Monday, March 24, 2008

FREE POPCORN SUTTON! Moonshine legend in the pokey after raid by evil revenuers

You see, this is part of the reason why I absolutely hate what America has turned into. It used to be that government in America was "of the people, by the people and for the people". Today government in America is "do what we tell you to do or we will kill you!"

And now, said government is more interested in destroying the life of a bona-fide original American character than it is in stopping an invasion by millions of illegals who are entering this country (not to mention that our politicians are way too fixated on one baseball player to care about how their little war with no purpose has just notched its four-thousandth American fatality) ...

"Weird" Ed sent me a clipping of this story from the Asheville Citizen-Times about how Popcorn Sutton - Maggie Valley, North Carolina's resident moonshiner/bootlegger/subject of numerous documentaries/author of Me and My Likker/business owner/curio collector/stuff that I've been sworn to silence on/living legend - is now in jail in Tennessee after a bust by federal and state agents. The G-men shut down Sutton's operation that included three 1,000-gallon stills, almost 900 gallons of finished "firewater", hundreds of gallons of corn mash, and apparently guns of some kind. That alone might send Sutton to prison for 10 years because he's already considered a convicted felon, having serving time for liquor violations going back to the 1970s. Each separate moonshine charge could also get him an additional five years.

Right now Popcorn Sutton is being held in jail without bond in Greeneville, Tennessee.

The first thing I'm compelled to say about this is that Popcorn should never have "expanded his business" into east Tennessee. If he had stayed in Maggie Valley, there's little doubt that he'd still be brewing his 'shine today. He's too much of a local institution there. Everyone in Haywood County knows Popcorn, either personally or by reputation. They respect his art, which he learned from his father and grandfather. Moonshining in those mountains goes back a way long time. And folks out there, they don't cotton much to outsiders coming in and causing trouble that's not wanted... even if someone comes in wearing a federal badge. Besides, a lot of people have noted that Popcorn goes out of his way to produce the safest moonshine possible.

But the moment Sutton set up shop across state lines, he was a marked man and he should have known it.

Why? Because making your own "likker", although not an immoral act, is illegal. But it's only illegal because the government feels obligated to tax everything it possibly can. And what happened here is that Popcorn Sutton put himself square in the sights of greedy government officials who couldn't stand it that they haven't been able to shake him down for the money they feel is "owed" them somehow.

This quote from the story says it all...

But, the ATF agents who helped arrest Sutton said moonshine operations like his should not be treated too lightly.

"Moonshine is romanticized in folklore and the movies. The truth though is that moonshine is a dangerous health issue and breeds other crime," ATF Special Agent James Cavanaugh said in a statement.

"The illegal moonshine business is fraud on taxpayers in Tennessee and across the country," he said.

These bastitches in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have killed more innocent people than Popcorn Sutton could ever accomplish if he was using the dirtiest condensing coil imaginable. Not to mention that the federal government and too much of modern law enforcement is corrupt to the core and "breeds crime" already: who the hell are these people to tell us that a guy like Popcorn Sutton is a threat to public safety?

It's just government wanting to interfere with our own lives again, folks. It can't do anything else but throw its weight around and compel us at gunpoint to obey it.

Well, here's what I got to say about that...

ATF Special Agent James Cavanaugh, if you ever read this: I pray that you'll someday get ordered to go on a raid deep inside "Little Canada". And I hope you'll be wise enough to leave instructions to your next-of-kin when you do.

(Anyone who knows something about that part of the state will no doubt recognize the severity of what I just suggested.)

In the meantime: Free Popcorn Sutton! And if you want to know more about Popcorn and his trade, here's his "how-to" video on YouTube:

"Makin' Likker with Popcorn Sutton, Part 1"

"Makin' Likker with Popcorn Sutton, Part 2"



  2. free popcorn sutton he ant hertn nobody

  3. Get a "Free Popcorn" T-shirt!

  4. R.I.P. popcorn,your always in are hearts,we talk of you every day,and wenesday nite at 6p.m. (every-wensday) we all get together close to tennessee river in chattanogga,caint tell where..but we all laugh and smile and have a good old time,and your there with as a bird now

  5. "Special" Agent James Cavanaugh? Yeah, well I'd say Mr. Cavanaugh and crew are considerably less special than something I stepped in when I walked out to go get the morning paper today.

    No worries, Mr. Cavanaugh - you'll pay for your sins, pal. Maybe not in this world, but I bet they're throwing a party for you in the next one. Better grab a bag of ice or two on the way. I understand the likker's a tad warm there...

    You and your thugs couldn't break ol' Popcorn could you? He had the last laugh, didn't he? And look who's got egg on their face. Popcorn's laughin' at you, and America now officially despises you. Nice PR job you did there. Hope the agency is proud of you. But I suppose most of them have already sold their souls to the syndicate, too, unfortunately.

    Good day.

  6. "Special" Agent James Cavanaugh? Yeah, well I'd say Mr. Cavanaugh and crew are considerably less special than something I stepped in when I walked out to go get the morning paper today.

    No worries, Mr. Cavanaugh - you'll pay for your sins, pal. Maybe not in this world, but I bet they're throwing a party for you in the next one. Better grab a bag of ice or two on the way. I understand the likker's a tad warm there...

    You and your thugs couldn't break ol' Popcorn could you? He had the last laugh, didn't he? And look who's got egg on their face. Popcorn's laughin' at you, and America now officially despises you. Nice PR job you did there. Hope the agency is proud of you. But I suppose most of them have already sold their souls to the syndicate, too, unfortunately.

    Good day.

  7. Cavenaugh has a lot of blood on his hands. A truly evil man.
