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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Why Johnny Can't Spell

In spite of not having actively posted about it for two weeks, this blog is still getting visits (and the occasional comment) from people who've been following what's been going on between Yours Truly and the local cult calling itself the "Church of Christ", especially its power-mad leader Johnny Robertson of the Martinsville Church of Christ.

Speaking of which, lately I'm hearing it asked quite a lot: Why won't these guys, with all their money, buy airtime on any other television station besides WGSR? Especially when there are other stations in the area with both better studio facilities and broadcast reach? The general consensus is that WGSR's management was the only one desperate enough to sell airtime to the cult, and that every reputable and "real" station in the market wouldn't touch The Three Stasi (that's my latest nickname for Robertson, James Oldfield and Norm Fields) of the so-called "Church of Christ" with a nine-foot cattle prod. I didn't originate that sentiment, folks. That's just what others have been telling me.

Maybe with good reason: I haven't caught most of his more recent broadcasts but the word I'm consistently hearing is that Robertson has appeared "rattled", that the other week he looked like "a deer in the headlights" and that he was practically begging people to call in and pay him attention. I happened to watch a few minutes of his show this past Sunday night and he was ranting about how church bake sales and car washes were tantamount to mortal sin because they weren't mentioned in the Bible. I watched for five minutes then tuned Robertson out and instead began playing BioShock on the Xbox 360. There's more profound wisdom to be found in that video game than there is in the live television broadcasts of three real people during several hours each week: sad, but true.

Meanwhile, y'all wouldn't believe the stuff that's come into this blog over the past few weeks that I can't print yet about 'em. Suffice it say, "Christopher Knight, investigative reporter" is back in the saddle again. More regarding this when I feel like it's time to publish it.

I still stand by what I said on TV a few weeks ago folks: I don't care what Robertson tries to do to me. But as one wise friend told me a few days later: The Lord may yet have some work for me to do so far as these loons are concerned. However, regarding Robertson's boast that he had turned "the community" against me...

We've had three performances of Children of Eden so far. When the cast was greeting the audience following our opening night show one gentleman told me that I was "a hero" for "taking on that nutcase Johnny Robertson". A few days later at our third performance another audience member said that my words during the live appearance had "the love of Christ" and was "what being a real Christian is all about". Not one person has told me that I was wrong for those thirteen minutes, but a lot of people have told me - both in person and via e-mail, and not comments posted to this blog - that Johnny Robertson and Charles Roark are, in so many words, "a disgrace to this area". Again: their sentiment, not mine. I'm just reportin' it, folks. Parse all this as you will.

(Heck, the comments that I'm still having to delete every now and then about WGSR general manager Charles Roark have been more than a little, shall we say, "colorful". And I never knew that Roark had been convicted recently of theft and had served time in jail, or that he was banned from all Wal-Mart stores, or that prior to that he already had FOUR larceny convictions, or that he lost a defamation lawsuit leveled against him... parse all that as you will.)

In the meantime, I couldn't help but get a chuckle out of something that I noticed on Johnny Robertson's website...

You may have to click on the image to read this heading from the What Does The Bible Say? site. It declares in bold red font that...

"The church of Christ is the intellectual center in this region. No one else will take on the issues."
Whoa! Big boast there! The "intellectual center" of this region? I had no idea that the Martinsville Church of Christ was a subsidiary of the RAND Corporation!

And "No one else will take on the issues"? What does that supposed to mean?! If you read this blog you know that I take on "the issues" all the time. So do a dozen or so other bloggers in the area, not to mention many other writers and clergy members of various perspectives. So to say that "No one else will take on the issues" is a bold-faced lie. Granted, few of us would claim that we agree 100% with what someone else might believe... but I don't know of anyone so brazen as to proclaim that they are the "intellectual center" of anything.

Heck, I'm a pretty smart guy, and not even I would say something like that.

But wait, it gets better. Also from Robertson's site...

It says "Polgamist May Come to the Tent".

How the heck does Johnny Robertson expect us to buy into the notion that he is the "intellectual center" of the region and that he is the sole inviolate authority of the Word of God... when he can't even SPELL his OWN words right?!?

He has had "polygamist" mis-spelled for over a year now on the front page of his website! Tell me again how this is supposed to be "intellectual"?

This is far from an isolated incident. If you've ever read Robertson's hysterical ravings on the Answering the Church of Christ blog, you know already that he has atrocious grammar and spelling. He also has the tendency of shooting from the mouth before he really thinks about what it is he's saying. Although I tend to believe that when Robertson boasted that "we are here to defeat destroy you" he was being more truthful than he possibly realized.

But I am not here to "defeat destroy" anyone. Instead I choose to take the course of action that the wise sage Mel Brooks has discovered is the best way to destroy Hitler, along with any other evil person in this world...

I choose to make people laugh at Johnny Robertson, James Oldfield, Norm Fields, and their twisted cult that never does anything but hurt others.

More soon. Some will be serious. And some will be different.

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Anonymous said...

Gee...where is the love? I wish we could all sit around, take our meds, and sing Kumbaya. This used to be such a touchy-feely blog. I feel depressed. I need love. Where is it?

Anonymous said...

Let the man be. If he is wrong, God will have a great judgement prepared for him. Debating with him would not solve anything. It would just prove that you guys can argue pretty good. As far as spelling, can't you get something better to talk about.

Anonymous said...

Where was Chris during the Crusades when we really needed him?

Anonymous said...

Those nuts have been asking for it for years. Johnny thinks he's above everyone else but he's dumber than dirt. Chris is doing the right thing. If a mad dog is loose in the streets you have to take him down. You know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

I think Chris's intention was to show that Robertson and the other CoC preachers on Star News go out of their way to puff themselves up and look like they are better than everyone else. When they are actually morons with lots of money.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that the Martinsville Church of Christ was a subsidiary of the RAND Corporation!


Anonymous said...

"This used to be such a touchy-feely blog."

New here are you? Chris takes on bad guys all the time and does interesting stuff. He's the hardest working man on the internet.

Anonymous said...

I didnt know either that Charles Roark was a five-time convicted loser. No wonder Star News is so bad.

Anonymous said...

Unless they are COC members Johnnie Robertson should have Bible debates with the preachers who work at WGSR. Then he wouldn’t have to go barging in other churches the way he does. These churches offer their religion and if Johnnie Robertson don't like their religion then he should stay out of these churches These churches should not have to put up with him.

Chris Knight said...

"Unless they are COC members Johnnie Robertson should have Bible debates with the preachers who work at WGSR. Then he wouldn’t have to go barging in other churches the way he does. These churches offer their religion and if Johnnie Robertson don't like their religion then he should stay out of these churches These churches should not have to put up with him."

They won't do it.

Unless it is a situation that THEY control, the local "Church of Christ" cult will never relent to debating anyone.

On a level playing field, they will ALWAYS run away.

Even when they do confront others, it's ALWAYS done in a way designed to "push buttons" and rile the other party to anger. This is how Robertson, Oldfield, Fields et al try to make themselves look good and "the injured party" when in fact it is THEY who go around trying to stir up controversy.

Want proof? Here's what James Oldfield did a few days ago:

YouTube video of James Oldfield comparing himself to Martin Luther

And y'all wouldn't *buh-leeeeve* the stuff that has come into my possession over the past few weeks, regarding Robertson and his cult. Stuff that I wouldn't have even thought was real, were it not for SEVERAL people staking their reputations on being absolutely serious about this.

It's coming, all in due time.

Anonymous said...

I thought I heard Johnnie Robertson say Matt Smith of WGSR gave him that Bible program he is always clicking on.

Anonymous said...

Nah...he found that one hisself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Has Roark ever confessed on his show that he has been a convicted felon?

Anonymous said...

"Then he wouldn’t have to go barging in other churches the way he does. These churches offer their religion and if Johnnie Robertson don't like their religion then he should stay out of these churches "
That is what chris wrote. Why does it matter if you can spell if you can't speak/write grammatically correct english? (meaning "if Johnnie Roberston "don't" like their religion. Also another comment said "Nah...he found that one hisself." "hisself" or maybe its HIMself... I'm just saying no one is perfect so you should leave him alone. He knows what he is talking about.