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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Johnny Robertson (still) can't spell

Nobody can take a so-called "preacher" seriously when he chronically mis-spells words like "especially" and "scriptures"...

And Johnny Robertson is saying that another preacher is "confused"?

Kinda funny, isn't it? That there have been at least two major stories that happened in the area in the past few days, and WGSR general manager Charles Roark didn't see fit to have either of them reported over the air. The bigger priority at Star News is the illiterate cult leader from Texas: the one that Roark acts like an obedient dog to.


Anonymous said...

You should not insult dogs by comparing Charles Roark to them Chris.

Anonymous said...

Robertson has turned off comments on his video. He can't take it!

Anonymous said...

I hate when prominent people misspell or misuse words for publications. Prime example: The Eden Jewelry sign on 29 N just outside of Reidsville. 'Buy, Sale and Trade.'

Granted,my spelling is horrible, but then again, I rarely publish anything publicly.

Anonymous said...

Johnny seemed to be hitting below the belt when he continued putting signs up in front of Dan Parker such as Johnny Robertson paying for Dan Parker air time Dan Parker vs. Dan Parker One sign popped up for only a second had the word Bird on it????
Dan Parker gets my vote as winner of that debate.

Anonymous said...

I have it on good authority that Charles Roark can't spell either and he's a total joke when it comes to quantum physics. Roark is such a loser.

Anonymous said...

Some things never change!

Anonymous said...

I can't say much. I've been using MS Word so long with spell check I've about forgotten to spell