Police in Denver, Colorado are looking for a man who committed armed robbery at two of the convenience stores. The weapon of choice for the assailant? A "bat'leth": the customary sword of Klingon warriors in the Star Trek universe (modeled here by Worf), first forged by Kahless the Unforgettable during the Earth's Ninth Century.
At least he wasn't a Doctor Who fan trying to hold up stores with a toilet plunger...
And tomorrow will read that the same guy tried to rob another 7-11 this time with a Force FX Lightsaber. lol
An ominous sign, hard times have reached the nerds.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry -- so I'm doing both!
The pathetic thing is that according to the story the clerks readily identified it as a bat'leth! Is that something out of Kevin Smith's world or what.
"Today is a good day to steal Slurpees!" :-P
I miss pre-DS9 Worf.
*cries a little*
What do we call this guy?
The Batleth Bandit?
The Klingon Krook?
He has brought shame on his family name and the sword of honor. Gre'thor shall be his eternal abode!
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