Breitbart.com has the somewhat humorous story of how wide the gulf is between movie-goers and professional movie critics. Personally, I don't care that it's got so many problems artistically. It's giant transforming robots beating the crap out of each other with lots of earth-trembling explosions. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is everything you'd expect from a Michael Bay summer popcorn flick. What more is it supposed to be?! :-)
I'm going to see i for my second time tomorrow. Far as I'm concerned, it deserves the money it's raking in. Damn good movie.
I'm planning on seeing it again later this week and then taking my four Belgian friends who will be visiting a week from now to see it on the IMAX screen in Raleigh :-)
"Personally, I don't care that it's got so many problems artistically."
I didn't really think the problems were with the art department...
"It's giant transforming robots beating the crap out of each other with lots of earth-trembling explosions."
...and why didn't you like Terminator Salvation? How was that movie too loud for you if you liked Transformers 2? In my opinion, Transformers 2 made T4 look like it should be up for Oscars or something.
"What more is it supposed to be?!"
Less is more. In this case, less sexual innuendo, less live barbie dolls, less dialogue (like you said, it would have been better if it was just robots beating each other up, the dialogue ruined it), less insulting the audience, etc...
To each their own. ;)
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