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Sunday, March 22, 2009

The final episode of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA...

...should go down in history as doing something that had never, ever been done before:

It found common ground between Evolutionists and Creationists. And provided a reason to make peace between the two.

Just finished watching the episode. I'm now greatly enticed to buy up the season DVD sets, and check out what else I might have missed of this apparently very fine show.


Anonymous said...

The BSG finale was one of the best television programmes I have ever had the opportunity to see and I am glad to hear that you also enjoyed it. I look forward to any thoughts you may have about the show if/when you start watching the DVDs.

Anonymous said...

Not sure how you could do that...although, once you watch the DVD series and see how overall grim the it was, I think you will appreciate the ending even more the second time around.

Anonymous said...

My perspective is a little different. I didn't get around to seeing it a 2nd time this weekend, so maybe I'll change my mind later, but I am really on the fence about the BSG finale.

Ultimately, I think I was so impressed with some things (the battles, effects, the fate of the Galactica, etc.) and so baffled and even a little disappointed by other things (explanations about Kara, Head Six, and Head Baltar), that I average somewhere in the middle. I can't say I loved or hated it as a whole, but I loved some parts and at least disliked other parts.

And, unlike Anonymous, I think if you see how grim the rest of the series was (seriously, almost non-stop despair), you'll see just how surreal and out-of-place the finale is compared to the rest of the show.

And, as far as the "religious" element, I'm struggling with that too. I've always wished that sci-fi shows were more willing to mix in a little religion, faith, miracles, divine intervention, etc. Yet, I'm not sure I like how BSG pulled it off. I'm not sure I can explain why either except that I didn't see it coming.

Something about the show always felt like the unexplained elements would be based in sci-fi somehow. To explain it all away with the religious aspect feels a little out-of-the-blue, as if Ron Moore & company wanted to incorporate un-explainable things throughout the series to make it feel mysterious but then chalked it all up to divine intervention to throw the audience a bone at the last second. The resolutions to certain mysteries felt tacked on, not planned.

Ooh, I think I'm rambling. Like I said, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the episode. I may get a chance to re-watch it later this week and have a more articulate opinion.

Anonymous said...

Well, a couple more observations myself...

I have watched the finale 2 1/2 times so far. Still enjoyed it. There are some aspects I don't like, but oh well, I think the show ended better than most have over the years.

For me, I was expecting something horrible to happen and felt pleasantly surprised that the show ended on a reasonably happy note. It was as if the survivors of the 12 colonies had finally earned their rest from running among the stars. But the other story ends helped temper the overall "happy" ending with sad events, like the death of Laura, the disappearance of Starbuck, etc.

Some things I disagreed with:
Although the survivors may have decided to leave technology in general behind, I think they would have stripped those ships bare of everything remotely usable as furnishings, supplies, and building materials. But then that would not have fit into the myth of them being our ancient ancestors.

I also think that perhaps they would have landed the ships that could have handled atmospheric entry to use as instant shelter as they got their individual communities started.

I didn't understand Adama leaving his son behind to end his days completely alone. I agree with his decision to take Laura for a last flight, but I didn't think that Adama would wish to be away from Lee in his last days. Away from any leadership role, sure, but to turn his back on Lee, and his best friend Tigh....just not seeing it happen.

Starbuck....STILL dunno what to make of that. But seeing Lee there, suddenly alone in the field, deprived of the final chance to spend the rest of his life with her, really struck a powerful note, very much in keeping with the overall somber note the majority of BSG had.

I was sorely disappointed with what happened with Baltar. After all, it was his treachery that led to the downfall of the 12 colonies and the loss of millions of lives. I would have liked to see him give his life to save Hera during the rescue or the gunfight in CIC, as a means of penance for his sins. True, his story could be representative of the forgiveness we all receive in Christ, but I sincerely doubt that was the intent of the writers.

Still, I am satisfied with the ending for the most part and try not to ponder it so much.

And Chris, I am not sure how the story is a means of reaching out to both creationist and evolutionist, will have to watch it again looking for that perspective.

Now, get the DVD of the first miniseries and then dive into Season 1. I introduced my friend to BSG last spring, and he just devoured the entire series start to end, enjoying the whole thing. So, I think you WILL like it....

Anonymous said...

was a good end for a great series... although some things didnt make sense
Like why would they go back to earth(i hought there was too much radiation there thats why they left the first place right??) or was there radiation where they first landed

Anonymous said...

Best TV show I have ever seen.

Serena said...

You are right dear it is the best TV Show. And the final episode was really good. I downloaded all these episodes and now I am watching Battlestar Galactica Episodes from starting...