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So according to former Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway in this video produced with the Department of Homeland Security, you are a potential terrorist if you: have guns, use binoculars, take pictures, use e-mail, talk on the telephone, give to charity, buy gold, look at the time on your watch, and plenty of other things that you otherwise would never have thought would be incriminating behavior.
Behold our government's latest performance of Security Theatre:
This is more than ridiculous. The people of Colorado and all Americans should feel insulted by their own government, that it would even suggest that we are as cowed and paranoid as this video suggests. What the #&@$ was Elway thinking when he agreed to help make this crap?
Couldnt help but notice how the suspected terrorists in the video are all lilly white. Apparently the government didnt want to offend any brown skinned terrorists.
Hmm So surveillance is a trait, doesn't the CoC do this to their targets?
Using vision enhancing devices, oh like a camera?
Solicitation again another CoC trait!
Trespassing on property ding ding another CoC trait.
Funding funnel money from Charitable organizations again Ding Ding Ding!
Alias isn't Religious Review in fact an alias?
Wow JR a terrorist who would have thunk it! ;)
Sorry it was just to tempting to leave this be! ;)
Couldnt help but notice how the suspected terrorists in the video are all lilly white. Apparently the government didnt want to offend any brown skinned terrorists.
I guess I can take Colorado off my list of vacation spots. Oh! Wait! I'm not a fan of that state anyway and don't think I ever left anything there.
Those willing to give up essential freedoms for temporary security deserve neither.
I think you are being a little harsh on someone that was trying to create public awareness about a serious issue.
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