Fallout 3 is my current drug of choice so far as video and computer gaming goes. Bethesda Softworks' follow-up to the classic series of the late Nineties (and if you still want to play Fallout and Fallout 2 check out my review of GOG.com) maintains all of the elements that made its predecessors such a gripping experience, while also rebuilding the mechanics with the innovations of modern video gaming. The result? Not a "reboot" at all, but a fully-fledged brilliant continuation of the series. And yet Fallout 3 also looks and feels much like modern titles such as Grand Theft Auto IV and BioShock: the "sandbox"-style that lets you roam and explore as freely as you wish. In that regard Fallout 3 may be the standout of the potential that modern video gaming has: the narrative is extremely non-linear, to the point that there is no "right or wrong" way to play the game. You come to discover that much just from the introductory tutorial scenes (perhaps the most clever that I have seen in a game like this).
And did I say how incredibly beautiful Fallout 3 is? I hope and pray that Washington D.C. is never really nuked... but if it ever were, I can't imagine it looking much different than how it is portrayed in Fallout 3.
The game is available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Windows machines. I bought the Windows flavor, since I'm of the school which teaches that role-playing games need to be enjoyed on something with a mouse and keyboard. But however it is that you play, give Fallout 3 a looksee.
Just mind the radroaches. And try not to drink the water.
Yes, I'm currently playing Fallout 3 myself, but I'm playing on PlayStation 3. I rather enjoy the game. The only thing I'm really disappointed about, and what is gonna keep me from buying anymore games that are by Bethesda is that the DLC for Fallout 3 is exclusive to 360 and PC. I usually wouldn't have any problem with DLC, except if it wasn't for the fact that the third DLC pack, "Broken Steel" alters the ending of the core game so that players can play an additional main quest. Although, I still have hope that the DLC will come out for PS3 one day.
Oops...I forgot to sign my comments again. lol
-Drew M.
I am going to keep this as short as humanly possible.
Fallout 3 is a piece of s***, an abomination to the good name of the Fallout franchise. It is a sequel in name only.
It sucks. Plain and simply. I can think of no redeeming qualities but the graphics which are quite stunning.
It really is just bad. I'm not saying this as a hardcore RPG lover. I am saying this as a gamer. Fallout 3 is - in a nutshell - everything that is wrong with the industry.
...Chris, you just gave me an idea for a new post for my blog! Thanks! :D
Matt said:
"Fallout 3 is - in a nutshell - everything that is wrong with the industry."
You obviously never played Lost: Via Domus
I am sure it is infinitely better than Sellout 3.
As I said: you OBVIOUSLY never played Lost: Via Domus.
That game made John Locke sound like Huckleberry Hound so much, that I haven't been able to watch the TV show the same way since...
Lol. I'm trying to imagine how that's suppose to sound. I either hear Huckleberry Hound's voice coming out of Locke's mouth, or Terry O'Quinn trying to do a Huckleberry Hound impersonation.
-Drew M.
The problem with Fallout 3 is that some people expected it to be a first person shooting game like Bioshock or Halo. It is what the earlier games in the series are, a role playing game, but this one is with first person elements. I am on my fourth time of playing it through. Just know you are playing an RPG and you will have a good time!
"For my heinous act of self-defense his lovely daughter jilted me forever."
Are you really going to take that from her? Just take her. In a wasteland you can do what you uwant.
then you don't know a good game even when your playng one, matt...
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