Sunday, April 06, 2008

Kansas/UNC: The Aftermath

A longtime friend was banned for life from a sports restaurant last night after breaking-bad on UNC-Chapel Hill, which lost bigtime against Kansas in the semifinal of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. The Jayhawks won 84 to 66. Not once did Carolina take the lead, and at one time they were down by 28 points. Apparently my friend could not contain his relish at the Tarheels going down so hard.

Another friend is reportedly going to burn his "lucky underwear", which he had worn during every UNC game for the past few seasons.

I've already warned Lisa to expect some long, sad faces tomorrow at school. Whether there will be more depression among the students or her colleagues, remains an open question.

And after reviewing both semifinals last night, I've my own guess as to who'll win between Kansas and Memphis tomorrow night. But at this point, it doesn't really matter. I'll just be tuning in, knowing that I can expect a great basketball game.

(But what the hey... GO JAYHAWKS!! :-)


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