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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cultist Johnny Robertson reacts to this blog (Plus: Facebook is laughing!)

It started several months ago, when I began cryptically referring to what I called "Evil Incarnate(tm)" on my Facebook updates. It wasn't long before many friends started asking "Hey Chris, what are you talking about?!" (or words to that effect).

So that's how it came to be that quite a few people on Facebook are now watching - and laughing at - local cult leader Johnny Robertson. I'd dare say that quite a considerable amount of WGSR's bandwidth is now being used by people from Florida to New Hampshire to Oregon who are tuning in via streaming video just to giggle at this loon and his cronies. And now we've started doing a live "running commentary" over Facebook where we poke holes and point out the lies in Robertson's mad rantings, along with generally making fun of him and his followers.

So one friend further west pointed out something a few minutes ago: that Robertson is crowing this evening about how supposedly he got some ministry in this area to change their website... but Robertson "ain't said nothin'" about how this very blog has caused him to shut up about something!

And... it's true.

Since The Knight Shift first revealed a number of weeks ago that the "Church of Christ" cult has been run out of the town of Reidsville, Robertson has not once on his broadcasts mentioned any "Reidsville meeting"! And neither has Robertson spoken any further about any meeting of the group taking place in Ruffin... which Robertson claimed on the July 5th broadcast had been going on for "more than a year". All that the cult currently has going on is the "Martinsville Church of Christ" and the "Eden Church of Christ".

Some are beginning to wonder if it has that much left, but I'm gonna withhold comment on that for now.

(Actually, I'm on top of a bunch of stuff that I'm withholding for the time being...)

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Anonymous said...

Johnny Robertson tonight publically accused Osborne Baptist Church in Eden of public nudity!!!!

Again Robertson has no proof!!!!!!

Matt said...

"Again Robertson has no proof!!!!!!"

You act like that is something unique and at which we should all ogle at. :)

Chris Knight said...

Matt, LOL!! :-)

I also happened to hear the accusation. And I'm still waiting for Robertson to substantiate that accusation. It was like a "hit and run": he made it, implied it was true and then moved right on with the show (right now he's accusing some minister of adultery because he's divorced).

Will Robertson produce any proof that Osborne did such a thing? Probably not.

Bet y'all an RC Cola and a Moon Pie that he'll be on Charles Roark's show within the next few days making the same claim.

I'll also wager fifty cents that Roark will call Osborne a church filled with "perverts" just as he did First Christian last year.

Anonymous said...

"I'd dare say that quite a considerable amount of WGSR's bandwidth is now being used by people from Florida to New Hampshire to Oregon who are tuning in via streaming video just to giggle at this loon and his cronies."

That's not cheap. You and your buddies may be costing him a few hundred extra dollars.

Matt - WGSR said...

It is VERY cheap . . . FREE in fact, thanks to USTREAM.

Check out our streams . . . play 'em all you want!


More coming.


Anonymous said...

Johnny Robertson is no Christian. Christians don't try to disrupt and hijack worship in churches. Christians don't accuse churches of pornography like Robertson has now done TWICE! Christians don't stalk their enemies. Christians are supposed to love their enemies even. Christians don't threaten to strangle people on television. Christians don't call themselves God. Christians don't lie. Christians don't tell people they are going to hell because they don't like their denomination.

Johnny Robertson has done all these things. He is the most evil man in Martinsville and all around here.

Anonymous said...

"Actually, I'm on top of a bunch of stuff that I'm withholding for the time being..."

I've heard you make this comment before. If you have accumulated all this so-called evidence against Johnny Robertson, then why do you not reveal it? Just curious.

Dobson Dipstick said...

That's an excellent question..and point. We've heard that "I'm going to reveal something shocking about Johnny soon" schtick several times before and nothing ever comes out. That's just to build up steam for his blog.

And really, who cares if he isn't meeting in Reidsville or if they meet by a potbelly stove in the second story of the Ruffin Fire Department by candlelight. I mean, really, what is all the hoopla about that? Is that so shocking? Who really cares? A fly letting a fart makes more noise than that.


Anonymous said...

She's pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Well, I've been following the antics of the Church of Christ idiots for awhile on this blog and I haven't known Chris not to deliver the promised goods. And his reporting has solid evidence behind it too, not like Johnny who makes wild accusations on tv and then won't back it up.

Anonymous said...

'Dobson' is an idiot. Chris already took him to the woodshed about the Danville cop who shot the dog.

Anonymous said...

"We've heard that "I'm going to reveal something shocking about Johnny soon" schtick several times before and nothing ever comes out."

I don't know Mr. Dipstick, but I have to admit he is correct on this observation. Chris makes a lot of threats and then never follows through on them.

Anonymous said...

Every town needs a Knight. Just one person who isn't afraid to take a stand and take the hits. If Johnny Robertson doesn't have a place in Reidsville to call home other than fellow felon Charles Roark's Star News then I think credit goes where credit is due and we have Chris Knight to thank. Chris man, I will buy you a cold one and shake your hand if I ever get that chance.

Anonymous said...

The "Johnny Robertson tonight publically accused Osborne Baptist Church in Eden of public nudity!!!!" comment.

What was that all about anyway. Is Johnny Robertson seeing panties again?

I am wondering if Johnny seriously needs help. First he sees panties when underaged girls are dancing. I believe that had been aired on a respectful TV station before WGSR and no one else saw panties.

Now at a public swimming pool he is seeing nasty things that other people evidently are not seeing.

I am beginning to think this man may be a threat to society. Is there no place a person can go anymore and enjoy an afternoon without Johnny Robertson commenting in some filthy way? Does the swimming pools need police security too?

Who in Texas is paying all that money for Johnny Robertson to do this? That person must have more money than he knows what to do with. And to think of all the starving people in America that could use that money. Seems that would be a more Godly thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Robertson sounds like a psycho and a pervert.

Solomon Grundy of the Great Dismal Swamp said...

Is that Progressive Insurance girl hot or what?

Chris Knight said...

Shhhh... quiet Solomon! The LAST thing we want to do is give Robertson any more people to go after! :-P

Pete said...

Charles Roark: the Perez Hilton of Martinsville, Virginia

Anonymous said...

More drama about a third-rate evangelist on a forth-rate TV station. The station is so lame you can't even read the graphics and the "show" is so boring about 5 minutes is all one can take. I can't imagine watching all of it and following along on Facebook. Again I have to ask, "Why do you people care?". Where's that Paden guy ? At least he was good for a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Pete said...
Charles Roark: the Perez Hilton of Martinsville, Virginia

This made me laugh so hard my iced tea went up my nose! Next time I see Roark I'm gonna start pointing shouting OMG! It's Perez Hilton!

Anonymous said...

People care because Johnny Robertson is a dangerous man and his followers would commit murder on his command if he told them God ordered it.

If blogs like this existed thirty years ago Jim Jones probably would have been another fringe lunatic like Robertson but without hundreds of victims.

Anonymous said...

"The station is so lame you can't even read the graphics and the 'show' is so boring about 5 minutes is all one can take. I can't imagine watching all of it and following along on Facebook."

How would you know about the bad graphics and being boring and following on Facebook?

Oh wait! I get it! YOU WATCH! Just like the rest of you that can't stop talking about it...that's because you watch! YOU WATCH IT!


Anonymous said...

"Oh wait! I get it! YOU WATCH!"

Like I said, I watch for five minutes and then get bored. That's the oldest bullshit criticism on the Internet. You publish something lame, outrageous, or controversial and then chastise people for looking at it. As if something is wrong with the viewer rather than the publisher. That was a favorite ploy of Richard Moore.

Chris Knight said...

What can I say? I've always thought that "preachers" on public access cable is some of the most hysterically hilarious entertainment around.

And when the same said "preachers" actually pay serious $$$ to be on television, it's even more uproariously funny!

Anonymous said...

I really miss Richard Moore.

Nobody could put a spin on local horse$hit stuff like Richard could.

Frankly I wish he would crank up his press again and go back on tv to bring us the news of backroom deals and the creepy individuals he harassed on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

The point was raised about Chris' claims to having all this information on Johnny Robertson that he was "withholding for the time being.." and that the information he claims to have never materializes. Notice how he let that one go right on by without it being addressed? Chris, if you really have such evidence on Johnny Robertson as to defame him and shut him down for good, why do you not go public with it?

Dobson is for dentures said...


Sorry, I couldn't help it.

But you know what he'll say. Right? He'll say that now isn't the right time and every dog has his day and all in good time and all that other cliche crap.

If Chris knew anything, he would have spilled it long ago. But he doesn't have anything except what he "guesses" is going on with Johnny.

Yeah, with riveting news that Johnny and James Oldfield are cousins..and that Johnny calls out chrches on his show...its the stuff that would make Hearst shut down his presses. Haha!

All talk and no-do.

Anonymous said...

"And when the same said "preachers" actually pay serious $$$ to be on television, it's even more uproariously funny."

Why would Johnny pay money? Doesn't he own WGSR?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the show where Charles Roark called Richard Moore evil for what he was doing to him.
Something about website names??

Charles talked with Johnny Robertson on the phone asking him his perspective on what Richard was doing which Johnny was very willing to give.

It seems Charles Roark don't care who he attacks even when it comes to who I thought was his friend.

Anonymous said...

In Chris Knight's defense:

I know the man. He's a reporter in the old tradition. He was trained by the best of the trade. He's got a high standard of ethics.

Chris won't be revealing anything until he's got everything squared away to pass all scrutiny.

I've watched Chris destroy criminal careers with his work. He did it in Guilford County in 2003. And he'll probably do it again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"I know the man. He's a reporter in the old tradition. He was trained by the best of the trade. He's got a high standard of ethics."

You're deluding yourself because you agree with his point of view. Chris is a good WRITER, he's not a REPORTER although he sometimes passes himself off as one as it suits his cause. This is an OPINION blog which bears little resemblance to reporting. It is, in fact, the opposite of reporting. The ethics of journalism apply to REPORTING in which you leave yourself out of the equation and state the facts in an unbiased fashion. WGSR certainly misses that standard also.

You might want to research the recently departed Walter Cronkite for his take on opinion-based "news".

Anonymous said...

You actually believe Walter Cronkite was not a biased reporter???????


Cronkite was a liberal tool and proud of it.

Anonymous said...

Cronkite held liberal views that he expressed after he retired from CBS. Until then, the public didn't know what his views were. That's the point of journalistic ethics. Being liberal or conservative has no bearing on reporting if you do it correctly. There are plenty of conservative reporters that display the same ethics. Your use of the phrase "liberal tool" indicates that is a concept you will have difficulty understanding.

Dobson Dingleberry said...

"I've watched Chris destroy criminal careers with his work. He did it in Guilford County in 2003. And he'll probably do it again."

Really now?

Tell us all about who he destroyed in 2003. What criminal buckled at the knees from his almighty pencil and steno pad?

Betcha can't name it. Prove me wrong.

Chris Knight said...

I can only assume that what is being referred to here is the massive swindling operation called The Greensboro Patriot/The Northwest Guilford News, that was supposed to be printing a newspaper between November 2002 and May 2003 before its "publisher", a convicted felon named Lester Alan Euell (who had previously served time at Riker's Island for scheming to defraud in the first degree) left town and never came back following the investigation and expose that several people (including myself) were part of, the legal actions taken against Euell's "publishing company" during which I was called to testify under oath, etc.

You can read about it in several issues of The Northwest Observer (a legitimate and long-established weekly newspaper) that were published in June and July 2003.

That is really all I'm at liberty to say about it, but as most of this is public record anyway, and has been for some time, it's not like it's been any big secret.

Neither have I ever claimed to have taken any special role in bringing down the operation. There were quite a number of people involved, and some of them wound up paying dearly for their acts of good citizenship.

Anonymous said...


Again, it seems as if the subject is conveniently changed when pressure is put on Chris to reveal his "bunch" of information about Johnny Robertson. Chris Knight = Stephen Glass? Well...nah surely not...hmmm...maybe? ::shrugs:: Oh well...!

Anonymous said...

So funny. Chris gets asked and he shows he's got real chops as a journalist. And it's not enough for the cult. Maybe that's why they're called fringe fanatics.

Anonymous said...

"So funny. Chris gets asked and he shows he's got real chops as a journalist. And it's not enough for the cult. Maybe that's why they're called fringe fanatics."

Straw man.
The question was raised about the supposed heap of information that he has on Johnny Robertson that he hasn't revealed yet.

Anonymous said...

You must be Johnny Robertson because no one knows more about straw man and misdirection than him. What about the nudity at Osborne Baptist that Robertson claimed? Robertson still hasn't revealed that.

Anonymous said...

Chris you should know that many of the cult's channels on YouTube have been banned and suspended. Including the one for studyjesus. He's gone now along with all his videos.

Anonymous said...

"You must be Johnny Robertson because no one knows more about straw man and misdirection than him. What about the nudity at Osborne Baptist that Robertson claimed? Robertson still hasn't revealed that."

I assure you that I am not Johnny Robertson. Now you are judging things unseen as well as being a straw man. The alleged "nudity" at Osborne Baptist church is not the issue that is being discussed here. This, again, seems to be a tactic to draw attention away from the original question about the information that Chris has on Johnny Robertson.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure none of the recent comments have been from Johnny Robertson. The grammar and spelling are too good. I think the question is fair.

I also see no evidence of "real chops as a journalist" and in Chris's defense, that was not HIS claim. I see real chops as a writer, not a journalist. Threats to shoot the subject of your writings is generally considered fairly un-journalistic. But that's just me. Entertaining writing though.

Anonymous said...

Hummmmm never saw Chris threaten anyone. He has asserted a right to self defense against Johnny Robertson a dangerous man convicted felon and cult leader if Robertson gets out of line. You can call that unjournalistic but I call that clear sanity. Would you want Robertson coming to your door knowing the kind of violent person he is? Didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

"Would you want Robertson coming to your door knowing the kind of violent person he is?"

Would you mind providing evidence of this (other than the already-known robbery he committed thirty years ago) so that we can either substantiate or dismiss your claim? What other acts of violence has he committed that can be documented as irrefutable proof that he is a "violent" man? Can you enlighten us on that? Otherwise, your claim becomes a generic charge. A generic charge is always easy to identify because the person making the charge does not give any examples, i.e.:

"Johnny Robertson is a violent man." - generic charge

"Johnny Robertson is a violent man because..." - non-generic charge

Batesville Snitch said...

Chris the person writing you is Paul from Batesville Church of Christ and he is one of Johnny Robertson's followers. He is going around here, Batesville Arkansas harassing Baptist churches and everyone else.

Anonymous said...

"Chris the person writing you is Paul from Batesville Church of Christ and he is one of Johnny Robertson's followers. He is going around here, Batesville Arkansas harassing Baptist churches and everyone else."

"Johnny Robertson follower" huh? That's a good one. I see that simply asking someone (Chris) to reveal the information that they claim to have automatically stereotypes the inquisitor into being a "Johnny Robertson follower." Right, gotcha... As far as harassing Baptist churches, where is the proof of that? More artificial facts and generic charges, right?

Anonymous said...

Johnny showed under-aged girls dancing in ballerina outfits and claims he see panties. He commented that eleven times in one minute you got a full clear shot. He said you get to see everything you see in some of these kiddy porn shops. Johnny commented at this time preachers were encouraging nakedness.

Johnny said he did not like to go to the bank he said the women and their advertisements are right there. He said they were advertising themselves up top. He tries to get the ones there with clothes but they were always busy. He said he don’t appreciate this and his wife don’t either.

Now he is claiming he is seeing something at the swimming pool from the Osborne Baptist Church people.
A little confused as to what he saw there.

His criminal record may have happened some time ago but this is happening now. I consider a man with these kinds of thoughts to be a possible danger. How does he know what is in kiddy porn shops. Should this not concern people.

Katie Gaffner said...

Johnny Robertson is a violent man because he has followed married women around to their homes, families homes, places of business, and houses of worship. Not always identifying himself or "asking questions" but sometimes just videotaping the whereabouts of these women. That to me equates danger and insanity and makes him a potential threat.

Anonymous said...


I totally agree with you.

I felt so sorry for that woman in that parking lot that Johnny Robertson was following with his camera. I can only imagine how she must have felt. Just in a parking lot minding her own business and some man starts following her. It must have been traumatizing for her.

Anonymous said...

Isn't she the woman Chacha used to beat up?

Anonymous said...

Misdirection and slander, the cult is so predictable.

Anonymous said...

Two comments were removed today at www.godanriver.com which stated Charles Roark was a multiple convicted thief interrogating Chief Broadfoot.

Is someone there protecting his crimes I wonder?

bondservant said...

Batesville Snitch,

Here is another blog I have that the good people of Batesville Arkansas might would want to look at that would also make them aware of the dirty tactics Johnny has taught his followers in other areas.

Here is the link.


Anonymous said...

Comment posted 7:12 PM, July 23, 2009. Isn't she the woman Chacha used to beat up?

What point are you trying to make here.

If this statement you made is true then I would think that would make it even more horrifying for another man to be following this lady around in a parking lot.

Anonymous said...

Chris, on the Buzz show today Charles Roark said even though he was a convicted felon he was able to create his own business. He didn't start his own business. His mama Azile Roark gave him his job because nobody else would hire him.

Anonymous said...

Rockingham County welcomed a thief with open arms.

Now he is being invited to drug busts and DWI's.

A thief is filming where the undercover agents are at. It was said by his attorney in a Roanoke court room he has some type of mania and don't know why he steal. Roark said he did not know where the urges to steal come from.

Well if he gets another urge he will know who the undercover agents are.

How good can it get for a thief.

paden said...

hello chris how are you doing. I just got back from camp and im am fired up about spreading the gospel. I got 3 quick questions for you.

1.would johny be a realy sorry person if he didnt go to people and tell them they were wrong and in sin?

2.if i can prove to you baptism is essential and part of the plan of salvation will you just hear me out.

3.what would it take for you to become a member of the church of Christ and quit attacking Johny.

one more thing if you dont want me to post any comments on your blog can we take this converation to another blog.

Chris Knight said...

Paden asked...

"1.would johny be a realy sorry person if he didnt go to people and tell them they were wrong and in sin?"

Johnny Robertson has never even tried to demonstrate to us that he is right. All he does is attack others. Can't make much of a case that anybody is wrong with that kind of screwed-up strategy.

"2.if i can prove to you baptism is essential and part of the plan of salvation will you just hear me out."

I've heard you out plenty, along with everyone else in your cult. And you still haven't proven that baptism is essential to salvation... because it's not.

"3.what would it take for you to become a member of the church of Christ and quit attacking Johny."

Let's see Johnny Robertson and James Oldfield and Micah Robertson and Mark McMinnis give each other that "holy kiss" that the "churches of Christ" are instructed to greet one another with. On live television. Announcing at least two weeks before that they will go through with it, as incontrovertible proof that they are with the actual "church of Christ" that Paul wrote about.

As yet, they have not obeyed this commandment and have indeed run away from it and made excuses why they can't do it.

If you ask me, that's a much more explicit commandment than baptism ever was in the New Testament.

Why aren't they obeying, Paden? Why aren't you obeying?

Let's see you guys be serious about obeying scripture first. Show the whole world that you don't just "talk the talk" but also "walk the walk".

But we all know already that we will never see this.

And all the rest of us are laughing at your cult for your hypocrisy.

Chris Knight said...

And regarding Charles Roark...

If he said in court that he has "urges" that make him want to steal things and he doesn't know where these urges come from, then logically this makes him not just a convicted felon, but a habitual convicted felon.

And whoever said that Charles Roark is "the Perez Hilton of Martinsville, Virginia": that was one of the grandest laughs that I had all week! :-)

Anonymous said...

It was reported in a Martinsville Bulletin article

Roark said "It's a hard thing to try to answer why the impulses occur

Roark maintained that he has an impulse-control disorder, admitted that he does not know why he sometimes feels compelled to steal

Ferris said during his closing argument It's an impulse disorder, some kind of kleptomania,"

Anonymous said...

The entire community should thank Johnny Robertson. He attracts the worst of the criminally insane and keeps them in one place.

paden said...

Chris please be honest with me. Johny does attack other doctrines and views but i dont see him attacking people to destroy the person just the view or actions of the person.

Chris if you have heaard me out then please tell me why baptism isnt part of the plan of salvation. Is 1 peter 3:21 or mark 16:16 rely that hard to understand. If im missing something pleas tell me.

Chris i want to make this very clear to you on romans 16:16. We keep this commandment. Notice what the verse actualy says. Salute(greet)one another with a "holy" kiss. Tell me what makes a kiss holy. How you do it right. So to greet someone with a holy what. Kiss. Is actualy saying we have to kiss everyone or simply greet them in a holy fashion. Would the kiss be on the cheeck or lips. Would it simply be touching cheecks together. I mean whats your point here Chris. Why is it not that we should just greet each other in a holy fashion. I also hope you realize that your postion would also make you a hypocrite because i am sure you arent kissing eveyone like your accusing the church of Christ of not doing.

Sounds to me like you need to start attending the chruch of Christ and get whatever questions you got answered.

Anonymous said...

Paden you're an idiot!!!! You come here and see how your lord and master Johnny Robertson is treating people. Chasing them down in stores and parking lots. Harassing them at their homes. Chris is right that is not behavior of someone who is following Christ however you cut it!

It looks to me like you are guilty just like everyone else following "false doctrine" because you are picking and choosing which scripture you want to follow. Romans 16:16, 1 Corinthians 16:20, 2 Corinthians 13:12 and 1 Thessalonians 5:26 all command the "holy kiss". Those are four verses where the holy kiss is commanded by Paul. So why aren't you obeying the Bible? You cannot say that it just means to "greet each other", it says KISS.

I do not kiss because I am a Christian, who worships with other CHRISTIANS in a Baptist church, and I am not bound to legalism like you and your cult. Your cult and your leader Johnny Robertson have made it clear that you have to follow ALL the rules of the Bible in order to get and keep salvation. So that means you must follow this rule too! Are you going to throw away your salvation because you didn't follow ALL the rules Paden? Have you considered that its because your cult isn't following the rules exactly that most people don't believe you are the only church found in the Bible like you claim to be? People do see that you aren't what you say you are, they see you as hypocrites instead. Stop acting like a hypocrite and prove to us that you are what you say you are!

Chris is also right when he says that your church is not in the Bible. Your cult just stole the name.

paden said...

look for the last time i do not know johny personaly and i am not hear to defend him because he can do that himself. I am hear too stand for the truth and i cant believe you would say i dont have to do what the bible says im saved. What makes you think youll go to heaven when you dont keep Gods commandments. Obviously you dont love God. Also you said we stole a name. Anyone who does exactly what the bible says is a church of Christ but all the ones that do what the bible teaches are churches of Christ. At least the name we wear is scriptural and the name given for the church unlike the baptist who dont have a bibical.

One more thing. You are a hypocrit to tell me im wrong for not kissing when you dont eaither and all the other scriptures you gave teach the same thing. It is a holy greeting in wich we are commanded and we keep. Kissing was simply the a part of there culture back then and would have been practiced. Today it is differnt. If you went to some parts of the world they do differnt greetings. Some involve kissings others dont but if you went there you would do as they do so as not to offend there culture. Also why arent you keeping the commandment.

bondservant said...

paden, Do you always love your neighbor, do you always give to the needy, do you always keep what you say to others?

Do you follow all God’s commands?

If you stumble in one point of the law you are guilty of all the law (James 2:10).

paden said...

paden, Do you always love your neighbor, do you always give to the needy, do you always keep what you say to others?

yes but thats not to say at times i might fail

Do you follow all God’s commands?

yes i try hard to do as the bible says

If you stumble in one point of the law you are guilty of all the law (James 2:10).

well if i sin that doesnt mean i have commited every sin but every sin is the same in that it is sin and no differnt from other sin

hope you understand that now do you have anymore questons or can i ask you one like why dont you believe baptism is essential to salvation when mark 16:16 says so

Chris Knight said...

Mark 16:16 doesn't even belong in the Bible.


That particular verse and several others at the tail end of Mark appear in none of the earliest extant manuscripts. All current scholarship indicates that it was added a few hundred years later.

I strongly doubt that it was added by Mark's pen, either.

So... you guys were saying that I'm not a Bible scholar? Y'all are way behind the times!

paden said...

Chris hold on now and dont get ahaed of yourself.

1. im the only guy rely debating with you hear. There arent several.

2. Let me tell you about mark 16:16 being as you have said this befor. A couple of verses befor and after this dont appear in the in the 2 oldest manuscripts we have. They werent the first 2 just the oldest. Every manuscript after that has it in it. Now we take in colectivly what all of them say not just pick and choose. So it is safe to say that it should be there. Also we see the great commision given here wich is also given in mathew 26:28.

now in your own words chris

"So... you guys were saying that I'm not a Bible scholar? Y'all are way behind the times!"

Chris Knight said...

Mark ended at 16:8 as recently as the fourth century.

And after that, 16:9-20 appear out of nowhere.

And even if Mark 16:16 is legitimate, it does not, and never has, proclaim that those without baptism are damned to hell.

Now Paden, you show us that it says without baptism, one is damned.

Not a single verse of scripture supports that doctrine.

In fact, the thing about "baptism for salvation" is only something I've ever found demanded by certain very radical fringe religions. Of which, yours is now certainly counted as one.

paden said...

if mark 16:16 is legit(wich it is)then it very clearly shows baptism is essential.

If i tell you if you wash the car and wax it i will pay you then what does that mean. It means youll recieve money for what you do. If you just wash it will you get paid. No. If you just wax it will you get paid. No. If you dont do either will you get paid. No.

You have to do both in order to be saved. So if you dont do both you will not be saved. You also have to do them in order because baptism without belief is worthless.

But even if you dont want to take in the whole counse, of God we can just look at 1peter 3:21 that says baptism doth also now save us.

Chris Knight said...

"if mark 16:16 is legit(wich it is)then it very clearly shows baptism is essential."

It is not, and it does not.

(And you still can't spell to save your life. I was a published author at your age, child.)

But, you know... if you wish to believe that you have to be dunked before God gives you salvation, fine. Be happy with believing that, or whatever else you choose to subscribe to.

It won't affect my salvation one bit.

Or anyone else's for that matter.

Why don't you just be content with your own relationship with God, instead of trying to harass others into seeing things your way.

(For all your talk of "false doctrine", you sure don't put much faith in your own.)

paden said...

"It is not, and it does not"


"But, you know... if you wish to believe that you have to be dunked before God gives you salvation, fine. Be happy with believing that, or whatever else you choose to subscribe to."

obviusly you dont understand baptism or care about anyones soul so why are you trying to stop johny roberston.

"(For all your talk of "false doctrine", you sure don't put much faith in your own.)"

obviously i do being as im 15 and taking on anybody who says other then what i believe

By the way i wish you would quit ridiculing my typing skills it is getting old. If this was an essay i would check myself but i do not take the time here. Also my skills are in mathmatics and science not english.

Chris Knight said...

"obviusly you dont understand baptism or care about anyones soul so why are you trying to stop johny roberston."

I understand baptism, apparently better than you do.

And I'll dare say that I care about the souls of others more than does Johnny Robertson. He only cares about himself.

I respect other people enough to trust them to seek after God as best they understand Him, because I also have faith that God will seek them also.

I don't want to make other people believe as I do, regardless of how "correct" I think my own beliefs are. We are told to "lean not on your own understanding". And that is what you are doing Paden, and your cult leader Johnny Robertson. You are worshiping and demanding obedience to your own grasp of things... but you haven't even bothered to examine for yourselves whether what you believe is right!

I came to Christ, through however long and at times difficult a process. But in the end, I did find Christ. Who am I to say that another must follow the same path to Him as did I?

Who are you to demand that of anyone, Paden?

"By the way i wish you would quit ridiculing my typing skills it is getting old. If this was an essay i would check myself but i do not take the time here. Also my skills are in mathmatics and science not english."

That's no excuse.

I was reading and writing at a college level in second grade.

And playing around with things like genetics, quantum mechanics and many other esoteric subjects.

So were a few others that I knew.

You aren't going to get very far into peer review for a science journal article if you don't have rudimentary spelling and grammar skills, bucko...

Anonymous said...

"I was reading and writing at a college level in second grade.

And playing around with things like genetics, quantum mechanics and many other esoteric subjects."

I really hope that this is a statement of hyperbole and that you aren't being serious when you say this because if you are...Wow...I just really don't know how to respond... I suppose it is comparable to the kid that has to tell everyone he is "cool." You know, if you have to say it to reassure everyone, then it is probably not true.

paden said...

oh you think you understand baptism better than me. then why dont you realize it is essential when the bible planly states it.

If johny didnt care about souls he wouldnt be doing what he is doing. The congregation i attend suports johny and he puts out a newsletter. Let me read to you what he said in his last one.

"WHAT I PRAY ABOUT. I pray that the Lord will give me an opportunity to demonstrate without doubt the error and lies that are used to stay up the false religions in this world that are sending souls to hell.

Johny is doing everything he is doing trying to help people.

Now having said that im not rely here to defend johny but to teach the truth wich you are stuborn to.

you are right in saying that we are not to lean on our own understanding. I dont. I lean on the bible unlike you when you say just do whatever you think is right and let God find you. Anybody that says that junk is an idiot because the bible does not teach that. No instead you persist on ignoring all the verses that teach baptism is essential and you fail to use your brain(wich you claim is so inteligent) to realize there is not one instance in the new law where someone is saved by just believeing. Ypu know what will halp you more than anything chris. Earse all prior ideas you have and read the intire new testament or intire bible in full context. If not that pleas read the book of acts because i think it will help you trumindisly.

To your comment about nevrr checking ourselfs I would say the same to you because i dont think you do but guess what i do.

You have never come to christ because you have not been baptized for remmision of sins and that is where you put on christ and recieve the remmision of sins. Also in no way is it difficult.

"Who are you to demand that of anyone, Paden?"

Im not but Christ is.

Dude you think your so smart let me ask how succesfull are you today and what kind of education do you have and where did you go to college if you did go. And dont say im not smart because this past year as a freshmen i went t the international science fair and my grades are superb and i bet i go to a much harder school than you did.

Chris Knight said...

"I really hope that this is a statement of hyperbole and that you aren't being serious when you say this because if you are...Wow...I just really don't know how to respond... I suppose it is comparable to the kid that has to tell everyone he is "cool." You know, if you have to say it to reassure everyone, then it is probably not true."

I'm quite serious. It's very true.

'Course, it was a bit awkward when I was the only kid in 2nd grade who knew that babies didn't come from storks, but rather when the sperm cell of the father fertilized the egg cell from the mother. That one certainly raised more than a few eyebrows...

But hey, I won't regret my very unusual childhood. I chose to learn and study such things. Just as our boy Paden should have been learning his ABCs and studying the basics of grammar.

Now, Paden...

I'll destroy what your leader Johnny Robertson has written in one fell swoop.

"WHAT I PRAY ABOUT. I pray that the Lord will give me an opportunity to demonstrate without doubt the error and lies that are used to stay up the false religions in this world that are sending souls to hell."

If this is what Robertson prays about most, then he is one screwed-up psycho with no grasp of real Christianity at all.

He should be praying each day that the Lord would humble him, and teach him, and pray that "not my will but Yours be done".

This so-called "prayer" of Johnny Robertson is a prayer glorifying himself, not God.

If you haven't noticed, God isn't answering that particular "prayer" of his.

Maybe it's because perhaps God thinks that Johnny Robertson is the high priest of what is very much a "false religion".

"You have never come to christ because you have not been baptized for remmision of sins and that is where you put on christ and recieve the remmision of sins. Also in no way is it difficult."

One of the most hilarious things that I have ever read, and will no doubt get a lot of other people laughing also... all of which have seen more of what really goes on between Heaven and Earth than you will probably ever known.

"Im not but Christ is."

Christ never demanded anything of us.

In fact, scripture tells us (Matthew 11:28-30) that Jesus taught...

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Now, you Paden, and Johnny Robertson and James Oldfield: Jesus had quite different words for those such as you...

Matthew 23:15

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are."

Now, finally Paden...

"And dont say im not smart because this past year as a freshmen i went t the international science fair"

Nice, very nice. Now, kindly tell us what your project was on, what your full name is so that we can further enjoy your research, and where we can find a copy of your abstract.

KH said...

Gloria? Gloria? I have to ask, Gloria...are the squirrels gathering in your yard again? Do you think they're looking at you and conjuring? Do you think they want to store you this winter with the rest of their nuts...Gloria?

Get thee back on thy meds...Gloria.

Have van will travel...

Anonymous said...

"Mark 16:16 doesn't even belong in the Bible."

I find this to be a very bold statement, even coming from you Chris. First, and foremost, let me point out that you failed to cite any credible references that would allow the reader to verify whether your statement is true or false. Therefore, your statement is hovering around the same level of integrity as me saying, "The flying spaghetti monster lives in your closet and comes out to feed on your dirty socks when the moon is full." You attempt to paint what your saying as truth with elegant words and pseudo-educated speech however, without verifiable documented facts, your statement holds no water. Secondly, it is easy for you to make such an extravagant claim as it helps you to sustain your own thoughts and beliefs on what you think the Bible says (or should say rather). I'm curious to know as to why all the scholars from ivy league schools failed to collaborate with you when releasing updated translations of the Bible which all include Mark 16:16. Strange, perhaps your dazzling intellect was simply to awe inspiring for their simple, feeble minds and monosyllabic vocabulary. Regardless, if you're going to make a claim like the one quoted, please provide us with evidence to back up what you say. Thank you

paden said...

nice try chris i dont trust you to tell you about it because you have already told me you would have a bible study with me as long as you have a gun. For all i know you want to kill me.

Tell me if i did prove to you i was 15 would that make a differnce to you.

whatever about johny im not hear to defend him but to convert you.

i cant believe you would say doesnt demand anything of us. does the passage if you love me keep my commandments ring a bell. what was one of his commands chris. How about the great commision go ye unto all the world and make disciples baptizing them in the name of the son,the father ,and the holy spitit teaching them to do good things. I think he demands for us to obey him abd be submissive.

Madison Mr. said...

Well I'm convinced.

The Church of Christ is brain-numbed zombies. Led by Johnny the potent pedophile and sexual harasser. A person would have to be nuts not to blow their ass away if Johnny or his pack of animals came to your house. Paden I would shoot you too because you have a disfigured mind and soul and God knows what you would do if you bothered us.

Anonymous said...

"johny hasnt harmmed anybody yet"

Johnny Robertson hasn't harmed anybody YET?

Robertson said a year ago he wanted to "defeat destroy" those that did not believe as he did.

Robertson slandered a church in Kernersville by implying child nudity was going on there.

Robertson slandered a church in Eden last week by implying the same thing.

Does Johnny Robertson have a thing for underage children hhhhmmmmmm.....?

Robertson confronts people at their homes so bad that police have to be called.

Robertson chases married women around in public parking lots.

Robertson's son on television this last week said that people who disagree with him are "bastards"

Robertson and his followers have tried to disrupt services at other churches.

You don't call this harming someone Paden?

Johnny Robertson and his followers are a threat to the safety and privacy of innocent people.

paden said...

when he physiicaly harms someone i will say he is harnful otherwise he has only attacked beliefes wich he has right to do so. Also i wish you or chris or anybody would call in tonight and confront him. I might just call from texas depending on what he is talking about and just prove im a 15 year old boy.

Anonymous said...

Someday JR is going to hurt or kill someone. Either he will or his cult followers will. Then you will have been here all along sounding the warning.

You're a watchman on the wall, Chris Knight. Don't hold it against yourself if people don't hear your warning. You're doing what God wants of you.

Anonymous said...

And when Johnny Robertson kills someone then Charles Roark should be put on trial as an accomlice and enabler.

Robertson and Roark are both a waste of human life. They are men who make nothing good and only live on destroying others.

paden said...

Ill believe it when i see it but i dont think it will happen unless it is self defense.

Anonymous said...

If such an incident does occur I am sure there will be some type of mania that will set them free.

Psychologist Joseph Leizer of Martinsville I'm sure will help.

Anonymous said...

paden is right, Chris is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Gloria: How is your swimming pool? Is it open and ready for swimming, minus the neighbors tinkling and using their massive organs which I'm sure you can recognize?

paden said...

hey chris go on grace conversation and jay guin will verify who i am

Anonymous said...

this is paden and i have started a blog

heres the link


Anonymous said...

"Mark ended at 16:8 as recently as the fourth century.

And after that, 16:9-20 appear out of nowhere."

[Let me preface by saying this is purely to point out a historical reference. Nothing else should be inferred lol]

St. Iraneaus quoted from the long ending of Mark in c.180

Against Heresies (A.D. 184), Book III, 10:5-6,
"Also, towards the conclusion of his Gospel, Mark says: 'So then, after the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God." This is clearly a quotation of Mark 16:19.