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Monday, August 31, 2009

V declares Vendetta for Johnny Robertson!

Look folks: honestly, that isn't MY blog at all! And I have no idea whatsoever who it might be who created it. Heck, lately I haven't had much time to devote to this one, much less start and maintain a new one. Especially one as slick and polished and inspired as what I'm about to show you.

But that doesn't mean that I'm not flat-out stunned at whoever it is out there who has assumed the guise of V and decided to take on Johnny Robertson...

Vendetta For Johnny Robertson popped up out of nowhere this morning and a reader passed it along to me. Yes folks, V - the masked protagonist from V for Vendetta - has arrived on the streets of Martinsville, Danville and Reidsville to take on the cult leader/convicted felon who has been trying to "defeat destroy" in the name of God everyone he hates...

Johnny Roberston a "pastor" residing and terrifying the WGSR viewing area. His supposed Church of Christ in Martinsville Va., the only ones not damned to hell.

Spewing vitriol at his enemies and any and all who disagree; in this vast sea of hate is where we find dear lost Johnny.

Here and now is the victory. A vying of his virtues, our dear lost Johnny.

Judgment shall ran down upon he, and a judgment ruled impartially.

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

By the way, whoever this "V" is, he/she/it went to the expense of registering a top-level domain name for the site: head on over to vendettaforjr.com to see more of Vendetta For Johnny Robertson.

"People should not be afraid of Johnny Robertson." Darn right! :-)


Anonymous said...

Charles Roark is Lewis Prothero!

Anonymous said...

People should not be afraid of Johnny Robertson. Johnny Robertson should be afraid of people.

Anonymous said...

So now there's two of you that apparently don't have enough to do. My leaves need raking.

Chris Knight said...

To "anonymous" directly above:

What would you rather that we do?

If a "preacher" was actively trying to interfere with worship services at other churches, stalking people he disagreed with (along with their children), harassing people in their private homes, accusing churches of child pornography without any evidence (Robertson still won't address this since he's been called out on it), LIES about everyone and everything, is known to be a violent convicted felon and has demonstrated that he STILL harbors very violent tendencies...

...what would YOU do?

What would you want anyone to do? Simply sit by and let such a man continue in his mission to hurt other people because in his very sick and twisted mind that he can get away with it because God wants him to?

Perhaps Jim Jones would have remained an obscure preacher had others done something about him to begin with. Hundreds of people could still be alive today if others had done that.

With a dangerous person like Robertson, there's seriously no telling what he's capable of doing. We DO know what he's demonstrated before what he can and will do.

If you ask me, the unconscionable and even immoral thing to do in regard to an evil man like Robertson, is not to do anything at all.

Anonymous said...

Well said Chris.

Johnny agreed to take a psychological test and Bob Lawson would pay. If this could possibly happen the psychologist should address the issue of those girls to learn why Johnny is seeing these things.

Anonymous said...

Crucify Him !

Anonymous said...

People amaze me.. Their hate is so strong. If Jesus Christ was here today it would be the so called Christians that would crucify him this time around.

Chris Knight said...

It was the legalists of His day that crucified Jesus then.

If Jesus were here today, it would be legalists like Johnny Robertson who would be screaming the loudest to crucify Him again.

Anonymous said...

Chris you have deeper understanding of the Bible than anyone I've seen. Now I know why Johnny ran away when he said you wouldn't debate him. On tv you would destroy him harder than anybody else.

Anonymous said...

Chris I disagree. Johnny has never showed and hate or violence for his fellow man. Most of the people complaining don't know how to turn off or change the channel on their TV set.If don't like him don't watch him. It's that simple.

This is the sick kind of thinking we should all be concerned about:

“I hope that God strikes Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy. You know, and I hope it happens today.” —Arizona Pastor Steven Anderson, right wing pastor who was previously infamous for having a congregant bring an AR-15 to a protest outside a speech delivered by President Obama. It’s one thing to disagree politically, it’s another to wish death on the president.

Chris Knight said...

"Chris I disagree. Johnny has never showed and hate or violence for his fellow man."

Well, you are likely either Robertson himself or a member of his family/cult, according to the location that you're logged in from (Martinsville, Virginia).

Not shown violence? I guess shoving a pistol into a guy's face and demanding money doesn't count, aye?

But as Robertson will argue, that was "over thirty years ago". So let's see what Robertson has said just in the past few months...

(each of the following quotes is by Johnny Robertson)

"I would wrap that stuff around their necks!"

"Why are we so strong in this area?!?"

"We are the most morally well-behaved people in this area!"
(Editors note: does "morally well-behaved" mean confronting people in their homes, having dissidents followed by fellow cult members, and outright lying about another church in the area by accusing it of child pornography?)

"I will tie that around their necks and they will never say it again!"

"I will make him look so bad...!"

"Sir you've never seen me mad!"

"He is all mouth! That is what all of them are!"

"I spend THOUSANDS of dollars to open the phone lines up!"
(Editor's note: earlier Robertson boasted that his self-styled "Church of Christ" takes up no offering... but he didn't care to mention that he gets practically all of his funding from wealthy cult members in Texas and other places far west of this area.)

"Because what you believe is not in the Bible!" (talking about Baptists)

"There is not a preacher in this town that knows as much Bible as I do!"

"They are all afraid of me!"

"I'm presenting myself just like Jesus did! Nobody could answer Him. That's what I'm doing. These guys can't answer me!"

"I believe the way I demonstrate that is the case is by answering all of these people that their doctrines are all too weak to shut me up!"

"There's no such thing as a Baptist!"

"THIS (referring to his cult) is the church that Paul was in!"

"There is a church that is determined to preach the truth and only the truth and that is the church that I represent, and that is why everyone is afraid of me!"

If Robertson is not a man of violence and who doesn't hate others, then why is he so determined to make others be afraid of him?

Anonymous said...

Some of the things Robertson has said and done has is aside from religion.

As a human being and mostly as a parent would you not be concerned that a man such as Johnny is seeing panties when he watches young innocent girls dancing in very conservative ballerina outfits. Ballet is an art not exploiting sex as Johnny claims. Ballet is enjoyed as an art everywhere in the world and we have this one preacher man discussing the girls to Charles Roark claiming he has a problem he is seeing what he said was in kiddie porn shops.

As for religion I actually don't think the church in Kernersville protected these girls as they should have by not taking legal action against Johnny.

There are parents that let their childrey be seen in diapers, panties,in places such as a swimming pools, a picnic, etc. Children do commercials on TV for boys and girls underagarments. If Johnny sees panties when they are not there how does he react when he actually sees them. Johnny's way of thinking seems kind of scary.

This is the only fear of Johnny Robertson that I could ever imagine.

Anonymous said...

"Chris I disagree. Johnny has never showed and hate or violence for his fellow man."

"Well, you are likely either Robertson himself or a member of his family/cult, according to the location that you're logged in from (Martinsville, Virginia)."

I have asked this question before and now I will ask it again:

Why, if someone disagrees with Chris' theological beliefs, are they automatically labeled as a "cult member?" Why does this stereotypical tag necessarily follow?

I wonder if I'll get an answer this time?

Anonymous said...


You and I recently had a brief conversation via e-mail where you pointed out that I had no love. Is insulting people that disagree with your point of view by calling them a "cult member" a characteristic of love? Let me make it publicly known that I have no personal animosity toward you Chris. Actually, I told you in one of my e-mails that I would like to be your friend. However, I feel that you are wrong to harp on someone for not having, in your mind, a loving attitude all the while calling them a "cult member."

Anonymous said...

As goofy as Robertson is, I don't see the "violent" argument. He just seems to really chap the ass of some of you conservative Christians. I haven't seen a main stream congregation voice any concern over him. He's just too stupid for them to concern themselves with.

Actually, it's you folks that have expressed the most violence with all the talk of shooting Robertson and "leaving him on my porch bleeding". None of those "violent" quotes attributed to Robertson come close to that. Some of you would make good jurors in the Salem witch trials.

Chris Knight said...

It is the right of each person to seek God as best he or she can understand Him.

Robertson and his followers have that right as well.

But their right to that ends where the right of others to that begins.

Who is Johnny Robertson (or you, Paul, and I don't want to be known as a friend to anyone who enjoins in Robertson's lies as you do) to declare that others are engaged in "false religion"? What is "false"? What is truth then? I believe as a follower of Christ that He not only represents truth, He is truth... but I'm not about to beat that into people whether they want it or not!

And incidentally, Johnny Robertson and his followers never preach about Christ anyway. All he and they do is attack others for their "false doctrine" and "denominations"... when in fact Robertson hasn't demonstrated at all that he himself even believes in any supposed truth!

You can't base your claim to having the truth solely on claiming that all others are false.

And that, and a number of other reasons, are why Robertson and his cult are being called by some "the fringiest fringe group around".

Anonymous said...


If you do not want to be my friend that is fine. I would like to make it known to whomever is reading these comments that I extended an olive branch of friendship to Chris even though I disagree with him about theology.

"...Paul, and I don't want to be known as a friend to anyone who enjoins in Robertson's lies as you do..."

Have I personally lied to you about something Chris? If I have spoken something wrong, by all means bear witness of the wrong.

"What is "false"?"

Do you personally believe that everyone is free to worship Christ in any manner they choose? I'm just curious to know what your feeling are on that subject.

Chris Knight said...

"Do you personally believe that everyone is free to worship Christ in any manner they choose?"

Everyone is free to worship Christ as best they understand Him.

Nobody is obligated to worship Christ as someone else demands they worship Christ. That is just vanity. Human vanity.

If you believe that how you worship Christ is the right way, then worship Him that way. And just so, you should respect the right of another to worship Christ in another way, even if that's not necessarily "your" way.

We all see through the glass darkly. Not one of us can claim to fully comprehend Christ. We are all struggling in this life to perceive Him.

What else are you going to do Paul? Harass and beat everyone senseless until they accept the "Church of Christ" (which is unlike any real Church of Christ that I've encountered) as the only way to worship God?

If that is your goal, you can give up now. Because it's never going to happen.

Anonymous said...

"Everyone is free to worship Christ as best they understand Him."

Forgive me for saying so but this is a hamhanded answer at best. Can you honestly sit there and say that it is OK to worship Christ anyway you so choose simply because you believe or "understand" that it is right?

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. - Proverbs 14:12 KJV

"Nobody is obligated to worship Christ as someone else demands they worship Christ."

You're right, unless of course we include Christ himself. I believe he has the liberty to choose the means by which he is to be worshiped, don't you? I also believe that God has laid out the order of worship through his Holy Word (The Bible).

"If you believe that how you worship Christ is the right way, then worship Him that way. And just so, you should respect the right of another to worship Christ in another way, even if that's not necessarily "your" way."

Again I will ask you:

Is it OK to worship Christ anyway you so choose, even if it goes against his own teachings?

Chris Knight said...

"Can you honestly sit there and say that it is OK to worship Christ anyway you so choose simply because you believe or "understand" that it is right?"

Yes, I can.

1st Corinthians chapter 8, among others, gives me that liberty. It gives all who follow Him that liberty.

You, like many others, are taking the freedom that we have in Christ and are trying to make it a snare and a trap of legalism for everyone else.

Chris Knight said...

Let me ask you something, Paul:

Are you perfect?

Is Johnny Robertson perfect?

Because Mark McMinnis has already declared himself to be perfect. One can only assume that other members of your cult believe that you are each also "perfect".

So are you perfect? Or do you also fail and fall short of the glory of God?

And if you DO fall short of His expectation, then how on Earth can you possibly make up for it?

Can you be "faithful" enough to merit that?

Remember: the smallest little mistake and you're no longer perfect. Or will have ever been perfect.

Anonymous said...

"What else are you going to do Paul? Harass and beat everyone senseless until they accept the "Church of Christ" (which is unlike any real Church of Christ that I've encountered) as the only way to worship God?"

How am I even remotely "beating" or "harassing" everyone senseless by merely discussing with you? You keep tossing these little snide remarks my way as if I've done something terribly wrong. Is it such a big deal to discuss differences of opinion with one another in a cordial matter? It would appear from your remarks that it is a big deal.

Anonymous said...

"Are you perfect?"

No, I've never said or implied anything of the sort.

"Is Johnny Robertson perfect?"

Please refer to my first response.

"And if you DO fall short of His expectation, then how on Earth can you possibly make up for it?"

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 KJV

Chris Knight said...

"No, I've never said or implied anything of the sort."

Well, Mark McMinnis certainly did. Maybe you all should take to worshiping him instead of Robertson.

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 KJV"

Wow. Amazing how water baptism isn't mentioned at all as being required for salvation, huh? THAT is certainly something that your cult has harassed others with. Why, Robertson regularly damns others to hell because they're not baptized according to his liking.

For all the insistence that your cult has on "discuss", you really have nothing to discuss in a rational, logical and polite fashion. Your sect is so vapid and vacuous of real doctrine, that all that is left to it is to "defeat destroy" others for its own sake.

And I've gotten quite a few e-mails today from people telling me that they're laughing at Robertson's latest bit of ignorance...

Anonymous said...

"1st Corinthians chapter 8, among others, gives me that liberty. It gives all who follow Him that liberty."

1st Corinthians chapter 8 does not give one the liberty to worship God anyway they choose. You are taking that chapter completely out of the intended context. That chapter is simply addressing the issue of sacrifices offered to idols. How does that chapter pertain to someone having liberty to worship God differently than he has told them?

Anonymous said...

"Well, Mark McMinnis certainly did. Maybe you all should take to worshiping him instead of Robertson."

And again you fire another cheap shot across my bow. So be it.

"Wow. Amazing how water baptism isn't mentioned at all as being required for salvation, huh? THAT is certainly something that your cult has harassed others with. Why, Robertson regularly damns others to hell because they're not baptized according to his liking."

1 John is a letter written to people that are already Christians not alien sinners.

"For all the insistence that your cult has on "discuss", you really have nothing to discuss in a rational, logical and polite fashion."

Excuse me? Will you please provide me with the examples where I have been irrational, illogical, or rude to you in my discussion?

Chris Knight said...

Want me to bring out the bigger guns aye?

Very well...

Galatians 5, verses 1-15 (NIV)

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

"Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.

"Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law.

"You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

"But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.

"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

"You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?

"That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you.

"'A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.'

"I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion will pay the penalty, whoever he may be.

"Brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished.

"As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!

"You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.

"The entire law is summed up in a single command: Love your neighbor as yourself.'

"If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other."

Now, Paul in Batesville Arkansas: you were saying?

Anonymous said...

Where does this fool live, who says Johnny doesn't do anything bad? He's gotten away with hurting people for years. Johnny don't like it now that people are standing up to him. He's a grown up man acting like a spoiled brat about how nobody will play with him like the way he wants to play.

Anonymous said...

"Now, Paul in Batesville Arkansas: you were saying?"

And those scriptures prove that a person can worship God other than the way he prescribes...how?

Also, you forgot to provide me with the examples where I have supposedly been irrational, illogical, or rude in my talking to you. Is that because I did not REALLY do those things?

Anonymous said...

Give it up Chris. You'll never convince Batesville Paul or Johnny RobEmSome on anything. They look to the law to save them not Christ's grace and mercy. You've heard politicians say "they hate us for our freedoms". Johnny and James and Paul and Mark aka The Four False Apostles really do hate us for our freedom in Christ.

Anonymous said...

"Give it up Chris. You'll never convince Batesville Paul or Johnny RobEmSome on anything. They look to the law to save them not Christ's grace and mercy."

Wrong. I have not once looked to the Law of Moses for my salvation. I believe wholeheartedly in Christ's grace and mercy.

"You've heard politicians say "they hate us for our freedoms". Johnny and James and Paul and Mark aka The Four False Apostles really do hate us for our freedom in Christ."

Once again, wrong. I do not hate any of you. I haven't insulted you or been unruly in my talking with anyone on this blog. However, I have been thus far called a "cult member" and now a "False Apostle."

Anonymous said...

Christ died to put an end to the law. He did not die to create new law.

Anonymous said...

Is this the "Paul" of www.wherethebiblespeaks.com
The one that has "ALL" those Johnny Robertson's videos on youtube.

If he is this person he don't seem to have the video on the Kernersville girls dancing and James Oldfield's Pray for Zack video that he could post there.

To have this many shows recorded it would seem they would have these as well as the phone conversation Johnny had with Charles Roark about the girls.

Could there be some reason they are not posting these videos and wouldn't they want people to judge them as well? I would love to see the video posted on youtube and get others' opinion on it.

I personally think if this video were posted in such a way with the comments made it would show once and for all the type of person Johnny Robertson is.

It seems they just pick and choose certain little parts to post. Why is this I wonder.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Robertson, is the most thinly skinned person I have ever seen. He is so insecure with his belief that he's not happy until he finds others to attack. Johnny is a man who spends his life trying to be offended over anything. That's not a way to live. That's not a Christian way to live.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Roberston a "pastor" residing and terrifying the WGSR viewing area. His supposed Church of Christ in Martinsville Va., the only ones not damned to hell.

Spewing vitriol at his enemies and any and all who disagree; in this vast sea of hate is where we find dear lost Johnny.

Here and now is the victory. A vying of his virtues, our dear lost Johnny.

Judgment shall ran down upon he, and a judgment ruled impartially.

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

Johnny can't hear you V. His brain can't understand all those words that are too big for him like votive and vichyssoise.

Anonymous said...

i would like to know who made johnny a preacher. how did johnny become a preacher. he probably just took the title for himself. johnny's no different from jim jones or charles manson. those men declared that they were preachers and johnny has declared him to be one too but that doesn't make him a real one.

Anonymous said...

Did Johnny do something to James Oldfield? James isn't on anymore.

Anonymous said...

Micah is on tonight. He doesn't sound like he believes what he's saying.

Anonymous said...

Micah Robertson = Smartass Punk

That's the first time I've said "smartass punk" but Micah is asking for it.

Anonymous said...

Johnny isn't a real preacher. All he is is a manchild blaming and hitting back at the world for his father leaving him. Johnny has a bitter root controlling him and not Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

Comparing Chris's comment
"Everyone is free to worship Christ as best they understand Him." to the anonymousecomment
"Can you honestly sit there and say that it is OK to worship Christ anyway you so choose simply because you believe or understand that is is right".

Chris said everyone was "FREE" to worship as they understand. I did not read anywhere he said that a choice made was right. I think there is a difference between free and right.

This is exactly what I don't understand about Johnny Robertson and his gang going in churches and distrubing others' in their choice of worship. People are "FREE" as Chris said to worship the way they want. It is their choice just as it is Johnny Robertson's choice.

It should be illegal when Johnny Robertson attacks these people in the way that he does. Johnny has mentioned people worshiping snakes. If that is what they want to worship let them do it that is their choice. It may be wrong but they are "FREE" to do this and they should be allowed to do so without Johnny Robertson and his gang breaking in on them.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Robertson directed a Bible verst to Bob Lawson in that debate
and said the Bible told him not to pray in the open so he didn't do it. He said if he did he would be condemned.

Johnny did pray twice on TV. Does this match that inconsistency he speaks of. Does this match the lies he accuses others of telling?

Anonymous said...

The person that commented nobody will play with Johnny the way he wants to play may be just a little bit incorrect.

There is one person Larry Serber an Atheist continues to phone in and he is pratically begging for Johnny to have him back on.

Serber bellyaches Johnny said he was going to have him back and he hasn't. He has studied the shows and took notes from all the COC preachers and is all prepared. Johnny should stop this man's begging and have him on. Please.
I hate to hear a grown man beg.

Anonymous said...

Even Charles Roark thinks that Johnny Robertson is a joke. And Charles Roark is one of the biggest jokes of a man ever.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Robertson said death is
the devil and not God. Micah Robertson,said to be Johnny's son says God kills.

On one of Micah Robertson's Church of Christ's recent shows he preached the following.

In our terms it says God is going to break bad on you. If you don’t follow the rules God is going to put a break on you.

Why is God getting so upset that he would kill a man. You are not in contact with God you are so far from God that he is wanting to kill you.

Just like you are not worried about how God must be worshiped. People believe as long as you are doing it for God it’s OK. Ya’ll are losing your souls. Going against the commandments of God. We can reason that when God says do it this way you can’t do it another way. God don’t care what you think.

The Lord will break forth upon them. That sounds like breaking bad on them. He’s fixing to break bad. God’s rage is getting to the point that he’s had enough. God is saying I’m just tired of them. If they keep pushing and keep pushing I’m going to let them have it. I’m going to break bad.

We need to stand up against these men. We need to shut their mouths up.

The Lord is fixing to break bad on them.

Only God can condemn you. Only God can send you to hell.

Anonymous said...

Johnny needs to slack off some. He looked close to fainting tonight.

Anonymous said...

Johnny has to be dying. He just announced that he's hired a prominent Baptist to counter Bob Lawson. Johnny is too sick to fight Bob on his own so Johnny has to hire one of the Baptist that he's damned and said is going to Hell. How sweet it is!

Anonymous said...

Johnny told Charles Roark today he did not say Baptist which many of us did hear him say.

Chris Knight said...

He not only did, but I have a recording of him saying "Baptist".

Anonymous said...

Johnny Robertson told Charles Roark he had contacted a well known Baptist Apologist one he would say was in the top ten as in well known. Johnny said he is a talk show host, a world traveler and lecturer and he had agreed to come on and answer Bob Lawson Sunday night. He has debated and did lectures on the existence of God and wants to do a power point presentation where he has answered Bob Lawson.

After hanging up the phone with Johnny Robertson Charles Roark announced again Johnny said he has a top ten Baptist leader coming on Sunday’s show to review some of the things Bob Lawson has been saying.

Charles Roark told Bob Lawson on the phone Johnny had a top ten Baptist leader coming on.

Preacher Gallimore and several women callers also confirmed Johnny said he was having a Baptist Apologist on.

On a later phone conversation Johnny Robertson told Charles Roark he don’t believe he said he was going to have a Baptist on. He said Preacher Gallimore said he was having a Baptist on. Johnny said when he told Charles about his special guest Sunday night he was very careful not to say what denomination. He asked how Preacher Gallimore knew that. Old Faithful Charles Roark commented “I don’t know maybe he can read your mind.”

Charles Roark spent the entire time as if he did not have any idea Johnny had previously told him he had a Baptist Apologist coming on the show. As many times as Charles Roark was told this and as many times as he repeated it there is no way he could not know Johnny was telling a lie. A lie that Charles Roark willingly became a part of. Could this be yet another type of mania?

Preacher Gallimore said on the air Bob Lawson had Johnny on the run more than anybody he had seen in his life. He said he didn’t know what he had done for Johnny to run to the Baptist these people Johnny had called devils and to him somebody he said he would never stoop low enough to sit down with. He said Johnny had let Bob Lawson drive him about crazy. He had to be halfway crazy to call him then he had to be even more crazier to be calling these Baptists that he’s downing constantly. Help me Help me Help me. He said he don’t know why Johnny needs all the help with these devils as Johnny calls them to help out against Bob. Johnny ought to be able to do that on

Anonymous said...

I think Johnnys psychotic behavior towards Mr. Lawson steems from the constant pressure applied by Lawson, while Johnny was never able to be in control, which is all important to him.

I guess as christians we should all pray for him since he doesn't actually believe in the power of prayer.
His lies are starting to catch up with him, along with his radical behavior. It's hard for a person to believe that a person like him has a following of one.... much less 60? Proof positive that Barnum was on to something when he said that "There's a sucker born every minute."

Anonymous said...

So one of Johnnys cult members said that we can simply turn the channel if we don't like what we hear. I guess a lot of dead people looking back wish they had spoken up and not ignore Hitler, Korish, Jim Jones, the list is lond and infamous.
And ignoring the radical was the key in carrying out their diabolical plan, they must be expossed and the sooner the better. Johnny is getting close.

Anonymous said...

Sunday Night Johnny was asking the TV audience why the Babtist Apologist he said was going to be there did not show up.

He showed video of when he was making the arrangements with the Baptist whom he called Elmar Towns. From what I hear I don't think that man had any idea who Johnny Robertson was.

Johnny seemed to have left out many details such as how he tells others they are going to hell if they are not in COC and how he calls them names and puts them down. The conversation sounded very innocent and vague.

So maybe the reason the guy did not show up maybe he did some investigating as Johnny calls it and found out who Johnny Robertson is and how he acts.

Johnny still don't seem to get it why people don't want to be around him. The only thing he knows to say is that they are cowards. To stay away from something you feel is wrong does not mean you are a coward I would consider it being decent.

Anonymous said...

It seems as though ever thing that he tries to do kinda backfires in his face. First he lied about what pastor Gilmore actually said, then he betrayed the trust that he gave Gilmore by revealing their conversation, although he even lied about that.

Now one wonders if the apologist was even real, the world that Johnny lives in seems to be crumbling along with what little bit of creditability that he imagined that he had.

I also wonder how many of his embarrassed sixty have been divorced?

Anonymous said...

For days I have seen videos posted on You Tube by wherethebiblespeaks on the debate of Johnny Robertson and Bob Lawson. There were posted in parts up to part 9.

I can no longer locate these particular videos. I am wondering if wherethebiblespeaks has taken them off for some reason. I can only locate two videos on that debate now on youtube and they were posted by Biblesaystv.

If these videos have been removed I would consider that would be very deceptive.

Anonymous said...

The excuse for removing the videos from youtube

Re: Johnny Robertson Videos
Paul was doing quite a bit of work with the page and all and has decided to sit back and breath and leave me (Andrew) in control of the content. I hate that you have been troubled by your comments being removed and do apologize. I assure you, nothing has been, or will be deleted for unfair reasons. Although I found the lawson debate entertaining, I didn't see it of much spiritual profit. It was less of a religious nature, and more of a debate of personal matters between Johnny and Bob. When I seen things like bickering over "double-breasted suites" and what not, I decided it didn't promote enough spiritual truth. There were some topics in it that were of use, but I believe the bitterness of it all overlapped that. For a similar reason I deleted all the "shorts" on the debate I had with Jake. (Internetdisciple) I decided to let the full debate speak for itself. I might make videos later, and include loops of such, but I will be on camera discussing it. I also deleted my "communion video" because I plan, Lord willing, to make another. To the displeasure of many, I'm sure, I will be deleting many more vids of Johnny and James, because there are some important doctrines, which they hold and teach, which I strongly disagree with. I haven't quite decided what and when yet, or exactly what I'll do with everything of theirs, but I will most assuredly delete all of James' videos for some doctrines that he has taught on TV as of late, that are contrary to the Gospel. I have much respect for James, as he is a kind, and intelligent man, but that cuts not stuff with me, for teaching false doctrine. - Andrew