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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Alan Moore is gonna be honked-off angry...

Zack Snyder has confirmed that he has changed the ending for the movie version of Watchmen, which he's directed.

So we will not be getting to see the "alien squid" after all...

In the past few weeks I've found myself wondering what the "squid" might possibly look like translated to screen. And that led me to think that perhaps Guillermo del Toro would have been the "go-to" guy for giving it the appropriate gruesomeness. Now it turns out that the climactic moment of most widely-acclaimed graphic novel has been... altered?!

Snyder did read Watchmen, right? I mean, he knows what the ultimate purpose of the "squid" is, yes?

I am now officially skeptical about how this is going to work. No wonder Alan Moore - the creator of Watchmen - harbors such legendary frustration about film adaptations of his efforts.


Anonymous said...

I never read Watchmen. What does the squid do?

Chris Knight said...



The "alien squid" is not really an alien at all. It's something that Adrian, himself one of the heroes, created through genetic engineering. He teleports the "alien" to New York City, whereupon its arrival kills five million people because of the psychic shockwave from its death.

The entire thing was a "practical joke" by Adrian, to con the entire world into uniting against a common enemy, instead of destroying itself in nuclear war.

Anonymous said...

I'm not so irked about the lack of a giant squid, as much as I am in fear of the whole ending being changed. If Adrian uses something else to con the entire world, I am fine.

qemuel said...

The impression I have is that the con is still on, just in a different form (so to speak).

Anonymous said...

I'm giving Snyder the benefit of the doubt Christ. He might have something better than the squid planned.