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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Johnny Robertson ("Church of Christ in Name Only") attacks me... because I'm a Star Wars fan?!?

Okay, now it's getting into the territory of the downright nutty...

About two months ago I called into Johnny Robertson's show What Does the Bible Say? on WGSR Star 39. Johnny Robertson (shown at right) is considered the chief ringleader of what I've come to call the "Church of Christ in Name Only" (COCINO for short), a very vindictive, mean-spirited cult working around Reidsville, North Carolina and Martinsville and Danville in Virginia. These guys have about three hours of programming on WGSR each week and they do nothing but attack anyone who isn't "their" brand of Christianity. Namely, they believe that if you are not part of what they call the "Church of Christ" (which is nothing like the Church of Christ that most people know) that you are damned and going to Hell. They also believe that a person must be baptized in order to be saved.

And they have an extremely ugly attitude toward anyone who disagrees with them.

So I called up Robertson's show one night to ask a simple question: "How is what you guys are doing giving glory to Christ?" And more to the point, I wanted to know how is what they are doing showing Christ's love and grace to a world that is lost without Him. How is what Robertson (along with James Oldfield and Norm Fields) doing, in any way, able to persuade those who don't know Christ about Christ at all? Because I can't see how their hatred toward others can do anything but drive people away from wanting to consider Christ at all.

Robertson and his cohorts are ultra-legalists of the highest order. It's all about following rules and regulations so far as they are concerned: which is exactly what Christ's sacrifice did away with for all time. I think it could even be argued that Johnny Robertson is trying to crucify Christ all over again. But I digress...

Robertson had no answer for me. Instead he told me to "go listen to Benny Hinn!" Here's the video again if you want to see what happened for yourself.

Then a few days ago I heard about a very sad story out of Tennessee, involving a woman who was by all accounts a devout follower of Christ, who passed away after a lifetime of unusual circumstance that did not allow for her to be water baptized as Robertson and the Church of Christ in Name Only demands. So I asked a question on this blog directed to Robertson, Oldfield, and Fields: "Is this woman now lost because she was not baptized?"

It got picked up by the Answering the Church of Christ blog and it's led to a rather heated discussion. There are currently 134 comments, including a few that I've made.

Well, none other than Johnny Robertson himself has chimed in. And according to my meter's records he spent about a half-hour on The Knight Shift earlier this morning, looking at a lot of stuff (including my post about how The New York Times had reported on the crazy TV commercials that some of us school board candidates did in 2006). Apparently he was looking for dirt on me.

This is what Johnny Robertson fired back with on Answering the Church of Christ...

On May 31, 2008 at 10:22 am johnny Said:

Knight said

In the end, that faith in Him is something that must transcend earthly terminology. To say that we are saved because we are "Christian" or "Church of Christ" is to deny the new creation that we are called to be in Him.

transcends earthly terminology"

talking about a gnostic!
Col 2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,

you kinda got beyond yourself there chris star Wars New York posted ....I've a part in Theatre Guild of Rockingham County's production of "Children of Eden"(look at me everyone I am an actor toooooo!)

Let me try to understand this: Johnny Robertson cannot confidently tell us that what he and the others in the Church of Christ in Name Only are doing is showing the love of Christ to others. So instead he chooses to attack me because I dared asked him that question... by mocking my being a Star Wars fan and because I'm involved in a production of Children of Eden?!?!?

Star Wars, Johnny? Star Wars?! And Children of Eden?!?

I responded to Johnny Robertson thusly...

On May 31, 2008 at 11:24 am Chris Knight Said:

Dear Johnny Robertson,
So now that I have your attention, might I ask you again...

How IS what you are doing possibly showing others the love of Christ?

You still haven't answered that.

And now you are attacking me because I’m a Star Wars fan, of all things?!

You're acting pretty infantile, dude.

I know it's you, by the way. I saw where you visited my blog earlier this morning, and spent quite a bit of time looking around on it.

So Johnny, once again: HOW is what you, and Oldfield, and Fields, doing, illustrating the love and grace of Jesus Christ to those who don't know Him? WHY should the lost of this world look at you guys and be persuaded at all?

You have nothing to show for your work, because it is not motivated in love. You are too enamored with your sense of power and leadership... but if you have not love, then these things are utterly worthless.

Why do you make yourself so big and God so very small, Johnny?

A few minutes later I added...
On May 31, 2008 at 11:28 am Chris Knight Said:

By the way Johnny, you're invited to come see the Theatre Guild of Rockingham County's production of "Children of Eden". Performances are June 20-22 and June 27-29 at Rockingham Community College. Tickets are $10 for adults. More information is on the Guild's website at tgrc-nc.com

Among the themes of "Children of Eden" are love and forgiveness. Maybe you could learn something from it.

Yes Johnny, I am a Star Wars fan. And it's something that I've never been ashamed of, or have ever felt it encroached upon my faith in God. You would no doubt be surprised at how many followers of Christ are also fans of this story. And it would probably blow your mind at how quite a few have found opportunities of ministry with it. As Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians 9:22,
"To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some."
Johnny, has it ever occurred to you and your bunch that maybe instead of puffing yourselves up and lording over other people, that if you humbled yourselves and brought yourselves lower, that God might actually bless your ministry?

I mean, is this really about you or is it about Him?

As it is now, Johnny Robertson - along with James Oldfield and Norm Fields - is a false preacher. He comes preaching another Christ: a Christ that would bind us in legalism all over again, instead of being free by His mercy and grace and love. The Jesus Christ of the Bible is not the Jesus Christ that Robertson and Oldfield and Fields preach on WGSR.

(Or as Mama Reyes said on Lost: "Jesus Christ is not a weapon!")

Johnny Robertson, again I am compelled to ask you publicly: How is what you are doing showing love of Christ and demonstrating Christ's love toward others?

I would very much like to know this.

EDIT 4:51 p.m. EST: Johnny Robertson spent two and a half hours visiting my blog today, on at least two separate visits. He was quite the busy bee, taking screenshots etc.

Wonder what he's up to...

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Anonymous said...

Johnny Robertson is the Diotrephes of Martinsville.

Anonymous said...

Is Johnny sniffing glue in that photograph?

Chris Knight said...

LOL! Honestly, I needed a screencap and just went randomly looking for one, and the pointer on the Quicktime file just *wound up* on that one. It wasn't something that I went looking for consciously.

But I couldn't resist using it either :-P

Anonymous said...

He wants a debate but like you wrote there he won't do it without it gamed in his favor. Coward doesn't begin to describe Johnny Robertson.

I would pay. PAY! to see a real debate on Star News between you and Johnny. That would be the last mistake he ever made as an onair preacher.

Johnny Robertson, I know Chris Knight. You attacking him is going to be your Pearl Harbor. You have awakened a giant.


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, Although you and I differ on some things, I stand fast with you as to what Johnny represents...meaning he splits people with his hateful attitude and comes accross as un-Christ like. He will use this site as a way to make him appear "famous" he loves this stuff. He will take our chats an send them back to his buddies in Texas and other places who give him his paycheck, he also will air this on his show to make himself look famous...le really loves this stuff...

Anonymous said...

But the real interesting thing is that he won't send back our URLs, or mention our URLs on TV. He's said as much on my blog. It just makes you wonder how selective he's being about other things, doesn't it?

Don't forget to mention, Chris, that on June 1, we're going to all be praying for Johnny, Norm and James, because Scripture commands that we pray for people who are against us. If anyone wants to join us for praying for these men, please do. The more people praying, the better!


Unknown said...

I think maybe Chris that you need to remind Johnny of a scripture that Jesus said himself. It goes something like: 'Why do you look to point out a speck in your neighbors eye when you have a plank in your own?' And another that is my favorite and it seems a lot of the world has forgotten: 'Do unto others as you would have done unto you.'

Anonymous said...

Chris Knight: the Captain Jack Sparrow of the Blogosphere!

Yo Robertson, you're going to take on the man who made Viacom cry uncle?

Anonymous said...

I know it turned out that the woman had been baptised and that Johnny Robertson is going to use that against you but THANK YOU for taking this cultist on. It doesn't change things at all because he still hold to salvation by works and not faith. This twit from Texas is nothing to be afraid of and I think more people should be willing to take a stand against false teachers.

Anonymous said...

Chris, Johnny teaches no salvation without baptism. Let's baptize Johnny and hold him under until he sins no more. He'll have all the salvation he ever wants.

Anonymous said...

Chris - we need more LOTS more tape of you confronting the boys. At once!

Anonymous said...

yall are all wierd yall get mad at johny cause because he teaches the truth the reason he does it the way he doees it is because it get results if yall have a problem about babtism and salvation its because yall havent studied

Anonymous said...

mark 16:16 1 peter 3:21 acts 2:38 acts 22:16 all teach babtism is essenntal for salvation
if it says to be saved then it is implied if not done you will not be saved

Chris Knight said...

To "anonymous" immediately above this comment:

1. You can't spell.

2. "Implication" is very rarely a solid foundation for theological doctrine.

Anonymous said...

chris why dont you go have a bible study with johny i know he would probably do it either you could convert him or he can convert you since your so sure of your views and he of his one of you has got to be wrong

Anonymous said...

hey are you there you just reponded to me

Anonymous said...

chris im 15 years old want to debate

Anonymous said...

read mark 16:16

paden said...

my name is paden

paden said...

if i say bring me some water and ill give you some candy would i give you candy if you didnt bring me water comon dude its common sense

paden said...

chris you want to have a debate with me or a bible study

paden said...

call in to johny roberts tonight and argue yourr points ill be watching

Anonymous said...

hey every one the church of christ doesnt teach babtismal regeneration or works they teach that faith saves but its the faith that obeys babtism is not a work of your self its a work of god that you meet

paden said...

hey chris want to debate me or have a study i wish you would i wouldnt make you look as bad as johny im only 15 by the way your vidie about johny doesnt make you look good and him bad its the other way around

Chris Knight said...

To quote a friend who also said this of your cult leader...

I will gladly do a study with Johnny Robertson, so long as I have a Bible in one hand and a .38 in the other.

paden said...

plz tell me why he is a cult leader and i live in texas not virginia

paden said...

why do you need a gun does the truth make you that mad

paden said...

chris are you watching what does the bible say its on right now i want you yto call in

Anonymous said...

chris are you a methodist or what are you and why

Chris Knight said...

I am a follower of Christ, saved by His grace. And not by any effort of my own, lest I should boast.

Anonymous said...

chris i hate to tell you this but the only way to come into conntact with the blood of christ and grace of god ids through babtism so you cant be saved since you havent been babtized scripturly

Chris Knight said...

1. You still can't spell if your life depended on it.

2. There is no verse of scripture that backs up what you are saying at all.

3. You persist in making your cult look... well... dumb.

paden said...

lol how is the church of christ a cult were open about everything and you want scripture about babtism mark 16:16 lets see what you got to say about that one for started

paden said...

and us dumb how about the methodist they babtize by sprinkiling when babtism comes from the greek babtiso wich means to submerse

Chris Knight said...

You said...

"the only way to come into conntact with the blood of christ and grace of god ids through babtism"

How you are getting that from Mark 16:16, is beyond any rational understanding.

It is not a scriptural position. You are very much adding onto the Bible, per your own peculiar and twisted doctrine.

And you can't expect anyone to take you at your word that you understand Greek if you can't even spell in English past a kindergarten level.

paden said...

if you got a problem with my spelling get over it cause its not the spelling its the typing wich i was never rely taught now back to mark 16:16 it proves babtism is essntial that was the point there the point about the blood of christ and babtism comes from romans 6:3-6 now are you gonna have a conversation and look at the scripture or are you just gonna keep acting like a little kid and talk about spelling and avoid the point and the scriptures

paden said...

hey chris i was lookingat this other blog where you had some stuff to say it looks like you got an argument about an iron lung im pretty sure i had heard about this and johny answered it very easily but the thing is you can make whatever scenario you want it doesnt matter because you can do the same for faith only quit making scenarios and just let god be the judge and look at what his word tells us and there is no question babtism is required for salvation so it is essential

paden said...

hey chris dude i dont want to tear you down or you tear me down but lets study and examin the scriptures i can answere your questions you had from your youtube video with johny like how is what he is doing showing the love of christ or where in the bible does it say if your not babtized you will go to hell just a question have you ever deply studied what you believe and what the church if christ believes and checked them

Anonymous said...

chris why didnt you reply to that comment right above

Anonymous said...

Acts 2:21. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

There's your answer.

And hey, did you read on to Mark 16:17-18? Where it says that those who believe will cast out demons, speak new languages,lay hands on the sick and they'll get healed, drink anything deadly and it will not hurt them - all in Jesus name.
So, are you doing that?
As far as baptism goes, if you take a bath in Jesus name, that's it. The hebrew defintion for baptism means to be immersed, washed... in ceremonial ablution (look it up, it means washing.)If your so concerned, then go get baptised, but note that righteousness wasn't given to Abraham for good works, it was given to him by faith. (Yeah read every book in the old and new testament, it kind of says it all over the place but especially Romans chapter 4.)
God bless you! =D

Unknown said...

Christopher Knight, you are about as BRAINDEAD as they come, still doing Satan's Work. I will take you on anytime, anywhere with at least a crowd of 5,000 or more concerning your defamation of the Lord's Church. You haven't studied the Scripture enough to figure it out just like the multitude of call it what ever you want "churches" which are NOT Christ's Church. They exist because that is Satan's tactic to go after Christ's Church, (the CHURCH OF CHRIST) the one that bears HIS name, the one HE said he would build, the one that he paid for on the cross, purchased with HIS own blood, the only one mentioned in the New Testament and that includes the 12 times it is called the Church of God which is a direct reference to Christ if you READ it, and the same church that endured years of persecution because they refused to bow down to governmental or idol worship demands, new creeds and false doctrines. You keep on paving your path to eternal torment but you're far too brainwashed to know it EVEN THOUGH SCRIPTURE IS EXTREMELY CLEAR. ALL OF YOU ARE DETERMINED TO TELL CHRIST HOW HE (CHRIST) IS GOING TO SAVE YOU. YOU THINK YOU KNOW BETTER THAN CRIST AND THE SPIRIT GUIDED APOSTLES HOW TO OBTAIN ETERNAL SALVATION!!!!! SPIRITUAL SUICIDE IS THE ONLY THING YOU ARE CAPIBLE OF. MILLIONS HAVE DIED LOST FOR A MULTITUDE OF YEARS BECAUSE OF IT. Open your eyes and ears, shake your brain because you're standing on a railroad track with a train barreling down on top of you and you think you are NOT GOING TO GET HIT!!!!!!!