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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Elementary students made to praise Maximum Leader Obama with song

More and more, I'm finding that this "cult of Barack Obama" to be less laughable and more disturbing. No elected official in the United States should ever be the subject of a praise song. Not even the President. That position is merely the most important of a body of public servants.

But watching this video shot at B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, New Jersey this past June, I'm reminded too much of young Russian children who got instilled with the belief that Josef Stalin was a god on Earth to be adored and worshiped. Or Kim Jung Il's cult of personality in North Korea...

And here are the lyrics...

Hmm, hmm, hmm
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must all lend a hand
To make this Country strong again

Hmm, hmm, hmm
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay

Hmm, hmm, hmm
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we all must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance

Hmm, hmm, hmm
Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black, or white,
All are equal in his sight

Hmm, hmm, hmm
Barack Hussein Obama
Yes, hmm, hmm, hmm
Barack Hussein Obama

And there are some other lines in this song too, about "Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!" and "For all your great accomplishments, we all do say "hooray!" and how Obama is "number one!"

But the one that bothers me most is "Red, yellow, black, or white, All are equal in his sight..." If you know anything about little kiddies' Bible school songs, then you'll recognize that whoever wrote this crap is definitely equating Obama with Jesus Christ.

I don't know how much plainer I can put it without going too far in violating the mores of polite society: this sort of insanity pisses me off! And I don't care who it is that little kids like these are being made to exalt. I didn't like how those Christian youths were whipped into a George W. Bush-worshiping frenzy in the Jesus Camp documentary (that's the second time I've mentioned that film on this blog in the past 24 hours) and I like it not more or less here either. But it certainly does seem like it's becoming an increasingly public occurrence to bestow upon Obama the quality of apotheosis.

This isn't a "Democrat" or "Republican" thing. This is about whether we will choose to be a people of free mind and good conscience.

"...but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
And anyone else can go pound sand.

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Anonymous said...

Amazing that they would practice singing such a heretical song (and I use that word from a patriotic standpoint as well as a religious one).

What happened to "My Country Tis of Thee" or "The Star Spangled Banner"? They're teaching kids songs of praise of the President and not the country?

These teachers should be busted down to cleaning dirty ashtrays for this. If I was a parent of one these children, I would have been livid.

~Melinda said...

I agree this is quite disturbing. I have to wonder what the teacher/s were trying to accomplish with this? Perhaps they wanted the spotlight like the Ron Clark Academy kids got during the election? (http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/19/singing.school.kids/index.html) Regardless, I agree that we shouldn't be encouraging children to sing praises to anyone but the Lord!

That said, I wish America the Beautiful was the National Anthem instead of the Star Spangled Banner. I don't like singing about war. :)

PapaBear007 said...

People I am afraid that the End of Times is very near at hand...but then again I feel like there is fixing to be a rebellion or a Revolution is going to happen again..This deal NO President should be praised as a God because God will strike him down with lightning...

Sally said...

I, too, would be completely hauling my kids out of a school that allowed/encouraged such a thing, and I don't care WHICH president was in office. I'm so radical that I think that doing 'word searches' as a school activity (busy work) is a complete time-waster. (If you think your kids aren't doing that, better check again).

So just wait til Christmas (sorry)...'winter holidays' roll around in just a few months. Since the kids were allowed to sing songs of praise and support to the president, maybe they can work out some sort of deal and let them sing appropriately-themed holiday songs containing or suggesting the word 'Christmas'?

What a concept....

Anonymous said...

This is wrong on so many levels. I too feel there is a rebellion on the horizon.

I would be so infuriated if my children went to this school. I believe I would be seeking justice from the school board in allowing this. If they were not aware of this teacher (?) and what whe was teaching these young minds, then somone should lose their position.

I do not want my children singing the praises of Obama; I would definitely prefer they sing and learn, The National Anthem, My Country tis of Thee, The Star Spangled Banner; reciting the Pledge of Allegiance (which is almost unheard of these days), to learn how great this country is. These teachings will stay with the child forever. Praise belongs to OUR SAVIOR, NOT Obama

PapaBear007 said...

I agree with you Anonymous, We should be praising OUR SAVIOR. I think that the Rebellion will start pretty soon if things keep going like they are going on my Blog I have a Poem about War you should ought to read it sometime.


When the time comes the Rebellion will lay the smack down on the government because where I am from there is talk of it everyday.

Anonymous said...

First, Congratulations !! First topic to draw more than 4 comments that has nothing to do with Johnny Robertson. You might want to pursue this Glen Beck type news thing. It's playing well.

Second, I wouldn't get TOO excited about either this or the Jesus Camp thing since neither president had anything to do with them. You know, there are wing nuts on both sides. Where else would we get our entertainment? I might suggest occasionally looking for news sources other than Fox or the blogs.

Thirdly, what type of government are we going to install after the "Rebellion"?(I like the capitalization and also the wreslin' smack down reference) Does the Rebellion have an end plan or is it just kind of generally running amok? Either sounds fun.


PapaBear007 said...

The people of this Country will decide which one that they want. I just posted a Rant about the Wake Up Call for America on my blog. Whatever happens its going to shake the foundation of this country like it did during the Civil War.

Anonymous said...

OK, get back to me when they decide. I'm a little hesitant about supporting a nebulous Rebellion.


PapaBear007 said...

You got to think that a rebellion is going take time, but I hope that our elected officials can take care of things before they get way out of hand because if not then it will be another civil war before too long, or if OUR SAVIOR comes back. But we the people need to stand against this tyrant

Hall Monitor said...

This story made http://detentionslip.org ! Check it out for all the crazy headlines from our schools and more controversial Obama news.

Anonymous said...

We don't need a civil war or rebellion. We need to elect someone new come the midterm elections. We also need to look beyond the old Dem and Rep candidates and find some good third party folks (maybe libertarians, maybe something else) and shake things up that way.