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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

BioShock cosplay recreates Rapture at the Georgia Aquarium (WOW!!!)

This is about the most crazy awesome astonishing thing that I have seen all month...

Folks, that is NOT from a BioShock video game! Harrison Krix out of Atlanta built that unbelievably sweet Big Daddy costume, then contacted reps with the Georgia Aquarium and got some time scheduled there for a photoshoot. With Harrison in his Big Daddy gear and his fiancée in decrepit dress and scary makeup as a Little Sister, they brought Rapture to life amid real sharks and jellyfish.

Click here for MANY more images of Harrison Krix's BioShock session at the Georgia Aquarium, including some that Harrison has made wallpaper size for your desktop (and they will certainly be made useful, of that there is no doubt :-)


AfterShock said...

That is just frickin' AWESOME! Good job Harrison!


Donna Thorne said...

I am impressed to know that there are Christian cosplayers in North Carolina. I wasn't even sure there were cosplayers (period) in North Carolina!