100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

As of this evening...

I have officially begun production of my first real film project in more than three years.

And it feels great!

What's happened since Schrodinger's Bedroom in 2007? A heapin' helpin' of real life stuff, most of which I ain't even begun to intimate at on this blog. Yah, last summer we destroyed Burlington, North Carolina with giant monsters and it was a hoot. But I've been dying to do something that will engage my creative juices for more than a weekend's worth of work :-)

And there have been a lot of ideas that I want to follow through on (including Keys, the script for which has been done for quite some time now) but I'm holding off on those for the time being, for various reasons.

This one though, feels just right. For me as a person, and also as a filmmaker for the much-needed jumpstart/kick in the pants that I need.

This is probably the craziest project that I've worked on yet.

Lord willing we'll start filming later this spring. The title role has already been cast (it ain't me, and it's no one who's done a KWerky Productions film with us before). But there'll be plenty of room for involvement. So if you're in North Carolina or Virginia or thereabouts and if you can act or come up with music (especially music) or have some firearms that you can loan us, write us at kwerkyproductions@gmail.com and tell us what ya got!


eric w. said...

I've got a double barrel 410 you can borrow (I don't think they make 'em anymore) and you can borrow me.. I'm in.

Chris Knight said...

Yeah that'd be great! BTW do you still have your priest's collar from when we did The Best Christmas Pageant Ever?

eric WILSON said...

This is Eric WILSON from Concord! And sorry, but no, I don't think I've EVER have one of those!

Chris Knight said...

D'oh!! My bad Eric :-) Well it's the other Eric who I've seen with a sho... nevermind.

Dude, YEAH!! Come on up for this!! :-)

Chris Knight said...

And for some reason, shotguns have figured a lot on the blog today anyway...

Danny de Gracia II said...

LOL ... let me do a cameo! I can play a government official :D

James S. Hodges said...

Hey Chris,

You can get a priest/clergy collar at the Reidsville Bible & Bookstore. They are in the reference section in the back left-hand corner. I can get if for you if you like.

-James S. Hodges

Chris Knight said...

Hey James, I heard from the other Eric tonight and he's bringing his collar and more guns.

But now look what you done did man! Now I gotta put YOU in this production too :-)

James S. Hodges said...

LOL...just let me know. I like this kind of stuff. If you go on youtube and look up 'Smith vs. Dynamite' (a parody combination of The Matrix and Napoleon Dynamite) I play one of the agents in the interrogation room.