris is OK! You might say he is taking some time, to really seek God's path in his life, as he breaks from blogging. He has been through a lot this past year, fighting a good fight and is very tired. Even more so, Chris does struggle with a lot more in which he doesn't share in his blog, some things many people will never have to go through. So I just genuinely ask for your prayers for our family and know that Chris will have the passion to return.
ReplyDeleteDear Lisa:
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update. Prayers ascend for you and Chris!
At least Chris didn't go on strike for more money like some writers do!
ReplyDeleteChris, you've got a lot of faithful readers out here obviously. In ways you don't know God is using your writing and your drive. I admire how you ran for school board and then how you took the high road in dealing with Viacom. Take whatever time you need and come back stronger, buddy. Later Scott
ReplyDeleteOur gracious warrior needs time to heal, to redirect and to re-prioritize things. When one runs out of the fresh, the unique, the things of the spirit, the worst thing one can do is continue to pontificate. THAT leads to mediocrity. We only have to look to those who have wounded our warrior to see the tragedy that mediocrity brings.
Heal well, noble warrior!
A new STAR WARS movie is coming to theaters and Chris hasn't written about it? He really is taking a break isn't he?
ReplyDeleteYou've got a Wikipedia entry!
ReplyDeleteHere it is!
Congratulations =)
"Ron Price strikes again"
ReplyDeleteNo. If Ron "the con" had done something to Chris, we would know about it. Chris would have broken his hiatus and told us about that. Especially if Ron-con filed a lawsuit against him. And he would have done another Photoshop image mangling of Ron Price too probably. Hey Chris if you read this, I loved your Ron Price jackolantern!
5 more episodes of Lost after the current 8. A month in between so they can catch up from the strike. Thought you should know if you haven't already.
ReplyDeleteI fear Ron the Con is afoot.
ReplyDeleteI've known Chris a long time and he's not been kicked out of any church. If he left any it could have not been for anything but very good reason. I do not know who this other Chris and Brent are but I know Chad and he is a STRONG Christian and if he has has no disapproval to Chris being the leader of a new church then no one else should too.
ReplyDeleteYou upset the wrong kind of people.
ReplyDeleteMy people tell me Chris is searching for the Sasquatch in the Greater Pacific Northwest.
ReplyDeleteHe took a photo of a real ghost one time didn't he? Sasquatch would be the next thing to go after maybe he'll find him.
ReplyDeleteY C N G O O T G
ReplyDeleteThe last time three words caused such consternation, I think it was "Elvis is dead."
ReplyDeleteLisa told me the other day that a lot of people had been posting comments on this thing and that she'd weighed in already. I took a look for myself a short while ago and decided, okay, maybe just this once I should break in and talk about what's going on.
As some of you did surmise, I'm taking a break from blogging. A real one this time. It hasn't been as hard a thing as it sounds, because I really had come to a point where I was completely tapped-out. It wasn't planned either. Last Wednesday I just felt overwhelmingly compelled to say "Goodbye for now" and walk away until I was good and ready to return.
There's lots of things going on in my life that I need to focus on, and I could use some downtime to relax a bit. It's been two years since the last real sabbatical from blogging, when I gave it up for Lent in 2006. I came back from that refreshed and uplifted, and afterward a lot of neat things happened. I don't know if I could have done those things if I hadn't had done the Lent thing that year. And no, this current hiatus isn't for Lent either (although it did start on Ash Wednesday).
So for now I'm not blogging. And it's time that I am using for other things. Seeking out God and what He would have me do with my life is first and foremost of those. I won't deny it either: I'm also learning how to be a better husband for Lisa. She really is the sweetest, most wonderful and cutest girl that a guy could have hoped for. There's not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for putting her in my life, because I went so long wanting someone to share my life with. And then He sent her and I will absolutely confess that I do not deserve a girl as sweet as she is. It's only by the grace of God that I've been so blessed. Unfortunately I could stand to be much more humbled and overwhelmed by the gift of this marriage that He has given me.
I'll go ahead and say this too: I need time to figure out some things so far as having a family goes. No, we do not have a new arrival pending (that we know of anyway). But we are definitely hoping and praying that God would bless us with that too someday in the near future. I see a lot of my friends now having children... and it makes me want to have one of our own that much more. Just as God didn't let me "get the girl" until He knew that I was ready, I like to think that He's making me ready to be a father also. I need to take advantage of that time as much as I can. Because I really, really want to be a father. More than anyone will ever know.
This break has yielded some rewards already. Even now I'm feeling refreshed enough to tackle one project that's been on the back-burner for awhile. I'm finally moving forward with our next film project. And it's not my place to steal another's thunder but I'll tease y'all with this: a few days ago an offer was made, and I've accepted. I will soon be returning to the political arena, albeit not in the capacity of candidate. It'll be awhile before I'm ready to run for office again. In the meantime though I'm going to be doing what I can to help people that I do believe would serve us well in public office, as well as something that will hopefully encourage others to run for office themselves. In the meantime, I'm very much excited about getting to work in this kind of capacity.
As for the nastier comments that some anonymous shlubs have been leaving here: I've never been "kicked out" of any church. There have been a few that I stopped attending on my own volition, for various reasons, but there is not one of them that I've ever doubted their sincerity or their desire to worship Christ for His sake. I still think highly of them, and I would like to think that they don't bear me anything ill either.
And we are not out to "start our own church" as some have put it. There's just a few of us who are now coming together to worship God and seek Him out more deeply than we've been able to in "regular" churches. Just so, I'm not out to be a "pastor" either. I believe that the office of pastor is one that has been abused all too often over the centuries, to the point that it's very hard to know who really is a pastor that God has called and who isn't. There are some good people that I know personally who I've no doubt have been called by God to serve in that capacity. They're the ones with the real servant's heart... but it takes something more than that to be a pastor as described in the New Testament and as illustrated by Paul and the other apostles. Those people have that "something extra" and I don't. And that's okay.
So if someone takes issues with how we are worshiping Christ in our own homes, it's not something that I'm going to worry about. We still see through the glass darkly during our time on this Earth. And however we may disagree with each other on how we are to seek Christ, I still trust Him enough to know that He's above this sort of temporal squabbling and that He'll fix things in the end.
Ron Price hasn't done anything to me. Not yet anyway. As someone suggested, if he did do anything, y'all would be the first to know because I would not hesitate to post the news about it on this blog. I don't think he will do anything anymore though. As another person here has noted, Price's name is thoroughly kaput in Rockingham County, but I sure as heck don't take credit for that. He wounded himself, first by stealing the signs and then by hitting the Moores with his ridiculous lawsuit (that he later chickened-out and gave up on). Word on the street is that Price has mentioned running for county commissioner... but I like to think that he knows that he wouldn't get anywhere with it. The man is a paper tiger. He can't do anything other than rant and rave against those who are "bad for the community". And unless he does something else that would cause people a lot of grief, like the Standard Mode Of Dress issue, then I really don't care to bother myself with worrying about him anymore. I will be keeping an eye on him though...
To "MM" who posted earlier today: Yes I can.
I think this season of Lost is shaping up to be its best yet. Last week's episode was full-tilt whacko and I love the new characters, especially Daniel Faraday (played by Jeremy Davies, who I've always thought was a wonderfully quirky actor). For some reason though I'm really digging Frank Lapidus (Jeff Fahey's character) most of all. Every moment he's on screen, Frank dominates the scene. I'm glad that there'll be five more episodes of Lost now that the writers' strike is over with, in addition to the eight that were already in the can. That'll put Season 4 at 13 episodes: 3 shy of the intended 16 for this season. But the producers have said that the "missing" episodes will get rolled into the final two seasons. And 13 episodes is still on par with a regular season of The Sopranos, or Doctor Who, so I'm not really worried.
The long, long, long awaited trailer for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull went online today. Go here to watch it in Quicktime. I've had some worries about this movie over the past several months, but after watching this trailer a few times, it has definitely raised my hope in this project. I think we're finally going to have another kick-butt Indiana Jones movie come May.
And that's pretty much all I know to say for now. I'm not dead or dying or fled the country. As Lisa said a few days ago I'm just taking time off to "suss out" some things. Hopefully sooner than later, I'll be able to come back here and start blogging in earnest again.
Oh yeah, and Happy Valentines Day :-)
Take care and God bless,
p.s.: Lisa and I have become seriously addicted to Rock Band for the Xbox 360! She's gotten good at drums and I'm just now starting to shred on guitar pretty well at Medium skill level. If anyone else plays, we'd sure love to jam with a singer and bass player sometime :-)
This doesn't sound like the Chris I know. I fear either Ron Price or Sasquatch is forcing Chris to make these statements.
ReplyDeleteGood words Chris. Thanks for letting us know that you're fine and that you're going to come back when you're ready.
ReplyDeleteToo bad you probably won't write anything about tonight's Lost. The final scene was a real whammy wasn't it?
You're going to make a wonderful father Chris! I'm the mother of three beautiful boys and they mean everything to me. I understand why you would want that so much. We will be keeping you and Lisa in our prayers and hopefully the Good Lord will answer those for you soon!
ReplyDeleteChris the Transformers score CD isn't being sold anymore! Amazon no longer carries it. Can you find out something about this please????
ReplyDeleteChris this is Eric from Biltmore Baptist in Asheville. Very long time cuzin! We still need to go fishing some time. I found your website tonight and it looks good. Saw you on The Soup a few months ago too! Got to go but I'll send you an email so you can write me. God bless man. Eric
ReplyDeleteTransformers Score is on Ebay selling for fifty bucks and up. It's not in stores at all like the person up said.
ReplyDeleteRemember Chris, ones like those who are jealous and try to destroy others, this is all they will ever know. Have no anger toward him for he is already dead. You have let yourself die and so have the real life. But you know that already. Have a blessed day!
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ReplyDeleteHad to delete the previous two comments. Folks, it's one thing to comment about this person's sad choice of how he has chosen to spend his time, in hopes that he might learn from that. But it's another to make rude remarks about him and mention him by name. This person did do some pretty nasty things toward me and I did make numerous posts about that here a few years ago, including documented proof that he was using his boss's office to do his own dirty work. Eventually I took them down, 'cuz I realized that there were more important things to life than playing a silly game of "tit for tat" especially when that other person... doesn't figure into what I'm doing with my life at all. He never mattered one bit. And I was just bringing myself down to his level by stooping to his mentality. There are much better things to do.
ReplyDeleteI'm sticking with that policy. And even though some of you seem to have issues with him too, I'd rather that y'all keep 'em off of this blog if they tend to be of the nastier sort. Please defer to the better angels of your nature before posting.
Not a word about Fidel quitting in Cuba?
ReplyDeleteSt. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
ReplyDeleteFeatured your Star Wars video on my blog today. Also linked to your website. Good stuff.
The article about you on Wikipedia is returned to normal because Wiki users over-whelmingly elected to defeat the deletion and keep the article.
ReplyDeleteHope you'll return soon. I like your commentary on things particularly religion and politics.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say, without making too big a deal about it, that for whatever reason and I don't know *how* it happened, but less than halfway through tonight's Lost I correctly guessed what we found out about the baby in the final seconds of the show.
ReplyDeleteVery cool twist.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteGet back here soon please!
ReplyDeleteRon, why don't you just go away? Nobody wants you here.
ReplyDeleteDear Chris,
ReplyDeleteI am a member of the United States Army serving in Iraq. I check out your blog often and enjoy your pop culture updates and commentary on current events. Keep your chin up brother man and I can't wait for you to return.
In His grip,
"I Fly Helicopters"
William F. Buckley has died.
ReplyDeletei know all about you
ReplyDeleteHere's Chuck Baldwin new essay Moneychangers Destroying American And Christians Don't See It
ReplyDeleteThis is why you need to come back to blogging.
ReplyDeleteGeorge W. Bush didn't know about high gas prices we're paying for!
"If you're out there wondering... what your life is going to be like, and you're looking at $4 a gallon, that's uncertain," Bush responded to a question posed at a White House news conference. "And when you couple that with the idea that... taxes may be going up in a couple years, that's double uncertainty."
Bush doesnt have a f------ clue.