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Thursday, September 02, 2010

Bev Perdue - AKA "Worst Governor EVER" - suspends gun rights STATEWIDE ahead of Hurrican Earl (what the?!?)

Just got the word from Matt Mittan that North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue - also known on this blog as "Worst Governor EVER!" - has suspended the rights of North Carolina residents to "to use or carry firearms outside their premises" during the state of emergency declared for Hurricane Earl, currently taking aim at our coast.

Here's what really raised my eyebrows: this is apparently a STATEWIDE suspension, and not merely along the North Carolina coast. In other words, folks around Sylva, Waynesville and other fine places waaay out in the North Carolina mountains are also affected by the gun rights suspension... even though it's extremely doubtful that they will be affected by Earl in the least bit.

What the hell is Governor Perdue thinking?!

I would like for someone to show me where this is just a matter for the coastal areas. But even if that were the case, it does not make me feel the least bit comfortable that Perdue has taken it upon herself to say that the Second Amendment no longer applies, regardless of how big or small an area is affected by Earl.

And then the woman has the gall to say that those who decide to ride it out are "on your own". So what are they supposed to use to defend themselves against potential looters? Like the guy in Aliens suggested: "harsh language"?

This woman hasn't a clue. Like too damn many other elected officials in this country.

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Anonymous said...

She's not letting a good crisis go to waste.

Brian Fesperman said...

Ahhh, the beauty of Emergency Executive Powers...

I can hear the thoughts of all those would be looters:

"Oh, damn, now I can't go looting because it's illegal to carry my gun. Oh, what to do?"

Gun laws and door locks, as always, only apply to those that obey the law. Moves like these only encourage those with malignant intentions.

Anonymous said...

Amazing, the people we elect these days.

Ed B said...

Have to love regulations. What's next, a ban on guns when it snows hard in Asheville?

Anonymous said...

It's the exact same executive order every other NC governor has issued in a weather related emergency. A quick Google will find twenty NRA and Libertarian references but not a single main stream news organization carrying this "story". Non-news. Quit jerking your knee.

Chris Knight said...

"It's the exact same executive order every other NC governor has issued in a weather related emergency."

No, it is not. I can't remember this EVER happening before, much less statewide for what was always projected to at most be a regional event.

"A quick Google will find twenty NRA and Libertarian references but not a single main stream news organization carrying this "story"."

I sincerely hope you are someone who does not rely solely on "main stream news organizations" to get your news and information.

Anonymous said...

Hurricane Ophelia in 2006, Hurricane Ike in 2008 ... exact same order, state wide. I don't depend solely on "main stream news organizations" and I certainly don't put much credence in special interest group "news releases" where you obtained this "news".

Anonymous said...

Point being: Regardless of if/when it has been done before makes no impact on its necessity or sensibility.

Why is everyone content with the status quo?

Anonymous said...

Actually, there have been attempts to be more specific in the law, but the Democrats have blocked it at every turn.


jessicaash@aol.com said...

Don't know about anyone else, but if I get a warning about a hurricane or tornado or major storm, my first thought ISN'T about guns. I'm more concerned with whether I have bottled water, flashlight batteries, matches and candles, canned food, etc. (Somehow I don't think our guns are going to drive the weather spirits away...)