WGAL in Lancaster, Pennsylvania has a great story about teachers there who have made a series of Star Wars-inspired short films designed to help local students prepare for their state standardized tests. The
PSSA Wars videos, offering tips on how to handle the critical exams, feature such characters as "Duke Skywriter" and "Math Solo" and even include the classic Star Wars saga-style scrolling intro. And not since
Hardware Wars have there been such glorious special effects in a Star Wars spoof! Seriously though, I watched the episode that WGAL is hosting on its site at the link above, and I thought these teachers did a
terrific job!
Thanks to TheForce.net for this awesome find :-)
Hi, Chris
How are you?
I hope the Star Wars gig works out for the kids. How about for the kids who don't like Star Wars? I mean..yeah..who would not like star wars..but hey...some kids possibly detest star wars..thinking its crazy older folks playing hyped up futurists. At least, its supposed to be a fun approach. Looks like fun to be in the suits coz I like star wars. *chuckle*
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