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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Davros returning?!? BBC unloads new DOCTOR WHO Season 4 trailer

Last week the BBC aired "The Unicorn and the Wasp", the newest episode of Doctor Who and yeah I downloaded it courtesy of some good British chaps, but I didn't have time to give it a proper write-up. Trust me though: it's a very entertaining episode. How can the Doctor playing a grandiose game of Clue (or Cluedo as it's called in Great Britain) with Agatha Christie not be good?

There is no Doctor Who this week because of the 2008 Eurivision Song Contest, but it'll return next week with "Silence in the Library".

But the BBC didn't let fans of the Doctor go through this weekend completely empty-handed. Check out this new trailer for the remainder of this season...

Yes, Rose is back and she's all over this and I am very glad to see her in action again 'cuz she became one of my favorite companions. But what really has me stoked is what we see at 46 seconds into the trailer...

It looks like the rumors are true. Because if that is not him, after a tease like that, the BBC is going to get slammed with the angriest phone calls and e-mails in the history of anything.

Hide behind the sofa, kiddies: Davros, one of the greatest villains in all of fiction, is coming back. And I've a feeling he won't be in the best of moods.

Can't wait! I've been waiting for the return of Davros ever since the BBC announced they were reviving Doctor Who almost five years ago. This will be epic!

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Anonymous said...

That picture of Davros is incredible! I can't wait to see him return either!


qemuel said...


Anonymous said...

DAVROS RULES!!! Who is going to play him though? I want Terry Molloy to get back in the chair.

Anonymous said...

That's Davros, no doubt. The base is wider than a regular Dalek and if you watch the video fullsize you see from the background that the top half isn't silhoueted like a Dalek either. Its more like a human top half.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who will sponsor the Dalek episodes on Sci-Fi...Orkin or Terminix.