...But I couldn't resist posting and sharing this next item, because it is a positivalutely brilliant and exceptionally clever point.
A reader named Jessica e-mailed me the following thought this afternoon:
"Johnny Robertson makes salvation complicated for simple people. Jesus Christ makes salvation simple for complicated people."Very, very true.
And that's something that doesn't just pertain to, as one person put it, "Hypocrites On Parade". It applies to a lot of people.
It's something to think about for anyone who believes that we have to somehow "earn" or "merit" our salvation by being perfect in every way imaginable. When in truth, such a thing is simply not possible!
God isn't waiting for us to be "correct" in our spirituality, in our doctrine, or whatever. God is waiting for us to do nothing more than to desire Him and to cry out for His grace... because without that grace alone, we are lost.
We are taught from scripture that "Ask, seek, and ye shall find." That is a promise. To those who seek, however it is that they might be seeking, they will certainly find. Maybe not to our own satisfaction, but certainly to God's.
Who are any of us then to complicate the matter with our own expectations?
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