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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Opening intro for STAR BLAZERS first season

One of the greatest title sequences for a children's cartoon ever.

The theme song alone will make you want to go flying off into outer space on a World War II battleship with a bunch of other men...

Okay, so it wasn't originally called Star Blazers, the original Japanese title is Space Battleship Yamato, but it's still an awesome show no matter what language it's translated in :-)

Maybe someday the suits at Disney will finally give us that live-action version that's been promised since 1995. Would be cool to see what the wave motion gun would look like...

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Geoff Gentry (aka xforce11) said...

Star Blazers rocked so did G-Force

Anonymous said...

I do not know you or Johnny Robertson. Seems like you do not want him to show you on his program, but you hve pics of him on your blog. You have video that is from WGSR 39 tv but you do not want them to show you . What gives , is it all right for you to do it but not them, why did you have to bring up Charles Roarke's history, is your history perfect. Why didn't you bring up Johhny and him being in jail and what he was in there for. All you have to do is go to the tv station and pick up the videos were Johnny told everybody that was listening. Are you perfect. Why do you hide behind your blog. If you are not scared of Johnny and know the bible debate him unless you are lied about what you know. What kinda of lie will you tell if you do not debate him that you did not feel it was right. You said you were going to write more about him so he is still on your mind. Why did you bring Charles into this for telling the truth, he could have said you did not know the bible. He said what everybody was thinking and even after you let people write bad stuff about him, he would not let people put down as far as they wanted to. Well, here is my question since according to the video on your blog you want to debate him so bad why don't you debate him this Thursday July 24 2008, unless you are scared do not make up excues. Proving the truth about god shoule be your number one priorty if you are a christian. Well will you I am sure Charles will refree he will not hold a grudge, even though you did him wrong. Do not make up a lie and say you can not, it is at 9P.M.. I sent him an email too if he chickens out I will foward the email to you to post on your blog. So just email me back the answer if he agrees it should be Thursday July 24 2008 at 9 P.M. I wrote the wrong date to him I wrote the 31 but I will resend him an email saying the 24, if you have his personal email send it to me. Making somebody tell the truth about the word of God should be your number 1 priorty do not make an excuse. It is your duty your a christian. Is it not every christians duty to make sure the truth about God is told , or do you not care that souls will be lost because you do not have the time?

Lee Shelton said...

Star Blazers! Oh, MAN, does that take me back!

Chris Knight said...

"I do not know you or Johnny Robertson. Seems like you do not want him to show you on his program, but you hve pics of him on your blog. You have video that is from WGSR 39 tv but you do not want them to show you . What gives , is it all right for..."

Okay, I just got back. What did I miss, exactly?