A few weeks ago the revenuers busted Popcorn's "white lightning" operation in Tennessee's Cooke County. The Feds and Tennessee "citizen harassment authorities" (that's what I'm going to call 'em) captured three 1,000-gallon stills, almost a thousand gallons of finished moonshine and several hundreds of gallons of corn mash in the raid on Popcorn's premises. They also found some firearms, which Popcorn wasn't supposed to have since he's already a convicted felon from previous moonshining charges.
Which if you ask me, the government should have just left him alone back then, too. What Popcorn is doing is not an act of evil. It's only a "crime" because the government is addicted to power and the money that comes with taxing something like alcohol. It can't cut spending. It can't even go after the millions of illegal aliens that are still coming into this country. But it can go after a man who is just minding his own business and not hurting anybody. To add insult to injury, it wouldn't surprise me if the government sends Popcorn to the big house for the full 15-year term... while letting rapists and the like out after just a few years.
There is something very screwed-up with America, when it treats one of its few legitimate original characters in this manner.
Excellent article, you hit the nail on the head. Popcorn is one of the nicest gentlemen you'll ever meet in your life. I'm hoping to get something organized to help him out.
If you want to help popcorn go to the greeneville city school building across from Greeneville fed court house and sign the petion for leanancy ask for Mr. Moore.
Does anyone know what happened to Popcorn? Rumor was his sentencing was around thew first week of August.
Hey Popcorn hope everything is ok give thim feds hell but be careful they might want a drink of that good likker themsevles wish you the best of luck Old T.W. Form Clarkesville Georgia
he aint hurtin nobody, its just those yankee government men tryin to kill our heritage and take all our pride, they should be stoppin them drugs comin from cuba and them yankees up north
I am from the area where Popcorn grew up and his family still resides. I wanted to let everyone know that he passed away March 16, 2009. He took his own life by carbon monoxide poisoning. He lived his life by his own terms and died by them. He will certainly be missed by all who knew him here in Maggie Valley, NC.
We've lost a real character. It's a shame. God love him and I bet he's already setting up his stills in the great beyond. Personally I'm hoping someday I'll have a drink with him. My mother was born and raised in the Appalachians and I've spent a lot of time there. Yes the people there were "different". They said exactly what they thought and you could count on their "word" being as good as gold. And I also agree the government needs to change their priorities. I wouldn't have been scared to have Popcorn Sutton for a neighbor. They should have spent their time looking for "the bad guys".
I agree with Popcorn FUCK THE FEDS. I will shine till I die
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