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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oh crap: Socialized medicine coming to U.S.?!?

Years ago when I was a Cub Scout, there was a cartoon in Boys Life showing a kid, obviously over-zealous with carpentry tools, telling his dog that he was there to give him a new doghouse. It was a parable about working with plans (which the lad decided for whatever reason that he didn't need). In the first panel after the kid announces his intentions, the dog thinks "Oh no, spare me this!"

That was the first thing that popped into mind this morning when I read that President Obama might push through a vote on national "health care reform", that it's going to cost at least $1.5 TRILLION and to fund it Congress is looking at a 5.4 percent additional tax on the richest Americans.

Much like the dog in that cartoon: "Dear God, PLEASE spare us this!"

Lemme tell you what is going to happen if Obama and his allies have their way with their medical machinations: the quality of health care in America will plummet, a lot of the economy (that we can't afford to lose) that isn't related to health care will simply relocate rather than pay higher taxes, and the United States will lose its driving motivation toward cutting-edge medical and pharmaceutical research that the rest of the world benefits immensely from.

I thought "health care reform" sucked donkeys balls to no end when the Clintons tried to pull this one over on us fifteen years ago. It was a rotten plan then and as Obama and his crew are trying to do, it's even more rotten now.

And I hope and pray that there will be even more Americans opposing it this time around!


Anonymous said...

Obama will get it through. America voted these nerds in office, and they are going to do exactly what they want, thinking they have a mandate and that their cause is just.

The bed has been made, now we have to lie in it. God have mercy on our national soul.

Matt said...

I don't mind socialized healthcare. In fact, I'd wager we can more than make it work.

If Britain, France, and the rest of Europe can make Socialized Healthcare one of the best forms of healthcare, then so can we.

The problem is that we just do NOT have the money for it. We have NO money, ladies and gentlemen.

It's not that national healthcare is bad.

It's just that we don't have the money to support it.

bmovies said...

"that it's going to cost at least $1.5 TRILLION"

Dollars to donuts the REAL cost will be at least ten to twenty times that. Because when was the last time the government accurately predicted the right costs of any new government program?

bmovies said...

"If Britain, France, and the rest of Europe can make Socialized Healthcare one of the best forms of healthcare,"

EXCUSE ME? Socialized health care is a disaster in Britain, France, and all over europe!

Matt said...

Where are you getting your facts?

France has some of the best health care IN THE WORLD.

People from America are usually going to Canada just to get the care they need since those Health Care companies don't want to give them the money they need.

Anonymous said...

matt, your statements are just plain stupid, don't know where you get your info, people from america going to canada to get health care, plezzzzzzzzzzzze

Brian (Nunchux) said...

Actually, people from Canada come here to get health care, because the waiting periods for major surgeries are quite long under the nationalized plan. My favorite metaphor for nationalized health care is this: picture the "service" you get at the post office. Now, would you really like people who are that indifferent managing your health care? I'd rather not.

I've been opposed to this from the get go, and have been rather vocal in letting my Congressmen know about it too. Perhaps they'll start listening. I know there was a huge outcry against cap and trade that they ignored and a huge outcry against TARP that they also ignored, but maybe this time we can get them to listen.

Matt said...

America needs free health care like in Canada. Trust me, you'll only have to worry about surviving, and not surviving and paying

bmovies said...

"France has some of the best health care IN THE WORLD."

Then why does America have the number one cancer survival rates in the world?


"People from America are usually going to Canada just to get the care they need since those Health Care companies don't want to give them the money they need."

You have that COMPLETELY backwards. People from Canada are usually going to the United States to get the care they need:



Belgium said...

can I remind you that in all the poll ever conducted aboit the quality of health care the US is way behind! Even Cuba has a system working better and allowing to have a pretty good level of health of its poulation!

Belgian opinion.