100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Take a look at this shot from NORMALSVILLE!

Good friend, fellow filmmaker and renaissance man Marco van Bergen sent along this still from Normalsville, his latest project...

That looks stunning! Can you believe this is a film being made by mostly teenagers? Well, Marco and his crew are a very talented lot and I'm not ashamed to say this either: I've learned a lot from him that I'm eager to apply to my own productions. This is definitely a rising young name that we'll be hearing plenty more good from in the future.

And if you wanna know more about Normalsville, click on over to the official website! :-)


Anonymous said...

I know the guy. Little weird and not really that good.

Chris Knight said...

Yeah well, I'm weirder and much worse.

The difference is, Marco and me are MAKING movies... and you probably aren't.