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Monday, August 04, 2008

This blog has just been notified of an important anniversary

We missed it by three days, but I don't think most people will mind if we "honor" it belatedly!

Yes folks, this past Friday, August 1st, was the thirtieth anniversary of a certain somebody going all nuts in a convenience store in east Texas, pulling out a revolver and threatening to kill the store's owner, then making off with a ridiculously tiny sum of money before being apprehended following a twenty-minute high-speed car chase... in a Ford Pinto.

(Was this same young man suicidal in addition to being an idiot?)

For that little stunt, Our Hero spent two years locked up in the prison at Huntsville (the one used for death sentences) before getting out and spending the next few as a paroled convicted felon.

And that's just the beginning...

More coming soon.


Anonymous said...

Rock hard Chris! Charles Roark that's what real journalism looks like!

Anonymous said...

Now we know what's taking that Dark Knight review so long. You're taking on the real live Joker.

Anonymous said...

Check this link out, it is one of the churches that give Johnny money. Hasn't Johnny said that if a church is a "true church" they wouldn't have all this extra money? This church has too much money to be doing the work of the lord according to Johnny. They have hired an architect to begin plans for a new fellowship hall and kitchen. And they have elders, I wonder if they are biblical elders? I wonder what Johnny will say about this church having so much money. He bashes churches around here when a treasure stills money from a church that is not named the Church of Christ, says something was wrong with that church it should not have had that much money. Well what is his excuse? (This is there good works link were it talks about Johnny.Just copy links and paste in browser.)

Anonymous said...

Johnny we await your defense. Why do they have all this extra income. How come it is right for them to have extra money, but not a denominational church. You are on tape talking about a treasurer stealing from a church, you said to this affect,you should be able to tell these denominations are not teaching form the bible. If they taught from the bible this things would not happen, furthermore you can tell these denominations are doing something wrong to have all this money laying around. That is not a direct quote but it is the just of what you said. I believe your right hand man James Oldfield was with you on t.v. saying the same thing. Don 't try saying that they are doing what they are suppose to do with the money, they support you yes, but why are they building another fellowship hall. Do they want to show that they are a rich church? Are the elders, elders according to the bible? This is your business because they support you. You should know if they are following the same doctrine as you.So just to be clear answer these questions, and don't answer these questions with more questions like yall do on t.v.. 1. How come they have so much extra income? 2 Do the elders meet the criteria to be elders, according to the bible. 3 How come when the Church of Christ has extra money to spend as it chooses it is ok , but when any denominational church has extra money it is a sign that the denotational church is not right with the bible? One last question, why do yall make the Church of Christ t.v. programs seem like we ask the questions and yall answer or the bible , but in fact when some one calls into the programs if you do not have an answer yall ask the questions? I thought we were suppose to aske the questions? I must say that the word play yall do is top notch. Make people think that a question has been answered when yall just jumped around in the bible and confused the caller. The callers do not know as much about the bible as yall, so yall can jump from verse to verse and confuse the caller and make them think there question has been answered, or make the words take on a new meaning when ever it suits yalls thought. You tell them Greek does not have one definition for this word, so yall change it to what yall want it to mean. Yall remind me of Bill Clinton.

Anonymous said...

They sound like a bunch of hypocrites to me. What does everybody else think?

Anonymous said...

Could someone please translate into english what anonymous #3 wrote? Feel free to use paragraphs if possible.

Chris Knight said...

You know, for all their talk of "debate", we have yet to see an honest-to-God sincere and level debate with anyone from the local "Church of Christ" cult.

(Which I emphasize again, has nothing to do with the Church of Christ that most people know and have respect for.)

If it is not a situation that they exercise complete control over, they will have nothing to do with it. And when they are engaged in a "debate" and feel like they can't control it any longer, they run away from it.

Neither have we ever heard them want to "debate" anything apart from "denominations". Not once have I heard Robertson, Oldfield or Fields discuss any legitimately deep theology.

Some have suggested that the reason Johnny Robertson is into all this troublemaking is that he has an "inferiority complex" stemming from his time in prison, or a bad childhood. And now he's trying to make up for it by projecting himself as the "toughest kid" in the neighborhood. It sure would explain a lot of things.

You know what you do with such bullies? You stand up to them.

But here's what I can't understand: if Johnny Robertson expects to be forgiven for something that happened 30 years ago, and thinks that God has forgiven him for that and let him move on, then why does Robertson now trying to imprison others in legalism, which is much worse than physical confinement? Johnny Robertson is putting others in spiritual jail, and he's trying to make like he possesses the keys to the place.

Horrible irony, isn't it?

I also posted this for another reason: if Johnny Robertson of three decades ago could almost kill a man for money, why should we expect the Johnny Robertson of today to have enough conscience to not do that, in light of how he has proclaimed that it's his mission to "defeat destroy you", referring to those who disagree with him?

Would you consider it safe to disregard such a man, knowing what he's proven he's capable of doing?

arachesostufo said...

A translater please !!!!!!!

Chris Knight said...

And speaking of Charles Roark:

I have some disagreements with the man regarding his journalism and ethics...

...but I have never referred to him, at all, as a "f** f*****".

Somebody else has, however. And this person uses several other extremely distasteful epithets when talking about Roark with others.

Parse this as you will.

Anonymous said...

Were is the blog Johnny was talking about Sunday night? Did I over look it. Please post a link here, I can not seem to find it.

Anonymous said...

That would be...

JR isn't interested in giving out our URL, but please come and see us sometime!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this is shocking. What's next?

Ron Price alleged conspiracy by Teamsters

A news article on Charles Roark's thefts stated he had an impulse control disorder, his attorney said some type of mania.

Did Johnnie have an excuse or anything to blame it on?

Chris Knight said...

Robertson is blaming it on running with "the wrong crowd". In other words, he refuses to own up to his own mistakes. He regrets getting caught. He does not seem to regret that he did wrong.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be some kind of problem with posting this information on Johnny on his videos at www.youtube.com ????

Anonymous said...

If he comes to your door, assume the worst and shoot the bastard.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why this information cannot be posted on www.youtube.com
It is blocked

Chris Knight said...

What information?